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denphone 02-11-2015 16:23

Star Trek: Discovery
CBS confirms all-new live action Star Trek series.

SnoopZ 02-11-2015 17:35

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
Exclusive to CBSs streaming service, although it will be on newsgroups and torrents within hours of broadcast.

General Maximus 02-11-2015 17:50

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017

Hugh 02-11-2015 18:49

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017

Originally Posted by SnoopZ (Post 35806158)
Exclusive to CBSs streaming service, although it will be on newsgroups and torrents within hours of broadcast.


The next chapter of the Star Trek franchise will also be distributed concurrently for television and multiple platforms around the world by CBS Studios International

General Maximus 02-11-2015 19:18

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
I can't wait. They are going to have a fantastic team of experienced guys with excellent stories and characters and state of the art special effects. I can only imagine the weapons, spacial anomalies and worlds they are going to create.

Stephen 02-11-2015 19:35

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
Depends when it will be set.

Of course in the new universe things will be rather different.

techguyone 02-11-2015 20:22

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
What will it be based on? the recent films or something else?

Kabaal 02-11-2015 20:31

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017

Originally Posted by techguyone (Post 35806185)
What will it be based on? the recent films or something else?

No one knows yet. The TV and current movie versions are owned by different people though so i'd guess they'll separate.

General Maximus 02-11-2015 20:39

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017

Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 35806181)
Depends when it will be set.

I have always said that I would like to see a series set on the time ship like the Relativity, the possibilities would be endless. I doubt they are going to do the in the past/prequel thing again because they did that last time.


Originally Posted by techguyone (Post 35806185)
What will it be based on? the recent films or something else?

I would like to think that they would stay away from the films and do their own thing but expanded universes are the in thing atm and I cant believe for a second that they would resist the opportunity for movie tie ins and to keep Star Trek current between the movies (like Agents of Shield)

Stephen 02-11-2015 21:45

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
It will be set in the same universe as the recent movies for sure.

Chris 02-11-2015 22:32

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017

Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 35806198)
It will be set in the same universe as the recent movies for sure.

With Alex Kurtzman as exec producer, I'd say that's a given.

BenMcr 03-11-2015 11:38

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017

Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 35806198)
It will be set in the same universe as the recent movies for sure.


Originally Posted by Chris (Post 35806207)
With Alex Kurtzman as exec producer, I'd say that's a given.

The Star Trek release does say:


The new television series is not related to the upcoming feature film Star Trek Beyond which is scheduled to be distributed by Paramount Pictures in summer 2016.
But at this stage not sure anyone knows what that means.

cimt 03-11-2015 12:20

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
Probably just means that it's a different crew rather than the Enterprise. It wouldn't surprise me if someone from the films appeared in the pilot though to help ratings.

Chris 03-11-2015 12:30

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
I'd say so. They're not going to get the film cast to do a TV series and presumably they would like to be able to make more films if possible, so they can't re-cast the main characters. We are most likely in for a sideways jump across the Trek universe. If we're in the Abrams timeline, and the same point in history, then I'd like to see the Five Year Mission as experienced by another ship and crew.

denphone 19-05-2016 09:24

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
Watch the New Star Trek Series Teaser.


Paul 19-05-2016 10:50

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
Well aside from a logo, that doesnt really tell or show you anything.

Chris 19-05-2016 11:47

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
Really didn't learn anything from that ...

techguyone 19-05-2016 12:15

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
It's just a teaser to get the die-hards all juiced up.

v0id 19-05-2016 14:18

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
I would hope that the series follows on from TNG/DS9/Voyager but I highly doubt it.

It'll probably follow the lines of the current movies alternate timeline ..which sucks IMO :/

BenMcr 19-05-2016 14:24

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
It's already been reported that it's in the 'prime' timeline between TOS and TNG - at least at first.

General Maximus 19-05-2016 18:02

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
excellent and I am all "juiced up". I enjoy the new movies for what they are but I definitely prefer the TNG movies. I can understand why they have made them the way they did but I hope the series doesn't follow suit. Action and comedy is great but Star Trek is about the morals and science and I hope the new series continues the spirit of all previous series.

Enterprise wasn't the best but I loved seeing them deal with developing technology like shields, photon torpedoes and phasers and hopefully we'll see more of that in this new series. Enterprise finished off with them founding the UFP and dealing with issues like the prime directive and I am hoping we'll get to see more stuff like that as well.

