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Old 10-01-2012, 15:31   #25
Posts: n/a
Re: Will Scotland Leave the UK?

This something over indulgent politicians like to raise as an issue it isn't something i think the vast majority of scots either think about or care about and certainly have no intention of changing. Salmond i don't know even by political standards which for me are as low as can be right now just seems slimy and unpleasant he is a one view person who sits hoping for events to turn the world to his personal wants.

I think there is as much chance of scotland voting for independence as there is of a cure for my illness being announced in the next week it simply isn't going to happen no matter how much some up there might want it. But if major IF they did vote yes then fine split whats already there and then not a single penny more going north of the border that happens you'll have another vote within two years for rejoining the union.
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