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Old 05-06-2017, 15:12   #75
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Re: 7 Dead and 48 Injured in London Bridge Terror Attack

There are those on both sides who would love this to turn into a wider war and that's the last thing i want to see i do not want to trade civilian dead on our streets for military deaths overseas or civilian dead in the middle east. We are to blame a bit Blair's actions heightened tensions and undoubtedly helped in recruitment but that's not an excuse or even a reason to attack as they are. This is a new form of hostilities where our traditional values in the west are being used against us to aid those **** that would continue attacking and we have to look at how we can adapt and if needed change that in relation to this minority of violent attackers.

Yes it is a minority commiting these attacks but they have broader support within the islamic communities and that support has grown despite all efforts to address that. There is no magic bullet here no single measure that's going to resolve this and we need to work with the islamic community but they need to realise they cannot continue as they have previously. It's no longer acceptable that all the effort for change is on our side there needs to be change within islam in the west and they need to do more then just go in front of cameras after an attack with condemnation that lasts only as long as the camera is on and have a different stance when they go back to their mosque.
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