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Old 05-10-2012, 18:32   #246
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re: Operation Yewtree

It is now at a point where only one truth exists there is nothing else he was this evil predatory paedophile and thats it it cannot be undone now and if the met investigation comes out the same as THREE previous investigations those convinced of his guilt will shout cover up. I am completely supportive of any victim of abuse until a few years ago i worked with a very good VSG dealing with it on a daily basis and there are many aspects of this that are just not sitting right with me at the minute. But as i said it''s all irrelevent now his name is mud his work is now being represented as a means to get closer to kids and there is nothing thqat can remove this stain.

This whole episode for me has shown how low this country has sunk in it's attitudes towards justice and fairness and has me very worried for the future about how accused people will be treated. We need to remember that for every genuine abuse victim there is one that claims it and it never happened to them same as rape so many false allegations that do great damage to innocent people that cannot be taKen back once the real truth is out.

As for all the celebs who "knew" sorry but if i even think someone is abusing a child in anyway even now i have words with that person and if i think there is something to it my next stop is a phone and 999 i cannot comprehend the lowlife that truly believes children are being abused and does nothing but gossip in the office.

Also the power jimmy saville had and none of us knew how powerful he was media that was scared to break a career making story, celebs with careerrs to build that said nothing and i have seen it said even the THREE police forces that launched investigations were pressured by jimmy saaville. I mean please he was a tv presenter no matter how popular and powerrful he might have been within the bbc to ask me to believe that power extended out to all media and the police sorry asking a bit too much from me. As fo the police having dealt with them in variouus capacities over the years i can categorically state that anytime they launched an investigaation into child abuse very commited officers who didn't stop till the truth was found were involved i cannot believe that three forces didn't have one officer that would go the distance.
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