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Old 04-07-2016, 08:27   #987
Big Brian
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Re: Post-Brexit Thread

Originally Posted by martyh View Post
It will happen as soon as the leader is chosen within the first few weeks at any rate .There is a democratic mandate in place and Europe simply won't allow us to keep stalling

---------- Post added at 17:09 ---------- Previous post was at 17:06 ----------

All the Brexiters i know are still happy with the decision they made ,as am I.There will be no further vote and we will be leaving the EU ,that is certain .
Well I'm happy with my vote and I don't know anyone who regrets voting leave either.

---------- Post added at 07:58 ---------- Previous post was at 07:51 ----------

Originally Posted by martyh View Post
UKIP couldn't form a government ,in reality their only purpose was to get the UK out of Europe that has been achieved ,nothing left for UKIP
Oh there is. They and the disgruntled Labour members could form a new Party to take on Labour and the Tories. They won't cease to be just because they have achieved their main goal. Shades of the gang of four here. It isn't beyond the realms of possibility.

---------- Post added at 08:09 ---------- Previous post was at 07:58 ----------

Originally Posted by Arthurgray50@blu View Post
To be honest with you all. I have heard David Lammy MP several times on TV, stating why be believes that will should remain.

I heard this evening on London News, David again expressing why we should remain. And that he wants Parliament to veto the vote.

And what he said tonight, sent shivers down my Spine. He has stated that money from the EU, goes to poor towns of the UK, and helps in these area's.

Yes, l am a Labour Voter, but if l had known that. I may have said REMAIN.

As to me we should be doing all we can to help the poor.

We DID NOT HEAR about this in the discussions, I didn't hear this from my MP. So really, I blame Labour MPs, for not passing this info onto the Voter.

Yes, we pay a lot of money into the EU. But if the EU help out the poor in this country. Especially, David Lammy, said that the EU helps out the North of England. And poor area's of Wales. Then my vote would change.

I don't think we, the voter, was given the full facts in this vote
That is the biggest crock I've heard in a while. Tell him to come to the North East of England and then make that statement. Middlesboro is fast becoming a ghost City, Hartlepool is already there. Easington, Horden and Peterlee (where I Live) are broken down towns with the majority of those in work on 0 hours contracts. Easington may look fine from the main street but just go into the back streets where a lot of the houses are empty and see the broken windows of houses where thieves have stolen the boilers and any copper and lead they can find. Also a lot of these towns and villages have lost their pibs and post offices. He's full of poo. He knows nothing about poor towns or what life is like in these towns. I'm lucky, I went private renting and have a decent home but it's twice the rent of Council houses.

---------- Post added at 08:13 ---------- Previous post was at 08:09 ----------

Originally Posted by TheDaddy View Post
This is an example of democracy and will of the people we all feel so strongly about, I've characteristically had another change of heart and would've been annoyed no matter who won given the levels of ignorance almost routinely being displayed by voters of either faction, it's worrying as I think the uk could be the only place on earth where turkeys would vote for Christmas given the chance.

Yes and they should never have made the 350 million claim full stop as it's a lie no matter what they claim it is or isn't going to be spent on
I doubt that would have made any difference. Seems to me people were not really listening to the lies from either side but voted on conscience, experience, Sovereignty and independence. This claim of a lot regretting their decision I wouldn't go as far to say is a blatant lie but it's over exaggerated.

---------- Post added at 08:21 ---------- Previous post was at 08:13 ----------

Originally Posted by techguyone View Post
It beats me why on Earth anyone over the age of 40 needed to be 'convinced' one way or the other You've LIVED through it. You're ALREADY an expert on how the EU works, and you SHOULD have been able to vote the way you did because of that life EXPERIENCE.

Christ if we all need to be lead around by the nose by people who don't necessarily have your best interests at heart then you shouldn't be voting at all as it's clearly too much for you poor things.

I'll concede the younger generation won't have that advantage.

Amongst the animal kingdom we have evolved big brains for a reason and it isn't to remember the cast of Coronation Street...

Sometimes I despair.
Exactly what I've been saying all along here. I'm 62 and voted purely on experience. Though I watched the comedy shows called debates I had a good laugh at both sides believe me. I remember when we weren't in the EU and yes the country was in a mess in the 70s but it wasn't because we weren't in the EU, it was because the Unions were holding the country to ransom. Well I remember the 3 day weeks and had to work them.12 hours on and 12 hours off. Well too I remember the power cuts of 4 hours on and 4 hours off. But the time before this was good. You could walk out of one job on the Friday and into another on the Monday especially in the Building Trade. It isn't selective memory as some may claim it's the truth. The EU came along and put new rules and regulations in place and now you can't pee without wondering if it will infringe some EU law.

---------- Post added at 08:23 ---------- Previous post was at 08:21 ----------

Originally Posted by Mr K View Post
There'll be a lot of folks realising ( too late) what the EU funded in the coming years. Farmers are in for the biggest shock, promises of their payments being maintained is another Brexit lie.
The EU didn't fund anything. It was your money sent to the EU that funded things. This is what you are getting back so you're not losing it.

---------- Post added at 08:27 ---------- Previous post was at 08:23 ----------

Originally Posted by Jimmy-J View Post
The shock of the "leave" result knocked me sideways... I didn't expect that result, even though that was the outcome I wanted! But I'm sorry to say that I'm going to have to stand by my original opinion which I posted on CF weeks before the referendum, and that was this...

The only way it could happen is if the EU ceased to exist.

It's not happening.
Then you'd better prepare for riots in the streets and be prepared to give up your democracy because it will no longer exist. What little we have only exists now because we fight to hold on to it. Democracy as we really knew it went out the window the minute we signed up to the Common Market/EEC/EU.
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