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Old 28-08-2010, 16:12   #31
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Re: TalkTalk tracking you, phorm?

Originally Posted by Ignitionnet View Post
It is somewhat amusing that website owners think they are entitled to charge ISPs to access their site, their property on the Internet, while jumping up and down to keep the net 'neutral' and prevent ISPs from running their networks, their property, in any way which may prejudice them.

This aside I've no doubt the usual people will be writing to Talk Talk, MPs, Europe, The UN,The Pope, Mahatma Gandhi, God and whoever else even though it doesn't affect them in any way to complain, because that's what they do, and Talk Talk will likely give the usual PR nonsense, then fire an incompetent junior legal advisor who gave this the thumbs up and drop it because it's simply too much hassle.

Different day, different company, same people protesting, probably same results due to carelessness of said company.
As a TT customer, I have to obey TT’s terms and conditions of use of the broadband they sell me. Within those Ts&Cs, there is nothing that allows TT to monitor where I go on the web or to use the URLs I have used to accesses the sites I have accessed.

From the view point of a website owner & developer, I own sites that have a million hits a month, compared to the Amazons of this world the sites are small, compared to a lot of sites they are big. I just think of them as small sites doing a service to ordinary broadband users. The sites are copyright and have database rights. Why should I allow anyone to use the sites contents to enable them to market a commercial product from which neither the sites nor I get a return.

I do find it a insulting to be classified as "the usual people will be writing" and "same people protesting".
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