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RS100 01-02-2007 00:56

Sky's (push-)VOD service - Sky Anytime on TV
Here is info and pic's of sky's vod service

what do you guys think about it,

Stephen 01-02-2007 01:02

Re: Here is info and pic's of sky's vod service
Dunno if I would really called it VOD though. Having your box download it overnight and store it on the stb HDD. Having Sky choose what they download to the spare partition of 80GB isn't really comparable to the amount of content NTL has available. Also only 80GB there won't really be a lot there will there?

Not quite the same as The Virgin media VOD is it.

Tezcatlipoca 01-02-2007 01:20

Re: Here is info and pic's of sky's vod service
Moved to the Sky+/HD forum...

Hmmm. Nice idea, but I think I'd rather have the V/ntl/TW pull-VOD than Sky's push-VOD.

[Although I can't get either :( ]

quadplay 01-02-2007 02:09

Re: Here is info and pic's of sky's vod service
Hmm... potentially 35 hours of content, compared to potentially unlimited hours of content.

I know which I prefer. ;)

RS100 01-02-2007 08:22

Re: Here is info and pic's of sky's vod service
I Know it ain't real vod just wanted to know what you guys think about it

monkey2468 01-02-2007 09:47

Re: Here is info and pic's of sky's vod service
If I had Sky+, I would rather have the extra 80 gig of space to use.

andygrif 01-02-2007 10:51

Re: Here is info and pic's of sky's vod service
Using 80gb is pretty hard work, you must never leave the telly if you needed the full 160gb.

dilli-theclaw 01-02-2007 11:16

Re: Here is info and pic's of sky's vod service

Originally Posted by andygrif (Post 34210855)
Using 80gb is pretty hard work, you must never leave the telly if you needed the full 160gb.

Not if your other half is i nto big bother you don't!!!

It looks ok - but as others say it's going to be limited, and I'd rather have the sapce to fill with what I want not what they want.

As for vod better than ntl - well ever since my tv drive was fitted neiter of my boxes actually allow me to watch vod not the samsung or the tvdrive itself.

andygrif 01-02-2007 12:58

Re: Here is info and pic's of sky's vod service
But then you should have bought the Sky+160 if you needed the extra space. If you bought the standard version you only bought 80gb of the extra stuff is a bonus.

Derek 01-02-2007 15:42

Re: Here is info and pic's of sky's vod service
And if you were one of the original people who bought it (or even one of the ones that got the V2 Sky+ box) you get left out in the cold with no Vod/near-Vod.

No doubt Sky will have an incentive for you to upgrade :rolleyes: (i.e. Pay full price for the box or nothing at all judging from past efforts)

Bob 01-02-2007 18:05

Re: Here is info and pic's of sky's vod service
So is this service only available to those people with Sky+ 160GB or a Sky HD box?

andygrif 01-02-2007 19:58

Re: Here is info and pic's of sky's vod service
No it's for people with V3 boxes, the 80gb ones, but they were fitted with an extra 80gb for 'future use'

Chris W 01-02-2007 20:02

Re: Here is info and pic's of sky's vod service
would it be cynical of me to predict that Sky's service will have Sky content that they will never let Virgin get their hands on, and Virgins will have Flextech content that they won't let Sky get their hands on....

Horizon 01-02-2007 20:32

Re: Here is info and pic's of sky's vod service
....possibly. Lots of wild speculation in another thread that Sky will ditch its channels from cable. I think this is highly unlikely, think of all the complaints from 24 viewers for a start...What is more likely is that Sky may withhold its HD content from cable for another year or so. HD is a money spinner for Sky and exclusive to them, so why would Sky give this advantage up to cable? That said, "cable" is the largest supplier of digital channels to Sky, if you include UKTV too. So both sides have a bargaining chip. I'm pretty sure a deal with be done between the sides.

The fight between Sky and cable will be over price and what you get for your money. Cable has VOD as its advantage and especially fast broadband. Sky will always have the advantage of having more channels. Sky, also has been an innovator in new technology, ie Sky+. So, if they released, as speculated elsewhere, a multi-tuner Sky+ with 5/6/7/8 tuners. I doubt cable could compete with that in the near term. So customers have a genuine choice between fast reliable broadband and vod, or billions of channels and a possible souped-up Sky+. The choice is ours:)

Bob 01-02-2007 21:09

Re: Here is info and pic's of sky's vod service

Originally Posted by andygrif (Post 34211317)
No it's for people with V3 boxes, the 80gb ones, but they were fitted with an extra 80gb for 'future use'

As I have never had Sky I don't know the difference between these versions lol!

