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Old 02-12-2016, 20:28   #2986
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Re: Post-Brexit Thread

Originally Posted by Mick View Post
No it does NOT. The Government are responsible for listening to the democratic decision and taking that forward, else what is the point in asking people to vote when the will of the majority is ignored ?!?!

If a democratic decision goes one way then we need to focus on THAT decision and take it forward, NOT listen to the losing side that wants to try and keep us IN. Not a bloody chance, so no sorry, I haven't got a lack of understanding at all!!!
The government will take us out of Europe ,they have a mandate to do that but you have to realise that they are duty bound to do so in a manner that they feel is going to benefit everyone ,that's why we put them in office in the first place ,if they don't they don't belong in government .
You also need to realise that this isn't a war with a winning and losing side .I want to leave but i don't the country split down the middle with a 'them and us' culture ,that would be more damaging than staying in the EU.
I really wish the vote had been more decisive one way or the other then we would not be having these problems