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Old 05-07-2015, 20:35   #92
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Re: Crackdown on 'rich' council house tenants

Originally Posted by Stephen View Post
Everyone has a right to stay in a council house.

Just because someone has a nice car doesn't mean they can get a mortgage or a private let home.

There can be many factors, for example a poor credit rating can easily prevent people earning good money getting a home. That can also effect private lets too.

You can't tar everyone with the same brush.

Without knowing everyones personal cirmumstances you can't possibly comment.
Everyone shouldn't have the right to stay in a council house

Sorry but I'm not one to suffer fools , poor credit is generally due to spending beyond their means so why should they be rewarded with cut price housing ?. If people lose a job and can't pay a mortgage then fair enough they are entitled to help but why should this help be indefinite ? , why when they start earning good money again should they not stand on their own two feet and leave the nanny holding their hand ?.
One of the lads at work started work with us after becoming bankrupt due to losing his job , that was 5 years ago , he managed to get a private rental property but after a lot of heartache over the years now has his own house. It's all about whether you have the drive to leave the nanny and better yourself or just sit back and take advantage of the fact that the current rules on the benefit and housing situation in this country is far too easy to exploit.

---------- Post added at 20:35 ---------- Previous post was at 20:32 ----------

Just to add , the money for a decent car , and I'm talking from the experience in my area , very high end BMW and Mercs at £30000+ , either bought on pcp or not, any mortgage company would take you seriously when you're earning that sort of money.
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