Could you briefly explain them for me? :D

Derek 01-02-2007 21:17

Re: Here is info and pic's of sky's vod service

Originally Posted by Bob (Post 34211374)
Could you briefly explain them for me? :D

From memory V1 was made by Pace and had a 40GB Drive. V2 was made by Amstrad and again had a 40GB drive.

V3 was back to Pace and had a larger hard drive with a hidden part for 'future' use.

This is all from memory and may be wildly wrong. Basically the 1st and 2nd Gen boxes cannot use the new thing and the others can.

Bob 01-02-2007 21:21

Re: Here is info and pic's of sky's vod service
Cheers Derek!

andygrif 02-02-2007 01:00

Re: Here is info and pic's of sky's vod service

Originally Posted by Derek S (Post 34211382)
From memory V1 was made by Pace and had a 40GB Drive. V2 was made by Amstrad and again had a 40GB drive.

V3 was back to Pace and had a larger hard drive with a hidden part for 'future' use.

This is all from memory and may be wildly wrong. Basically the 1st and 2nd Gen boxes cannot use the new thing and the others can.

That's my understanding too. There was also a Sky+160 box, which was (much) more expensive, which I would assume is not included in the pseudo-VOD service.

According to reports, about half the Sky+ boxes are going to get this upgrade - so perhaps this is why there are rumours that the Sky+ charge is going to be dropped - I mean, if I had a V2 box (thankfully I have a V3 one) I wouldn't be very happy about coughing up the same tenner each month for features I couldn't access.

I am purely doodling in the wind here, but I have a feeling that if the rumours about the Sky+ service for free are true, then the 'VOD' element might be chargeable. Just a hunch, no basis for my musings.

Daveoc64 04-02-2007 19:07

Re: Here is info and pic's of sky's vod service

Originally Posted by Derek S (Post 34211382)
From memory V1 was made by Pace and had a 40GB Drive. V2 was made by Amstrad and again had a 40GB drive.

V3 was back to Pace and had a larger hard drive with a hidden part for 'future' use.

This is all from memory and may be wildly wrong. Basically the 1st and 2nd Gen boxes cannot use the new thing and the others can.

Pace started making the V2 boxes, but Amstrad joined them as well.

The PVR3 was introduced with Pace, but has since seen Thomson and Amstrad models.

Thomson's Sky+ 160 box will not support this as all of the space is given to the user of the box.

bluecandylover 04-03-2007 19:45

Re: Here is info and pic's of sky's vod service

Originally Posted by andygrif (Post 34210855)
Using 80gb is pretty hard work, you must never leave the telly if you needed the full 160gb.

It's EXTREAMLY easy to use the full 160Gb, I have used it all on V+HD it's films, music and shows I want to treasure.

I think there should be an option if you want the extra space or not!

AndyCambs 04-03-2007 20:17

Re: Here is info and pic's of sky's vod service
Just out of interest, how long do the programmes stay on the drive - I notice from the screen shots that there was an "available until" date?
Secondly, is there any charge for the service? (Downloading and viewing), and I guess it's only available Sky + and Sky HD users with newer STBs, so i guess there will be a cost to upgrade for standard users and older boxes?
Lastly, how many programmes could be held in the 80Gb mentioned?

piggy 11-03-2007 11:10

skys new vod service??

zing_deleted 11-03-2007 11:15

Re: skys new vod service??
Looks pretty crap if you ask me

Nikesh 11-03-2007 11:17

Re: skys new vod service??
Agree with Zing...

NoKnowledge 11-03-2007 14:53

Re: skys new vod service??
Well I knew Sky's Sky+ software hid some of the hard disk space and Sky said they were gonna use it for something and now I know what for, but us, the viewers can't choose what programmes are gonna be shown on my Sky+ box is annoying.

bluecandylover 11-03-2007 17:14

Re: skys new vod service??
I think you should be able to disable this SO that you can use the extra space if you want to.

bluecandylover 11-03-2007 17:20

Re: Here is info and pic's of sky's vod service

Originally Posted by AndyCambs (Post 34242050)
Just out of interest, how long do the programmes stay on the drive - I notice from the screen shots that there was an "available until" date?
Secondly, is there any charge for the service? (Downloading and viewing), and I guess it's only available Sky + and Sky HD users with newer STBs, so i guess there will be a cost to upgrade for standard users and older boxes?
Lastly, how many programmes could be held in the 80Gb mentioned?

