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Old 22-01-2012, 14:19   #207
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Re: Virgin Media Closing Albert Dock

Originally Posted by Peter_ View Post
If you mean any compensation it would be from the company but any legal action will be funded by the union hence if you are not a member you will not be part of any legal action taken and therefore not entitled to anything.
mmm i think you are reading the woolworth article incorrectly ,it is for the RPO to decide who is entitled to payments not the unions ,all the union have done is highlight a injustice .The only employees who won't receive the payment are those who worked in stores with less than 20 workers

“However, I’m once again bitterly disappointed that a Tribunal has limited the scope of the award. The fact that some of our members won’t be compensated simply because their store had less than 20 employees is just plain wrong and shows the gaping loophole and injustice of the current legislation. Nearly 30,000 employees were made redundant from Woolworths at the same time and for the same reason, so to suggest 3,000 of them didn’t constitute a collective redundancy is a nonsense.”