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Old 22-10-2017, 13:19   #41
cf.mega poster
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RichardCoulter has disabled reputation
Re: Are VM frontline staff now discouraged from escalating customer issues?

Originally Posted by Maggy J View Post
Compared to the previous incarnation of Cable and Wireless, Virgin Media are paragons of virtue.No CS representative has ever been rude to me possibly because I'm unfailingly polite to begin with.
There would be no reason for you not to be, but if you read back further in the thread, you'll see CS should always remain polite and never try to treat customers less favourably if the way that they express themselves meets with the displeasure of any CS agent. This could also have legal ramifications.

Originally Posted by OLD BOY View Post
Richard, no-one is attempting to make you feel embarrassed about your disabilities. I am simply asking you to stop using them to try to get others to climb down when they say something you don't agree with.

As for the subject of this thread, I certainly do think that Customer Services should attempt to avoid an escalation upwards, and if they can achieve this satisfactorily, then fine. There will always be people who try it on and pursue complaints that can't be justified, and I expect it is those folks who complain when their unreasonable demands are refused.
Again, another offensive and untrue allegation, whilst trying to run rings around a person with a mental impairment who had very little sleep last night which you contributed to.

I have shown your comments to my disability support worker who has suggested that I ask you to stop mentioning my disabilities or, if you feel unable to do so, that you refrain from interacting with me in entirety. This applies even if I choose to mention an integral part of myself or the difficulties that arise as a result during the course of any discussion.

Re: VM bills. It's all about negotiation/playing the game/bartering whatever you want to call it. It's a fact of everyday life. If you don't wish to partake, don't complain if others get a better deal than you do.
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