I'm hoping that it is'nt gonna be just SKY programs... EastEnders and co would be good on it

themelon 12-03-2007 10:13

Re: [Merged] Sky's (push-)VOD service
This can not be marketed as Video on Demand because it is absolutely not that.

It is what its says on the tin, Sky downloading rubbish that they think you want to watch, their own 'fantastic content' and 'great tv' which the have spent (wasted) millions on. Regardless of whether you want to watch it or not. Sky+ on its own with no reserved space would be a better choice for the consumer.

I agree it looks aboslutely crap and has to be a pathetic attempt at a stop gap measure which Sky will market as fantastic Video on Demand where you can watch Lost as many times as you want......guess it will suit some. The only way Sky will offer true VOD, is a satellite/IPTV hybrid box. Judging by the trouble BT have with IPTV, I can not imagine this being a countrywide service in the next 5 years, Tiscalli aim to offer to around 5 major cities by year end (if they are lucky!).

AndyCambs 12-03-2007 11:24

Re: [Merged] Sky's (push-)VOD service

Originally Posted by themelon (Post 34248906)
This can not be marketed as Video on Demand because it is absolutely not that.

It is what its says on the tin, Sky downloading rubbish that they think you want to watch, their own 'fantastic content' and 'great tv' which the have spent (wasted) millions on. Regardless of whether you want to watch it or not. Sky+ on its own with no reserved space would be a better choice for the consumer.

I agree it looks aboslutely crap and has to be a pathetic attempt at a stop gap measure which Sky will market as fantastic Video on Demand where you can watch Lost as many times as you want......guess it will suit some. The only way Sky will offer true VOD, is a satellite/IPTV hybrid box. Judging by the trouble BT have with IPTV, I can not imagine this being a countrywide service in the next 5 years, Tiscalli aim to offer to around 5 major cities by year end (if they are lucky!).

Hmm - more excuses for repeats, re-runs and more chances to see....

RealDiamond 12-03-2007 13:05

Re: [Merged] Sky's (push-)VOD service
Sky HDTV version 2 box is already planned (the reason why ive not spent £300 for a box thats already out of date on release) with a fully working Ethernet port but like you say it will use Your internet to try and stream the Vod,
fat load of good if your only on 4Meg and have a Cable or BT phone line that sky dont ever plan suppling broadband on.

themelon 12-03-2007 17:01

Re: [Merged] Sky's (push-)VOD service
That box is going to require some serious work, on most of the UK connection speeds I can not see it workign very well, BT are struggling to get it to work.

RealDiamond 12-03-2007 21:48

Re: [Merged] Sky's (push-)VOD service
Yep ive tryed streaming data at 4mb/s, it sucks even with quicktime7 h.264 4mb/s is to slow for 720p even over the net.
I have no clue hows its going to be done.
Ive got the free box from NTL and can visualy see the short cuts Virgin use to run it. ie whys that black jacket checkered in different black squares, o right, it not meant to be.

makem1973 05-04-2007 01:33

Sky doing VOD
Looks like sky are trying there own version of VOD, hope its better than VM

Only 30 hours a week at the moment but can only get bigger I suppose

Media Boy UK 02-05-2007 23:17

Re: Sky's (push-)VOD service - Sky Anytime on TV
An friend of mine has got an Sky + Box dated 2001 code 1B02. So when will they get Sky's VOD?

Tom Stanley 28-05-2007 11:40

Re: Sky's (push-)VOD service - Sky Anytime on TV
He won't. Anytime is only for the PVR3 boxes (August 05) and the HD boxes.

And that version number doesn't sound right, it sounds like the end to an Operating System version, not the box version!

Tom :)

Chrysalis 04-06-2007 01:40

Re: Sky's (push-)VOD service - Sky Anytime on TV

Originally Posted by RS100 (Post 34210712)
Here is info and pic's of sky's vod service

what do you guys think about it,

Its a poor mans VOD, skys technology is poor and they can only store programs on the box whilst not been able to do true on demand. I think they intend to address this in the future using adsl as a way of providing proper on demand.

