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Old 29-01-2017, 14:23   #3956
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Re: Post-Brexit Thread

Originally Posted by Pierre View Post
She may not have been trying to reverse the result, she couldn't do that. But she was certainly trying to obfuscate it.

In reality she has put herself through all this trauma, it has no doubt cost her, or somebody, and the tax payer thousands and it achieved nothing.

article 50 will be triggered, as originally stated, by the end of May, ok so parliament have to vote on it, they won't block it. We've already had a dry run on this vote and went through. So unless lots of MPs have suddenly had a change of mind it will be the same, and if many do change their mind, then good luck at the next election - which would be in a few months.
What she did ,and lets not forget the brexit voter that accompanied her, is make sure the government didn't overstep their authority.The court case was the public's assurance that Parliament and thus democracy is followed at all times .If you truly believe that she achieved nothing then you are another brexiter that didn't know what they voted for .The reality is that the UK government caused the obfuscation by trying to bypass Parliament ,if they had sat down and thought about it for 5 mins they would have realised that she perfectly correct in what she said but they decided to pursue matters through appeal and in doing so wasted taxpayers money.
All she did was return Democracy to the people which is exactly what you and I voted for.