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Old 16-04-2014, 08:40   #149
richard s
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richard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful onerichard s is the helpful one
Re: What have you fixed lately?

Originally Posted by Taf View Post
Solar LED strings in the garden. They are marked as "outdoor" but corrode very quickly (especially the battery contacts and the switches). Luckily I have fibreglass cleaning sticks.

One good tip I have discovered is to use silicon spray on the solar panel, this keeps it clean, algae free and more water resistant.
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