I disabled mine as it stops my hd in the sky+ been powered down as it records all night to provide the anytime content.

---------- Post added at 01:35 ---------- Previous post was at 01:34 ----------


Originally Posted by Derek S (Post 34211382)
From memory V1 was made by Pace and had a 40GB Drive. V2 was made by Amstrad and again had a 40GB drive.

V3 was back to Pace and had a larger hard drive with a hidden part for 'future' use.

This is all from memory and may be wildly wrong. Basically the 1st and 2nd Gen boxes cannot use the new thing and the others can.

PVR3 is done by all 3 manufacturers, mine been a amstrad which I think happens to be the slowest and most unreliable of the 3 brands.


---------- Post added at 01:37 ---------- Previous post was at 01:35 ----------


Originally Posted by andygrif (Post 34211515)
That's my understanding too. There was also a Sky+160 box, which was (much) more expensive, which I would assume is not included in the pseudo-VOD service.

According to reports, about half the Sky+ boxes are going to get this upgrade - so perhaps this is why there are rumours that the Sky+ charge is going to be dropped - I mean, if I had a V2 box (thankfully I have a V3 one) I wouldn't be very happy about coughing up the same tenner each month for features I couldn't access.

I am purely doodling in the wind here, but I have a feeling that if the rumours about the Sky+ service for free are true, then the 'VOD' element might be chargeable. Just a hunch, no basis for my musings.

The sky+ becoming free I think is more due to the fact freeview boxes now have the same recording features and its became a threat to sky.

---------- Post added at 01:40 ---------- Previous post was at 01:37 ----------


Originally Posted by themelon (Post 34249205)
That box is going to require some serious work, on most of the UK connection speeds I can not see it workign very well, BT are struggling to get it to work.

IPTV is probably the single biggest thing that justifies a FTTH/P rollout as the current adsl infrastructure as as already been said will struggle with it. Very surprised BT attempted it on ADSL1 technology, other countries that have high IPTV takeup such as belgium provide it over adsl2+ which has much more bandwidth then ADSL1 but even then BTs high attenuation lines will have problems.

andygrif 04-06-2007 15:35

Re: Sky's (push-)VOD service - Sky Anytime on TV
As we all know, Sky bought EasyNet which was one of the most 'rolled-out' networks under LLU at the time.

Would I be right in thinking that the kit they install in the BT exchanges is ADSL2+ already or easily upgradable? That would make Sky a realistic challenger in the VOD arena if that's correct.

Chrysalis 04-06-2007 22:50

Re: Sky's (push-)VOD service - Sky Anytime on TV

Originally Posted by andygrif (Post 34321029)
As we all know, Sky bought EasyNet which was one of the most 'rolled-out' networks under LLU at the time.

Would I be right in thinking that the kit they install in the BT exchanges is ADSL2+ already or easily upgradable? That would make Sky a realistic challenger in the VOD arena if that's correct.


arcamalpha2004 12-06-2007 23:13

Re: Here is info and pic's of sky's vod service

Originally Posted by andygrif (Post 34210961)
But then you should have bought the Sky+160 if you needed the extra space. If you bought the standard version you only bought 80gb of the extra stuff is a bonus.

There is the option to fit a larger HD if youre that way inclined.

---------- Post added at 23:13 ---------- Previous post was at 23:10 ----------


Originally Posted by themelon (Post 34248906)
This can not be marketed as Video on Demand because it is absolutely not that.

It is what its says on the tin, Sky downloading rubbish that they think you want to watch, their own 'fantastic content' and 'great tv' which the have spent (wasted) millions on. Regardless of whether you want to watch it or not. Sky+ on its own with no reserved space would be a better choice for the consumer.

I agree it looks aboslutely crap and has to be a pathetic attempt at a stop gap measure which Sky will market as fantastic Video on Demand where you can watch Lost as many times as you want......guess it will suit some. The only way Sky will offer true VOD, is a satellite/IPTV hybrid box. Judging by the trouble BT have with IPTV, I can not imagine this being a countrywide service in the next 5 years, Tiscalli aim to offer to around 5 major cities by year end (if they are lucky!).

In fairness it is only what vm are doing, downloading rubbish that THEY think you might want to watch, so sky are not isolated on that one.
What would matter to me is does it work.

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