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Old 11-01-2017, 17:27   #89
Posts: n/a
Re: Crisis in the NHS

I have to be basically dying before i'll make a GP appointment and the usual wait means i'm over most things by the time i'd get an appointment so it works for me. My GP is constantly telling me he should see me more often due to my issue's but we compromise i promise to see him once a year and that i'll make an appointment if anything gets too serious but on the odd occasion i go to the surgery it's always full and most rarely get in at their time. A lot of people do seem to go for the daftest reasons though and for things people over a certain age seem to not feel warrants a GP visit there is definately an age gap issue with regards attitudes.

I do think it's time to enforce financial penalty's for not attending appointments as that's another problem i see and talking to staff it's a daily issue. I don't pretend to have the answers to the problems the NHS faces beyond the obvious ones but hopefully we will get someone that does have some if not most answers but that isn't jeremy hunt as low standard as many of our politicians are he's managed to set the bar lower everytime it counts.
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