Horizon 19-05-2016 23:44

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017

Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 35838451)
Well aside from a logo, that doesnt really tell or show you anything.


Originally Posted by Chris (Post 35838461)
Really didn't learn anything from that ...

It does say new crews at the end. Clue perhaps. More than one Trek ship??

adzii_nufc 19-05-2016 23:55

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
I'd like to see Abrams on board but its probably unlikely given his rise to even bigger heights with the Star Wars sequel's. His refusal to bring back Fringe is dire :D he also left the new Star Trek movie in the hands of Justin Lin because nothing could go possibly wrong...:td:

Any TV show related to Abrams does well. Who knows though I like the idea of it being a spin off from the new movies following a different crew and of course maybe there's an episode cameo involving Pine/Quinto along the way. Oh and Charles Xavier of course.

With the production quality of TV shows now it should have a fair shot regardless of which direction it goes and it already has the benefit of an established fan base.

Stephen 20-05-2016 03:19

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
I did read that it takes place in the prime timeline and NOT the new film timeline.

Also that it will be an anthology show covering various periods between TOS and TNG. So that would explain the crews part in the teaser.

I am excited but do hope it's good.

General Maximus 20-05-2016 18:38

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
I had one of my super genius ideas today at work. In every Star Trek series they have a story arch or two-parter which we remember as being epic and one of the defining moments of Star Trek. In DS9 it was The Way of the Warrior and in Voyager it was Scorpion. I nearly poo'd my pants when I saw those Borg cubes blown to pieces in the opening scene.

So, each series has made continuous references to the Klingon-Federation war and various battles. I would love to see them delve into the events which led up to the war and maybe see some awesome battles, they should look stunning now compared to what we have seen in the past. I wouldn't mind a bit of Klingon opera as well :)

General Maximus 26-06-2016 15:42

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
"Bryan Fuller is the man with a plan. Recently, the new Star Trek series showrunner revealed new details about the CBS All Access show to Collider. So far, few details have been released about the new series, which is being produced by Fuller, Alex Kurtzman, Nicholas Meyer, and Rod Roddenberry, the son of Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry. In the interview, Fuller said the first season will consist of 13 episodes and six have already been planned thoroughly. He also mentioned the first season will feature a single story throughout its 13 episodes.

Production will begin this September, with a premiere slated for early 2017 on CBS’ streaming service, All Access."

cupcakes aka dd 18-07-2016 17:36

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
Netflix has streaming rights outside of USA :-(((

General Maximus 18-07-2016 18:35

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
I wondered how they was going to do it when they said it was going to be online. I think they are shooting themselves in the foot tbh. I appreciate things have moved on since Enterprise and the previous series but you can't assume that your entire demographic has Netflix and/or is going to want to stream it. I would have thought it would make more sense to have it on Syfy channel given that a vast majority of the population will have Sky/BT/Virgin/digital tv/equivalent in other countries.

adzii_nufc 18-07-2016 19:03

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
I don't think its a bad punt. You can't groan at the way Netflix is hoovering up shows and producing their own for a mere tenner a month. If they keep up with getting shows out the week they air or even getting the rights themselves then they'll become better value than stuff like Sky.

Stephen 18-07-2016 21:30

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
I did expect this as Netflix UK now has every episode of Star Trek from every series including the animated one.

I don't mind as I am subscribed though. They will air on UK Netflix within 24 hours of the US airtime which is great.

Chris 18-07-2016 23:37

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
... and on the usual alternative outlets shortly thereafter, no doubt ...

Paul 19-07-2016 02:56

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017

Originally Posted by Chris (Post 35850244)
... and on the usual alternative outlets shortly thereafter, no doubt ...


Stuart 19-07-2016 11:15

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017

Originally Posted by Chris (Post 35850244)
... and on the usual alternative outlets shortly thereafter, no doubt ...

V true..

My posts on here make me look quite anti Netflix, and they do have their faults, I still find their recommendations at best, laughable, and they do tend to overhype their shows, which tends to put me off shows that I might otherwise like, as I get sick of hearing about them. Also, their shows are generally, but not always, good or excellent. I genuinely not anti Netflix, or anti Amazon Prime Video. I have subscriptions to both, and go through phases where I make a lot of use of both.

