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Old 19-11-2005, 02:49   #1532
Location: Cambridge
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Re: [Merged] The Football Thread 2005/2006 Season

Originally Posted by BBKing
Are most United fans (proper ones, not plastic ones from Tunbridge):

The ones I know are firmly in b. PR crisis, as I said.
a) Behind the manager and glad to see the back of the troublesome Mr. Keane
I am behind Manchester United the football club, no one person is greater than the club itself, not Keane or even Sir Alex Ferguson.

Troublesome ? You only have to looke here to see that his record over the years is impeccable
He was a great team leader on the pitch, even though his reputation sometimes preceded him.

b) Behind Mr. Keane and highly p!ssed off at the manner of his departure
Obviously the manner of his departure is open to speculation from the media and such like, a player of his age with such a long service would normally see out their contract, but on this ocassion, the media have probably got the reasons about right.
He is 35 next birthday and was probably on his way out of the door anyway.
The club will move on from this as will the fans given time, although I think his name will be chanted on the terraces for many matches to come.

The name of Roy Keane will be written in the history of the club as one of the legends.

Time to move on methinks.