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Old 13-03-2012, 22:26   #30
cf.mega poster
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Arthurgray50@blu has a bronzed appealArthurgray50@blu has a bronzed appeal
Arthurgray50@blu has a bronzed appealArthurgray50@blu has a bronzed appealArthurgray50@blu has a bronzed appealArthurgray50@blu has a bronzed appealArthurgray50@blu has a bronzed appealArthurgray50@blu has a bronzed appealArthurgray50@blu has a bronzed appealArthurgray50@blu has a bronzed appealArthurgray50@blu has a bronzed appealArthurgray50@blu has a bronzed appealArthurgray50@blu has a bronzed appealArthurgray50@blu has a bronzed appealArthurgray50@blu has a bronzed appealArthurgray50@blu has a bronzed appealArthurgray50@blu has a bronzed appealArthurgray50@blu has a bronzed appealArthurgray50@blu has a bronzed appealArthurgray50@blu has a bronzed appealArthurgray50@blu has a bronzed appealArthurgray50@blu has a bronzed appeal
Re: Universal Credit

The item was on Sky news with two people discussing it, one was a Tory MP and the other was a woman from Mums-net.

They were saying that Mums net were talking about when Universal Credit comes out in the budget thousand of mums who IN work will have to leave work as the benefits that they to keep them in work will be scrapped under the UC scheme.

What this government has to do is provide work and benefit that fits the bill, so if you take a low paid job, by insistence of the government, then you must have a benefit to put you into a 'living standard' benefit.

Its similar to job seekers allowance, they claim how much the government feel you are paid a benefit above the povery line.
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