The only real complaint I have about Netflix is that they don't allow downloads. It's all well and good saying people can stream the programmes, but we don't have 100% mobile coverage, and are not likely to ever. For instance, despite repeated complaints, the mobile coverage from pretty much all the networks on my train home is variable to say the least. I'd love to be able to download episodes (or films) on my home Wifi, or at work, then play them on the train. The other reason for downloading via Wifi is simple. I have limited data. OK, so it's a high limit, but it's still there.

I am looking forward to Star Trek. There seems to be a good team behind it, and I'm hoping they are allowed to do pretty much what they want without corporate interference. I don't know if Netflix are co-producing the series (they do seem to be doing this increasingly), but if they are, they don't seem to interfere with the production. Orphan Black, for instance, hasn't changed much since Netflix came on board as a co producer with BBC America.

Chris 19-07-2016 11:29

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
My kids have watched entire seasons of Mako Mermaids (google it ...) on Dailymotion which seem to have been ripped from Netflix somehow.

Stuart 19-07-2016 12:21

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017

Originally Posted by Chris (Post 35850265)
My kids have watched entire seasons of Mako Mermaids (google it ...) on Dailymotion which seem to have been ripped from Netflix somehow.

Oh, I know there are other sources (I have used them from time to time), but I would prefer to keep things legal.

Chris 19-07-2016 12:26

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
Indeed, however you wonder why they bother spending a fortune on acquiring rights they then hope to recoup via subscriptions, if they're going to allow their stuff to be downloaded and then shared on a YouTube clone that requires absolutely no cunning or lawbreaking to access.

Stuart 19-07-2016 12:54

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017

Originally Posted by Chris (Post 35850279)
Indeed, however you wonder why they bother spending a fortune on acquiring rights they then hope to recoup via subscriptions, if they're going to allow their stuff to be downloaded and then shared on a YouTube clone that requires absolutely no cunning or lawbreaking to access.

They don't... They actually work quite hard to prevent it (at least from a technical point of view), but, no security system is perfect. Even the best protection systems have flaws, and with any security changes, it's only a matter of time before the system is broken again.

The problem, from a security point of view, with sites such as Youtube is that these sites carry far to much media to be properly vetted by Humans, and while Google does have (apparently very effective) systems for blocking copyright infringement, they are not perfect.

That said, I don't think Google actually do as much as they can (bear in mind they profit from any ads on the pirated videos, so it's not really in their interest to do too much). When I went into hospital last year, Youtube was only available in what they call "Restricted" mode. I was unable to watch ANY copyrighted videos, and searches for any TV series or movie names usually only returned videos of people talking about those TV series or movies, no video from the movie or TV series. This was annoying,as I was trying to watch Space 1999, which isn't on Netflix or Prime Video (so I couldn't have watched it legally).

Pierre 24-07-2016 22:45

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
Star Trek: Discovery.

Trailer available online.

The ship design obviously heavily influenced by the design of the ship from the cancelled " phase 2" tv series from the '70's.

Paul 24-07-2016 22:53

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
I've seen the "Trailer" and it looks like animation, so I hope its just test footage of what the ship will look like.

Stephen 24-07-2016 23:48

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
Well it's not even started filming yet, so will likely be something knocked up quickly for comic con, as it is just a Teaser.

Incidentally the design for that ship was done by Ralph McQuarrie so has a star wars vibe about it.

While Discovery is a cool name for the ship it means the series initials are STD. Lmao

Teaser link

BenMcr 25-07-2016 10:14

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017

Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 35850968)
Well it's not even started filming yet, so will likely be something knocked up quickly for comic con, as it is just a Teaser.

Even if that's the case, it's a very odd thing to do. Comic Con and associated press is aimed at the core target audience for the show.

So far most of the comments I've seen about the trailer are negative, and for multiple reasons. If the aim of the trailer was start to build excitement, so far it seems to have done the opposite.

And personally, for something that's supposed to in part celebrate 50 years of Star Trek, having a ship design that was purposely canned because it didn't feel like a Star Trek ship is an strange choice.

Scary 25-07-2016 10:59

Re: New Star Trek series in 2017
to boldly go where no one has gone before, STD

Stephen 15-08-2016 15:29

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

Confirmed details

  • Set 10 years before the Original Series
  • Female lead with be a Lt Commander
  • Expect around seven main characters, one of whom will be homosexual

"We're going deep into something that was for me always very tantalizing, and [we're telling] that story through a character who is on a journey that is going to teach her how to get along with others in the galaxy," showrunner Bryan Fuller is quoted as saying by THR. "For her to truly understand something that is alien, she has to first understand herself."

