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Old 22-10-2017, 15:39   #46
cf.mega poster
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RichardCoulter has disabled reputation
Re: Are VM frontline staff now discouraged from escalating customer issues?

Originally Posted by Mr Banana View Post
Has it ever occurred to you that we all are aware that you have a disability, so you really don't need to mention it time after time after time?
It's important for people to be aware of the full facts so that they can make an informed choice of how best to proceed. Your suggestion that every single member on this forum is aware of my difficulties is utterly ridiculous, most won't be aware and those that do, won't wish to use the forum as a vehicle of spite, harrassment, discrimination etc.

Thus far, your only contributions to this thread have had no bearing upon the salient topic being discussed.

Originally Posted by Mythica View Post
You don't own the forum so there for if you mention your disability expect people to to talk about it. I'm not sure were you get off to tell people to stop talking about your disabilities while you can keep talking about them. What a strange post this is.
I have not "told" anybody what to do as I do not have the authority as an individual to do so. Upon the advice of my Disability Support Worker, I have merely asked OB to refrain from making comments that are upsetting me. Your interjection, at best, can only be described as "unhelpful".

Originally Posted by pip08456 View Post
RiDICULOUS! You are posting on a public forum and partaking in discussion. Obviously you will get replies to your input. If you don't like the replies you get then maybe it is you who should reconsider interacting with members.

There are many on this forum who have various disabilities of many different degrees, none of them are treated any differently to any other forum member.

Perhaps if you stopped mentioning your disability this issue would go away.

Your disability has no bearing on this thread anyway.
Disability is an integral part of of me and has impacted on my thought processes, ability to express myself effectively, emotions etc.

As to regards to mentioning it, I didn't for many years over the decade that I have been a member of the forum. When I 'came Out' as disabled, that's when certain members started causing problems for me, the worst offenders were banned, have seen the error of their ways or realised that they were on a hiding to nothing.

Imagine two men arriving into the office tomorrow morning, one gay and one straight and are asked what they did over the weekend. The straight man tells his colleagues that he took his wife and kids to a theme park and the gay man says that he took his boyfriend for a meal. Is he shoving his sexuality down the throat of his co workers?

IIRC you have family with experience of working in mental health/disability services, you could ask them how brain injuries affect people??

I genuinely thought that there was a possibility that I could die over the summer (not that I'm afraid of the illusion of death, but I don't want to leave this Earth just yet!)

I'm glad that you accept that my disabilites have nothing to do with the topic under discussion

Originally Posted by Stephen View Post
To be honest I put the blame on the customer for that. If you have a dd and it took you 2 years to notice it then a 50% refund is pretty fair. Some companies would only refhnd 3 or 6 months if it was not the fault of the provider.

I work in CEO complaint and customer relations so am the highest level someone can deal with before it goes to deadlock and the ombudsmen. It's your account and bank account so you should be monitoring it.
More useful insight into the other side of the coin- thanks Stephen.

It came across to me that VM were simply taking an extra Direct Debit and refusing to refund it, so I did wonder why he didn't simply take them to the small claims court?

With hindsight, it looks more likely to be the case that it's regarding an old product that he'd forgotten and no longer used.

It does seem preposterous to offer 50% back and then casually say "oh, that offer has now expired" though!

Last edited by RichardCoulter; 22-10-2017 at 16:12.
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