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Old 01-12-2016, 16:40   #1748
Mr Banana
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Re: Virgin Media V6 - Powered by TiVo(new STB)

Originally Posted by passingbat View Post
I just don't get it Jong. As I understand it Jong; you are with Sky for TV, and happy with it. Is that correct?
If so, why are you spending so much time on here moaning about the V6?

It reminds me of many years ago, when the Mac boys were constantly trying to prove that Macs were better than PCs. The PC people generally just got on with it just using there PCs and ignoring the Mac people. The truth of it was, both were as good and it was a case of each person's preference regarding their individual needs.

Mac people trying to prove, 'mine is better than your' smacks a little of insecurity to me. They needed to get over it and realise that it was just down to personal choice.
There seems to be a few new members joined the forum who are pointing out that Q has x y and Z that the V6 hasn't. Strange that?
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