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ThunderPants73 07-05-2011 16:48

Battlefield 3
Doesn't look like it will feature Bad Company, does anyone know if there will be a BBC 3 game? The squad is fun.

Hugh 08-05-2011 20:08

Re: Battlefield 3
BF3 12 minute trailer - not family friendly, so no direct link (it's on the EA site, under Battlefield 3 blogs).

MovedGoalPosts 09-05-2011 08:27

Re: Battlefield 3
Battlefield and Battlefield Bad Company are two separate game genres, albeit produced by the same software house.

Battlefield 3 will be a complete rewrite of the game engine. If the graphics apparent on the trailer are achievable by mere mortals with an average gaming computer spec then the scheduled Autumn release of Battlefield 3 could be awesome.

Hugh 27-09-2011 15:08

Re: Battlefield 3
Just rx'd my Battlefield 3 PC Open Beta Early Access invite today.:)

Only problem is, I am away from home until nearly midnight tomorrow, so won't be able to download it until Thursday evening.....:(

New to cable 27-09-2011 16:02

Re: Battlefield 3
I've had the Battlefield 3 PC beta for a while (closed beta access) and today I got access to the early xbox360 beta.

The xbox version is a shameful "fatherless" child of the game compared to the PC version. But I guess its still playable.

idi banashapan 01-10-2011 22:55

Re: Battlefield 3
which is more than the pc Beta is....

- constantly resizes to windowed mode
- when clicking in menus, the game will suddenly decide you no longer have a mouse connected and you have to Esc key your way out
- you can't bind any keys to actions, meaning my poor brain can't deal with the fact things like trying to run now brings up the scope
- that is, of course, after you have spawned in and are actively in game where you have to enter the menus. you cannot get to the key binding settings unless you actually enter the round, meaning you have to stand there waiting to be shot whilst you click around, discovering you can't bind anyway, and that's only if you're lucky enough you're still able to click about in the menus to get that far!
- not to mention the game server browser is now all web based - yes, I have to navigate about in IE to join a game! WTF?!?!? there's no in-game server browser. why did they do that??? it's horrendous!!!

I know it's a Beta, and there will be bugs, but this is truly shameful. for me, it just makes the whole experience unusable. I don't think I'll bother opening the Beta again, that's for sure.

cimt 24-10-2011 08:15

Re: Battlefield 3
The first review is live on IGN. It's a PC review but they'll be a console review once the day 1 patch goes live.

Hom3r 25-10-2011 21:08

Re: Battlefield 3
I hope they take out the stupid knife beats gun the others had.

Hugh 26-10-2011 14:49

Re: Battlefield 3
I have just bitten the bullet, and ordered a new graphics card to help me enjoy BF3 more (PC game pre-ordered from Amazon) - my current graphics card is a 8800GTX, which is about the minimum spec.

I will upgrade to Win7 Ultimate over the weekend (currently Vista 64 Ultimate), and then when the Asus nVIDIA 3D GeForce GTX 560 1GB 850Mhz arrives next week, I will be ready to rock and roll.....

I was toying with buying a new PC, but the current one, even though nearly four years old, is a quad-core overclocked, and this upgrade (along with some more memory, if the current 4GB isn't enough), can put that off for another year of so, methinks.... :D

Stephen 26-10-2011 16:45

Re: Battlefield 3
Just ordered the 360 version. Bored of COD now and want to try something new.

Hugh 27-10-2011 22:21

Re: Battlefield 3
Just rx'd an email from Amazon letting me know BF3 has been dispatched, and should be with me tomorrow.

That's the weekend gone, then....:D

idi banashapan 27-10-2011 23:17

Re: Battlefield 3
My copy arrived 2pm today. Been playing since then. Seems EA unlocked it early! Nice one EA!!!

cimt 28-10-2011 00:31

Re: Battlefield 3
I just got back from the midnight launch. Now to install it and stuff.

Hom3r 28-10-2011 08:03

Re: Battlefield 3
How much space is required for a xbox install?

I'm getting mine today, as I was up at 6:30am and no way was I gonna go to the midnight launch.

Hugh 28-10-2011 08:08

Re: Battlefield 3
Just rx'd another email from Amazon, with a redemption code for the BF3 Specact DLC - result.

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