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Old 09-12-2017, 09:03   #1197
cf.mega poster
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GrimUpNorth has a nice shiny star
Re: Brexit discussion

So what have we learned this past week or so?

We've learnt that "brexit means brexit" and "we've done shed loads of impact assessments" both seem to be phrases the government have plucked from their 'Conservative Big Book Of Things To Say When You're In A Hole'.

I would imagine some of our more hard-line Eurosceptic are sitting quietly in a darkened room hence why we've not heard much from them. Don't worry guys, just console yourselves with the thought of how much worse the deal would have been if we'd of had the soft swivel eyed lefties from Labour running the show instead of the hard as nails no nonsense no backing down Conservatives.

If it's true the PM had to ask the EU to cut her some slack so she could survive politically then the EU must be running their hands with glee about the upcoming talks next year.


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