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Old 29-01-2005, 02:25   #15
dr wadd
Posts: n/a
Re: Nintendo DS Released in UK on 11th March 2005

Originally Posted by Halcyon
The DS seems to be dedicated to gaming whilst the PSP wants to bang in everything it can and will probably need loads of expensive little add on's to actually use the other features.
I've seen a friend's PSP and the main thing I found limiting about it was the lack of a hard drive. I know the DS doesn`t have a hard either, but then it doesn`t really need one. Given the fact that PSP can play movies that you've encoded yourself I don`t think the memory sticks cut it. I want portable video as well and since the PSP isn`t going to do that well enough for me it has slipped down the list of purchasing priorities, got an Archos AV480 instead with 80gig of storage
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