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Old 10-11-2017, 17:38   #42
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Re: More VM Jobs could be lost to the Philippines.

Originally Posted by OLD BOY View Post
I don't see why. We have full employment now and young people are offered apprenticeships instead of benefits to help them get a foot up the ladder.

Virgin Media is not a social service anyway, it is a business. Using foreign call centres saves money, and that helps to ensure prices don't go up even higher. People keep moaning about price increases and then people moan again when the company tries to do something about it. They can't win.

The generalised comments I am hearing sound to me as if they betray a bit of a racist attitude. I have received good service from all of Virgin's call centres. I had an Indian gentleman dealing with a computer problem I had about three years ago, and although it was a little difficult to understand him at times, he was very patient and about 20 minutes later he had solved my problem.

I keep hearing these stories from the usual suspects on here, and yet not once have I come across a problem of rude or unhelpful people at Virgin Media, whether I've dealt with a call centre based in the UK or one based in India. I have not yet dealt with a call centre in the Phillipines, so I can't vouch for them.

My advice to anyone who is always getting the response they say they are getting is to examine their own behaviour before blaming anyone else for not getting satisfaction.
We don't have full employment and never will again. The Government is going to have to do something about the massive job losses caused by automation, companies using foreign cheap labour and immigration policy.

As others have said, the increased employment is due to people having to take part time, temporary and zero hours contracts (whilst being told that they cannot take another job with another employer to boost their hours/income).

Zero hours contracts do have a place in society, I myself am now on one as I cannot guarantee that I will be able to work due to my brain damage.

The vast number of unemployed people want to work, in addition do you really think that one can just walk into a Jobcentre and claim benefits without having to prove that you are available for and active seeking work?

If you still think that they are all lazy, have a chat to some of these people:

Take a look at Osems thread about automation:

I wondered how long it would be before the R word was brought up, someone once said to me that criticising black people was a racist act! None of us is above criticism.

I acknowledge that some of them are capable of doing the job as I have had experience of this too, but have had far more bad experiences of ridiculous and bizarre conversations eg one didn't even know what a V6 was!

Employing cheap foreign labour doesn't keep down prices, it increases profits as VM will charge the maximum that the market (or individual customers) will stand.

Nobody has thus far made any mention of rudeness or anyond being deliberately unhelpful, it appears to be down to their lack of ability to speak English well enough.

How on Earth can any cases of poor English causing problems be the fault of any customer

---------- Post added at 17:38 ---------- Previous post was at 17:34 ----------

Originally Posted by spiderplant View Post
I can't believe you posted that on an internet forum. Think of all the messenger-boys you've put out of work!

Your argument is based on the mistaken belief that there is a fixed amount of work to do. There isn't. As jobs are replaced by automation or off-shoring, the economy grows, and new and hgher-value jobs are created.

Despite all the automation and off-shoring that's already happened, UK employment is at an all-time high.
You make a good point, but in the future I believe that a growing economy will not be able to make up for the forthcoming job losses due to automation, extra requirement for jobs as our population increases ever more and the outsourcing of jobs overseas (whether or not they are capable of doing the job to an acceptable standard).
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