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Old 04-05-2012, 22:36   #62
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Re: London Mayor election 2012

Originally Posted by RB2004 View Post
Here's how it is.. Oppinions aside this is practically fact.

Labour gets in, spends tonnes of money the country doesn't have... Increased benefits, higher pay... New stuff here and there.. People think great this government is doing loads of good things.. They get voted in successively.

Money starts to run out, jobs start going, country starts going into recession because it can no longer sustain its spending..

People get fed up and vote conservatives in.. As labour have been unable to fullfill their promises due to over spending, so things start foing back down.

Conservatives come in, make massive job losses, pension cuts, benefit cuts and other spending cuts to save the country and reduce the order to stop the country going bankrupt and save the economy.

People loosing out on benefits, and pensions and jobs start protesting and slating conservatives, chatting hate and unpopularity.

Economy recovers..

People because they are annoyed at the conservatives harsh spending cuts vote in labour again.. And the whole process starts again.

This isn't rubbish it's not the first time it's happened and it's happening again

Most people labour or conservative supports think too much about themselves and what they are gaining or loosing than the bigger picture.

And have this idea yeah conservatives are bad, because I've lost my benefits, lost my pension, lost my job.

Ok fine yes most of us need to be thinking of our families and those things make a big difference to life.. But the bigger picture is. What would happen if the country went bankrupt? Just because you wanna keep your benefits, pension and jobs...

All them things would go just the same or he reduced and the likely good is things would be "worse" as the country can no longer borrow money.. And borrowing is how this country survives right now.. Take that away and we would be like most of eastern Europe.. Now ask yourself is it worse to be bankrupt or loose a couple of jobs? Everyone has to make some sacrifices if the country is to survive, some
More than most, government and it's people..and as I'm self employed I know what it's like to struggle to get business and make a living.. I don't have the luxury of a fixed monthly payment.

Regarding driverless trains regardless how old a tunnel is a tunnel is a tunnel... A glorified hole in the ground

It's not the tunnel that dictates if a train can be driverless.. Its just a hole lined with concrete and steel.

What does allow for driverless grains is cables, technology and signally.

All of which is constantly being upgraded..if you get a faulty power cable you aren't gonna replace it with another cable of 100 years old are you! You put brand new cable in that meets current standards.

And whenever they do track replacement there's no reason why they can't stick some new extra cables in place which then allow for upgraded signalling..

Also trains are going to be eventually replaced eventually some already have.

Jubilee extension already has the technology for driverless trains in place.

It will happen! Government will force this through because it costs more in terms of disruption and pay increased to keep paying all these drivers as at the moment drivers have tfl over a barrel. But there's only so much they will put up with when enough becomes enough and they will do all of themselves out of a job.

Same happened with guards.. Kept wanting more pay, striking, in the end they became unrequired as companies rolled out cameras and mirrors.

No sense arguing it will never happen technology is constantly moving forward and the attitude it will never happen is quite antiquated...
They said the same thing about the sound barrier, the moon, and recently James Cameron the director just took a sub to the deepest point on earth, and the other week there was an article about British engineers working on a hybrid rocket engine that features a turbofan jet engine. That would allow travel to anywhere in the world in 4 hours.

Things move forward!
Excellent post

---------- Post added at 22:36 ---------- Previous post was at 22:33 ----------

Originally Posted by Peter_ View Post
So you believe that an idiot should be in charge of London, not interested in red ken as he is another clown I put in the boat as galloway as both are just freeloaders, no one has mentioned miliband as he is not in this contest but his name is being used to deflect from the idiot namely Boris.

Even tory voters must be able to see that Boris the clown should not be in charge of anything.
Anyone would be better than Ken simply because he supports the Labour way of doing things and that is Spend Spend Spend and mess the country up.
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