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Old 12-04-2014, 04:58   #65
Join Date: Apr 2014
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Re: Kelly Communications

Originally Posted by DLM2310 View Post
I know this is an old thread but please read and take note:

I cannot stress enough as a partner of an ex-Kelly Communications/Fault Finder Engineer -and this is very much my own personal opinion from my perspective of this company.........


My partner was paid on average less a week than I was paid per day, in fact I can't remember any given week he earned more in a week than I earned in a day (ok so I am on a good daily rate but really.....he has far more technical qualifications and experience than me)

They sent him everywhere but the area where he lived, he worked no more than 3 weeks out of 7 months anywhere close to where we live and he has never had a job in the city we live in hmmmmmmm.

On his last day they couldn't have got him further from home if they tried apart from maybe sending him to Scotland which just goes to show as far as I can see the mentality of the company (my personal opinion). On his second from last day, they didn't give him any work at all, I can only guess that was suppose to be some glitchy-ish thingy (probably an IT thingy thing) hmmmmmmm

They would drop early morning meetings on him at the last minute and disrupt my early morning pre-arranged, pre-planned, well organised (some of us can plan more than 12 hours in advance) meetings and we have a child where childcare and drop off had to be arranged in advance.

His training was at best basic and he had no real on-going mentoring.

I would never have taken the communications from my managers that I saw come through from his and I work in a very male dominated industry but I have yet to have a manager speak to me in the context he received that I saw.

I have a son who is of army joining age and quite honestly (and you will not very often if ever hear a loving, committed and doting mother say this), I would rather he joined the army and fought on the front line in The Helmand Province than work for this company and that is my very honest heartfelt personal opinion, at least he would have a decent wage in comparison, some respect for his skills and role, decent training, relevant equipment and some self-respect.

Anyway, that's my opinion, take on-board what you will but this is my own personal opinion based on what I have seen, heard and lived. I begged my partner to give his job up and he didn't put up much of a fight about it, says alot in itself. I have even offered to pay any and all of his costs that he is required to pay such a training costs etc so that he can leave the company, that is how unhappy I am/was with him working for the company.

I actually worked out that he would take home more net earnings a week if he worked in a local shop on minimum wage between 9am - 3pm and I paid him £4.00 per hour childcare fees that I pay to our childminder (£95 per week).
I wish I'd seen this 10 days ago. I've just come off one of their courses and wish I hadn't bothered.

1) Originally I was told it was £40 a job only to discover its £25 when I get there. No guarantees of how many jobs were mentioned. + other were saying you'll end up work 12-13 hours a day!!

2) HR wouldn't put anything in writing despite asking twice. The only thing they put in writing was the course info ( where / when and how long for and they even got that wrong )

3) Zero tolerance in drink and drugs. Understandable to a point but it was explain that even the smallest drop detected would result in dismissal. Bear in mind this is a course, we were told if we went to the bar to get a drink we'd be asked to leave!!

4) If you get to a job and you spend a few hours on it and can't rectify it, you get £10( that's would work out to be less than minimum wage )

5) during the course we were shown slides of peoples parking with the course tutor bragging about who he sacked for trivial reasons.

6) They wouldn't answer my questions on parking in the area I live in.

7 You don't work for Kelly you work for some umbrella company called work force. Look like kelly have completely disassociated themselves from the people doing the work.

8 The number of tests you given is bordering on stupid according to the people who fed up with the second week of the course that I spoke to.

9 If you leave with 12 months you owe Kelly communications £500!

10) There's a £1000 insurance excess on damage to the van. YOU PAY THAT!!

11)Your van will be randomly followed. They're waiting for you to not cone you van off or park up a kerb. In parts of London you'll struggle not to.

Not allowed to nip into Tescos with the van. What kind of nonsense is this!!

To be honest the list goes on and on. I only lasted a couple of days before I walked out.
This has to be the *****tiest company I've ever come across. They don't give a flying F about their employees .. sorry slaves.
so I'm really not surprised to hear all the bad stories about $****** service. Its probably because the installer is so naffed off with his job he's passed the attitude over to the customers.

The people I spoke to on the course were there for a JOB not a career. Everyone knew after a couple of hours on day one that this was not a career move it's just a job until they could find something else.

Why BT has given this company a contract is beyond me. I've not heard or read one good about them.
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