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Old 19-03-2008, 23:58   #1487
RIP Tigger - 12 years?!
Join Date: Jul 2005
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Age: 58
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Anonymouse has a bronzed appealAnonymouse has a bronzed appeal
Anonymouse has a bronzed appealAnonymouse has a bronzed appealAnonymouse has a bronzed appealAnonymouse has a bronzed appealAnonymouse has a bronzed appealAnonymouse has a bronzed appealAnonymouse has a bronzed appealAnonymouse has a bronzed appeal
Angry I Got A Reply To My Dpa Letter!

- by email, that is. Go figure. I send a letter by registered post and they reply with an email (subject: 'Your Recent Enquiry' - what the hell? What "enquiry"?!). Says it all, really, doesn't it?

And the best they can do, it seems, is to include in it a link to the page about Webwise on their own site! Oh, come ON!!!

Did whoever read that letter actually read it? I serve them a DPA notice that I don't want anything whatsoever to do with this - and never mind all this opt-in/opt-out cobblers - and all they can think of is to direct me to a page which doesn't really answer anyone's questions? Unbelievable. Do they want our custom or don't they? If not they should damn well say so and we'll all go and make BE or whoever very happy.

Virgin, for the last time: We. Do. Not. Need. Webwise. Browsers have such filters built-in now; this is not 1988. Where have you been?!

I've made up my mind. It's going to be a total pain, but if I can't trust my ISP, if they can't even give me a proper reply to a legitimate concern, then I don't want to know - if they implement this I'm off, end of. It's too risky, to say nothing of being extremely offensive re their attitude towards their subscribers.

(However, if the mods don't mind I'd like to stay on this board, if only to keep up on events.)
"People tend to confuse the words 'new' and 'improved'."
- Agent Phil Coulson, S.H.I.E.L.D.
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