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Old 17-02-2017, 08:51   #245
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Re: U.S President: Donald Trump

The problem is, almost everyone in the UK seems to be looking at the man rather than his policies, many of which make sense.

Standing up against globalisation and supporting the Sovereign State.

Bringing industry and jobs back to the US, which the globalists outsourced to other countries to take advantage of cheap labour.

Strong borders, which are so needed in these days of radical Islam, and not being afraid to stand up to the politically correct brigade.

Trying to get something done about inner cities, which seems to be being hampered by the Democrats according to the section on that in the speech yesterday.

Trying to get rid of the 'money for access' situation which has been out of control for years in US politics; draining the swamp.

Choosing a supreme court judge who believes in the constitution, rather than an ultra Liberal judge that Hillary would have appointed.

Also his intentions seem to be to stand for traditional moral standards, rather than the politically correct very liberal path that Obama took the US down, and Hillary would have taken further.

And it is essential for the US, to have a President who strongly backs Israel; Obama failed on that, and Hillary would have been the same.

No one denies that Trump is an egotist and, like all of us, has many character flaws, but to me, it is like a breath of fresh air to have a politician who tells it like he sees it.

---------- Post added at 08:51 ---------- Previous post was at 08:46 ----------

Originally Posted by Damien View Post
People should just keep calling him out when he lies. A good moment at that press conference above is when a reporter challenges him on the claim that he had the largest electoral college victory since Reagan:

Now people will say that it's a waste of time. His supporters will claim it's FAKE NEWS and Trump did win the biggest electoral college just as 'he won the popular vote' but those people will never be reached anyway, trying to please them is a waste of time. Everyone else can see from just a cursory glance it's a lie.

Don't disagree; if he gets something wrong he should be called out on it. He did say several times in the speech that he has no issues with that
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