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Old 10-04-2014, 11:50   #77
richard s
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richard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful one
Re: Oscar Pistorius arrested after fatal shooting.

The truth I feel is that they had an argument, she ran to the loo and would not come out, he tried to break the door down with the cricket bat... that failed.. and then he got his gun and tried to shoot the lock open... intentional murder I do not think so.
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