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Old 23-12-2016, 22:10   #1266
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Re: US Election 2016

Originally Posted by martyh View Post
maybe that's because of what he said .He really can't keep saying stuff like "i want to increase our nuclear weapons" and "i want to build a wall to keep foreigners out" and not expect people to react .If he does increase Americas nuclear weapons stock as his *tweets* suggest he wants to then the rest of the world should put a stop to him

They need to take his tweeting machine off him the idiot is a menace to the rest of the world
I don't see anything that he has said which makes him a menace. If it was suppose to spook Russia up, it did not, they laughed and agreed with him and besides, he said at the end of the tweet the world needs to come to it's senses regarding nukes, this to me suggests a peaceful approach would be preferred, that makes total sense to me and makes him far from a being a menace.

You see this is where you follow the gutter press and get it wrong like others, he is not wanting to build a wall to keep foreigners out, he wants to keep ILLEGAL immigrants out and that is the difference here, he is for immigrants but they must apply the legal way, wtf is wrong with that? Bloody nothing as far as I am concerned.

You say he should be stopped for wanting to build his nukes up, by rest of the world, I don't see anybody being brave enough to be stopping Russia at this current time, what makes you think they (rest of world), could stop Trump if he really wanted to do it ? Huh? - Don't you think that should be the same for Russia too, that rest of world should stop them building their nukes up, not that it would do any good, they been building them up for years with impunity ?

What about North Korea? Iran ? Don't see anyone bleating on that rest of the world needs to stop their Nukes program. The UN goes on and on with itself about every time North Korea, does a Nuclear Test, the UN 'condemns it in the strongest possible terms.' Blah blah, we hear it every time but nothing gets done about it and North Korea does it again and again.

You see, it seems to be a more of a case of, let's attack Trump, just because it's Trump and it's getting rather tedious listening to all the whinging and complaining about him, when if it had been her, we probably be experiencing a world apocalypse by now.
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