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Old 15-04-2014, 10:51   #1144
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Re: Will Scotland Leave the UK?

Originally Posted by Derek View Post
Beats me. The SNP have always been very Pro-EU and it mystifies me why they are so desperate to go from one union to another.
Because the elephant in the room is the Seps' visceral hatred of England and the English. Eck has worked very, very hard to bury that inconvenient fact to the point where there are now plenty of useful (English) idiots in Scotland that cheer on the idea of "independence", but that simmering, festering hatred is, beneath it all, what this is all about.

The Seps know, and loathe, the fact that the Union with the English gives Scotland an economic stability it would lack if it were truly out in the world on its own so they seek to replace that union with one of a different kind. Union with the Brussels machine, as a very junior partner with little influence, would ensure "independent" Scotland would be anything but. But Brussels isn't London, and that's all that matters.

Anyone But England, as they say. How sad that there are people who want to take a taunt off the football terraces and actually apply it to their entire national future.
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