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Old 09-07-2017, 03:21   #2228
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Re: Brexit: Article 50 Has Been Triggered !

Er MrK has repeatedly talked in that way the Daddy and 1andrew1 has talked in less then positive terms as well, are you seriously going to say you haven't noticed the behaviour of a lot of the media if only the constant harping on about that stupid bus banner that pretty much everyone universally agree was wrong though there has been argument over it's true meaning. Leave voters have had a fair bit of rubbish thrown at them since the vote and yes some leaver's have resorted to less then helpful language in retort probably including myself on occasion.

The arrogance of some remain supporters has been very clear and it has not been pleasant pretty much like both the campaigns that were waged during the run up to the vote. A lot has been mentioned about xenophobic little englanders pulling up the draw bridge and cutting ourselves off from the world you must recognise that language as it's been used on here and in the media. Leave voters have had all their reasons lumped into two categories those who believed the bus and those who are xenophobes not a shock that many of us get a bit angry.

Where you and i do agree is on the disappointment in those on both sides who voted in total ignorance be it immigration ignorance or those who voted remain as they believed leaving meant no more roaming charges or holidays in any EU nation. There was stupidity aplenty on both sides and sadly both campaigns played to that rather then give out factual information for people that were undecided to help them make an informed choice. It was a low point in the democracy of the UK and a little embarassing but we better get used to it because campaigning on the politics of fantasy seems to be the preferred method now.