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Old 15-02-2015, 21:37   #14
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Osem is seeing silvered starsOsem is seeing silvered starsOsem is seeing silvered starsOsem is seeing silvered starsOsem is seeing silvered starsOsem is seeing silvered starsOsem is seeing silvered stars
Osem is seeing silvered starsOsem is seeing silvered starsOsem is seeing silvered starsOsem is seeing silvered starsOsem is seeing silvered starsOsem is seeing silvered starsOsem is seeing silvered starsOsem is seeing silvered starsOsem is seeing silvered starsOsem is seeing silvered starsOsem is seeing silvered starsOsem is seeing silvered starsOsem is seeing silvered stars
Re: gps phone tracking advice required

Just read something in the news about this subject and as time's moved on and his circumstances are changing so as to make this issue more pressing, I thought we'd better try to sort something out. I can see there are now a number of apps available which purport to offer a tracking service so does anyone here have any experience of them? What we need is something we, and possibly other carers, can use to find him if he wanders off or gets lost. He always carries a rucksack in which we would place the phone but won't be able to operate anything so what's required is just something which sits there and allows people to check where he is from time to time and in real time. Obviously if he was found by someone, we'd be hoping they'd make contact with us in the normal manner via the phone.

TIA as always.
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