So is the Discovery part of the title actually about the lead character rather than explaring space?

Glad its in the old timeline though. Also before Kirk by only 10 years, does that means uniforms and sets will look like the 60s originals?

Paul 15-08-2016 17:41

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
Oh great .. the obligatory PC characters, and someone "has to first understand herself".

I hope this is not as bad as it sounds.

General Maximus 15-08-2016 19:34

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
I am surprised they are doing this tbh because I think part of the reason why Enterprise failed was the period it was set in and the lack of technology. I loved the stories in Enterprise where they were developing phasers, shields and photo torpedoes because you know what the end result is going to be but that being said, it isn't for everyone. It is like watching a cowboy film where you think "if they had P90's, a couple of Apache helicopters and A10s they would be sorted". A lot of the time in Enterprise when they faced with impending doom I would remember a technical solution from something like Voyager and sigh in frustration thinking "they can't do that yet".

I am sure I am going to enjoy it but I do wish they would do one based in the future and/or on the Relativity. It would give them a completely blank canvas for new worlds and aliens, technology and endless story opportunities.

Stephen 15-08-2016 22:07

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
Maybe the setting of the series around the original era is for budget reasons.

Pierre 15-08-2016 22:13

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
Who do you think will take the place of "alien, robot, hologram" that acts as the foil????

I.e. Spock, Data, Odo, the Doctor, Seven of Nine etc.

General Maximus 15-08-2016 22:20

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 35854273)
Maybe the setting of the series around the original era is for budget reasons.

yup because they made it crystal clear that it isn't going to tie in with the movies


Originally Posted by Pierre (Post 35854274)
Who do you think will take the place of "alien, robot, hologram" that acts as the foil????

I.e. Spock, Data, Odo, the Doctor, Seven of Nine etc.

it is going to be a robot (as opposed to an android) so I just pray that they make it look like a realistic technologically advanced robot and not like something from Lost in Space.

Damien 15-08-2016 22:21

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

Originally Posted by Pierre (Post 35854274)
Who do you think will take the place of "alien, robot, hologram" that acts as the foil????

I.e. Spock, Data, Odo, the Doctor, Seven of Nine etc.

I don't know although I bet they find the human condition strange and illogical!

Chris 16-08-2016 21:17

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 35854277)
yup because they made it crystal clear that it isn't going to tie in with the movies

it is going to be a robot (as opposed to an android) so I just pray that they make it look like a realistic technologically advanced robot and not like something from Lost in Space.


General Maximus 16-08-2016 21:25

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
that is what I am worried about. Sometimes they go OTT is trying to make things look "classic" and they forget that we aren't in the 60's anymore and technology has moved on.

Stephen 16-08-2016 21:33

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
But the series is set in the Trek era from the 60s.

So it will have to look like tech from the 60s. It can't be more advanced than what they had when they made the original series.

---------- Post added at 21:33 ---------- Previous post was at 21:31 ----------


Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 35854277)
yup because they made it crystal clear that it isn't going to tie in with the movies.

They could have set it after Voyager though. It was always to follow the timeline of the original series and movies.

I think they picked the era deliberaty to make it cheaper for sets and things.

v0id 17-08-2016 19:33

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 35854459)
But the series is set in the Trek era from the 60s.

So it will have to look like tech from the 60s. It can't be more advanced than what they had when they made the original series.

---------- Post added at 21:33 ---------- Previous post was at 21:31 ----------

They could have set it after Voyager though. It was always to follow the timeline of the original series and movies.

I think they picked the era deliberaty to make it cheaper for sets and things.

Why? the sets didn't look cheap or look like tech from the 60s for Enterprise? :/

Stephen 17-08-2016 19:45

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
Enterprise sort of looked like an advanced submarine or something like that.

This series is 10 years prior to Kirk so will have to look very similar.

General Maximus 17-08-2016 21:06

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
and that limits them in the scope of the stories, ships, in-story technology, aliens etc which they can use because they have got to stick to what is already known and established. I enjoyed Enterprise but I think what I just said was the reason for its downfall. Look at Voyager; new quadrant means new aliens and planets which means new technology which means unlimited possibilities for stories. Even if you tried to make it adventurous and say they are out exploring space for the first time like Archer and Kirk, they can only discover what we already known about and is already part of Federation and Starfleet history. The best you can get is learning the nitty gritty details about it and exploring some stories in depth. It is probably the wrong time frame but I would love to see them cover aspects of the Federation-Klingon war similar to the odd eps in seasons 5 and 6 of DS9 covering the Dominion war.

