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Old 21-06-2008, 19:42   #36
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Re: Application Throttling/Management

Originally Posted by Toto View Post
I think you are over reacting to Traxs' news.

The Allot system is essentially designed to maximise traffic throughput on certain protocols, prioritising certain types of traffic over others.

Essentially it tries to give an even playing field to all users.

As Trax mentioned for example it could help ping times for certain online gaming such as World of Warcraft, or give priority to other data types at different times.

Lets be upfront here, most people think that VM's problems are down to lack of capacity, the pipe. They think that if you increase the flow, or enlarge the pipe - everything will be ticketyboo. WRONG.

It's simple, if people are taking more than they reasonably should, you should not give them a wider door to go through, no sir. You controll the flow, making it fairer for the majority, that is what the Allot DPI system provides. It gives VM mission critical data to help them manage peoples expectations of traffic flow. This is ultimately what people want, the ability to turn on their PC, do what they have to do then get off.

Virgin Media are not criminals just because you're not happy, they have to manage a massively complicated network with a burgening demand from its customers and all the various content out there.

Trust me when I say this, the problem is global. The bigger the ISP, the bigger the problem. Traffic management isn't a nice to have, its a must have and the quicker we accept this the better.

Can I suggest something though? Leave, leave're not happy, and this system has been in place for months, possibly a couple of years but VM have never used it, its going to happen, so cut your losses and head off to ADSL land. Be Unlimited seem to offer good packages, and there are other ADSL providers who will provide a premium service for a premium price, that is give you priority traffic at peak times if you pay more - oh wait - that wouldn't be fair in your eyes, sorry.
With all due respect Toto, Trax did not say it could / will help ping times for games, he said it will "affect" it, which means they could (knowing what vm are like) throttle it down, I already have problems playing on Halo Multiplayer, even if the ping is low (lowest I have seen is 30-90) then I still get lags (that red disconnected network thing that pops up in the lower right of the screen and cant move or shoot)

What is the point of moving to (A)DSL when the max I can expect is 1.9mb as I am too far from the exchange. WHEN they have all of this going live, as I said earlier, not only will I cancel all of our virgin "services" but I will leave the net for good, I do not see the point in paying virgin to rip me off, not when I can pop into the library and use the net for free for as long as I want (business opening hours of course) if I wanted to, I could wait outside for them to open, and not leave until they close at night, and with a mate living within spitting distance of it, I could even go round their house and use the free internet, not to mention all of my friends that also have wireless, I'm sure they wouldnt mind me sitting in theirs using their connection, but thats beside the point!

This is all I am going to say on the matter as I dont want to get in an arguement, there's enough of that in the world already!
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