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Old 13-03-2017, 05:21   #732
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Re: U.S President: Donald Trump

Given how many americans loathe both the tsa and fema i think trump has again cemented his core support, we are judging all this without understanding the americans that voted for trump or the reasons many of them voted anti establishment. I think that was the key to trumps victory not that people are overly supportive of him or even like him but that he was a complete break from an establishment that a majority of americans feel has failed them and isn't representive of them and trump was just the only option to express that. What I've noticed over the last few years amongst the americans i chat with is a growing anti government sentiment and an exasperation with how the government operates.

That's from both democrat and republican voters theres something very wrong in the US and while i don't think trump will solve it he at least recognises it exists unlike the democrats who still haven't woken up yet.