Stephen 17-08-2016 23:47

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
Nothing to stop them discovery species only to have them wiped out or something, so they then do not exist during the Original Series timeline.

Or inventing certain technologies that do not work or aren't great.

Chris 18-08-2016 00:22

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
If the writers of Discovery obsess over the tech then the series will fail. Enterprise was turgid because they wanted to do Star Trek without a lot of the scaffolding that allows those stories to be told, then made a great song and dance about it. Thus it became a very self conscious documentary of the making of Starfleet when it should have just told rip-roaring tales that were defined by their own times.

I'm glad Discovery will be set close in time to TOS. The tech of that period is well understood. They should just go with it, and use it the way the original writers did - simply means to enable the stories they wanted to tell.

dilli-theclaw 18-08-2016 18:14

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
I still can't make up my mind about this but I am a proper sucker for Star Trek so I guess I'll be giving it a shot.

General Maximus 18-08-2016 18:24

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
I like pure scifi like Star Trek and BSG so even if it isn't good, I think I will still enjoy it more than I do most other series.

adzii_nufc 27-08-2016 00:23

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
Is this accurate?

The new Star Trek series coming out on CBS All Access.


As much as I want it to work, I don't really see people paying per month just to watch that show, and Star Trek fans probably aren't interested in anything else they're offering. So the ratings will suck in the U.S.

The best hope is that it gets licensed to Netflix, like it is in the rest of the world.
If true and it's exclusive in the US to a separate paid subscription then he has a point, ratings won't be huge. We'll likely get it via something else of course but if it tanks in the US then it'll have a knock on effect here.

An American's glum opinion on it:

CBS All-access will be a complete failure. $6 a month for a single channel's content is a ridiculous price. They should have joined Hulu when they had the chance, using a geek centric show to try and anchor this service only shows how stupid and out of touch they are.

Hopefully the execs behind the streaming service are fired before Star Trek gets cancelled and it can either be put on air or moved to another service.
I love Netflix and Prime Video but these American ones HBO's and CBS are the start of something stupid and costly for the rest of us. If it comes off you can bet your ass, BBC will start a version of it and other UK broadcasters will follow suit. Are we moving towards the point of paying separate sub's now for different channels. Netflix and Prime are well worth the money for value vs content. These spin offs really aren't though and need shot down before they lift off. I'm happy with the BBC content on Netflix, if they played this card I wouldn't be caught dead paying them for it whilst maintaining the platform they removed it from.

Stephen 27-08-2016 00:57

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
I'm just glad it will be on Netflix in the UK.

Chris 27-08-2016 09:42

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
I agree, it looks like a cack-handed attempt to use a big brand to push a pay-tv service. There will be plenty of hard core fans who will buy in to it but whether there will be enough to recover their production costs and make a profit remains to be seen.

Stephen 27-08-2016 09:54

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
Guess it all depends how much Netflix paid them wor the rest of the world rights.

Paul 05-09-2016 12:12

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
According to reports, the first season will only be 13 episodes.


The first season of “Star Trek Discovery,” which begins airing in January, will boast only 13 episodes (the shortest live-action season of Star Trek ever produced)

Stephen 05-09-2016 14:42

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
I've seen that mentioned a few times.

I am happy with that as a full 22 epsiode season as per all previous season meant there were many 'filler' episodes.

Hopefully it will mean this means that having less episodes means better episodes.

BenMcr 05-09-2016 14:51

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
A lot of Netflix shows have similar season lengths.

Stephen 05-09-2016 21:04

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
New uniforms will look pretty much like they did in 'The Cage'

Designed by Gucci as well.

General Maximus 15-09-2016 08:35

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
Very disappointing, I was looking forward to it so much. Unless it is all about summer ratings I wonder what has happened that they have had to bang it back by 5 months on such short notice. They have hyped it up so much over the last couple of months everyone is looking forward to it now.

Kabaal 15-09-2016 09:32

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 35859249)
Very disappointing, I was looking forward to it so much. Unless it is all about summer ratings I wonder what has happened that they have had to bang it back by 5 months on such short notice. They have hyped it up so much over the last couple of months everyone is looking forward to it now.

