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Old 17-08-2009, 14:09   #29
Posts: n/a
Re: disability living allowance

How successful you will be in claiming DLA comes down to how you answer the questions on the form it is that simple you have to look at the questions in a very non specific way and answer accordingly. When i claimed first and second time i was told that pain and suffering in doing an activity was irrelevent and it was purely down to whether i could do it. As an example the how far can you walk well i can walk fifty metres and that was all they wanted to know they didn't care how much pain or discomfort i was in doing that purely that i could walk it.

So you have to take pain and discomfort into account yourself when answering their questions and if doing anything causes you pain then you say no you cannot do it even though you can. Adopting that approach i was able to finally get the level of DLA that everyone in the medical community that deals with me felt i should be getting. I despise the current system because it plays on the pride and stubbornness of claimants in not wanting to fully admit how limited we are and how much we struggle to do even simple things.
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