Unlikely but maybe it's just not right and they need time to improve it. Nowadays these types of shows rarely succeed.

BenMcr 15-09-2016 09:41

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
I just hope the delay includes getting the best special effects possible (alongside all the other things they need to get right)

Having a show where they look worse than the previous shows would be a bit of problem

Stephen 15-09-2016 09:43

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
I'd say that is a more realistic date.

Its September and they haven't even announced cast or started production on a show that was due to start in January.

For a show with lots of post production and effects work I don't see January being achievable in terms of making the show look good and of a good standard.

adzii_nufc 15-09-2016 10:14

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 35859255)
I'd say that is a more realistic date.

Its September and they haven't even announced cast or started production on a show that was due to start in January.

For a show with lots of post production and effects work I don't see January being achievable in terms of making the show look good and of a good standard.

Pretty much the perfect answer. There was no way this was making a January release without being horribly rushed and ultimately becoming a flop. CBS can then position themselves to make CBS access more worthwhile with content vs monetary value before then which will only decrease the chance of it failing in the US.

pip08456 15-09-2016 11:17

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 35859255)
I'd say that is a more realistic date.

Its September and they haven't even announced cast or started production on a show that was due to start in January.

For a show with lots of post production and effects work I don't see January being achievable in terms of making the show look good and of a good standard.

Filming is due to start this month in Toronto so hopefully there will be a cast announcement soon.

"Star Trek TV show filming locations: Where's it shooting?

Filming will begin in Toronto in September 2016 – to be specific, in Pinewood Toronto Studios, taking advantage of the facility's 46,500-square-foot mega-stage for some truly epic adventures."

General Maximus 18-09-2016 21:04

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

Star Trek: Discovery will now launch in May, 2017, it was announced this afternoon by CBS All Access. The new premiere date is driven by the creative team's belief that this will give the show the appropriate time for delivery of the highest-quality, premium edition of the first new Star Trek television series in more than a decade.

“Bringing Star Trek back to television carries a responsibility and mission: to connect fans and newcomers alike to the series that has fed our imaginations since childhood,” executive producers Alex Kurtzman and Bryan Fuller said in a joint statement. “We aim to dream big and deliver, and that means making sure the demands of physical and post-production for a show that takes place entirely in space, and the need to meet an air date, don’t result in compromised quality.

Before heading into production, we evaluated these realities with our partners at CBS and they agreed: Star Trek deserves the very best, and these extra few months will help us achieve a vision we can all be proud of.

”Star Trek: Discovery is coming to CBS All Access in May, 2017, following the premiere on the CBS Television Network, and will be distributed concurrently on Netflix in 188 countries and through Bell Media in Canada.

Stephen 18-09-2016 21:16

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
You already posted the link to that story the other day?

Have made it a bit easier to read.

General Maximus 18-09-2016 21:24

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
nope, the original link just said it was being rescheduled etc with no reason. This is now the pr friendly excuse for it.#

Edit: my bad, the urls are different but they now seem to link to the same article

Stephen 18-09-2016 21:25

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
If you click your original link it takes you to the exact same story though.

I knew it would be for production reasons as stated in my earlier posts. It would be impossible to have it ready by January and have good quality production and effects.

General Maximus 18-09-2016 21:38

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
to be fair I didn't read the first link. The original article I read was on which is where I get all my tv series new from and it basically said the date had been pushed back and that was it and it provided the link which I posted. Even the original article has been updated since and now reads as:


Sorry, Star Trek fans. Today, CBS announced the premiere of Star Trek: Discovery has been pushed back to May.

The CBS All Access series was originally slated to debut in January.

The delay is apparently due to creative reasons. In a press statement, CBS said the “new premiere date is driven by the belief of the creative team that this gives the show the appropriate time for delivery of the highest quality, premium edition of the first new “Star Trek” TV series in over a decade.”

So far, few details have been released about Star Trek: Discovery. Earlier, showrunner Bryan Fuller revealed the new show will be set before the timeline of the original series and feature a female lead, a gay character, and possibly Spock’s mother.

Stephen 18-09-2016 21:45

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
Ooh ok.

I've added quotes and removed the bottom half as it was just the same as posted on the official link.

General Maximus 18-09-2016 21:52

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

General Maximus 27-10-2016 19:06

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)


Bryan Fuller is stepping down as showrunner on the Star Trek: Discovery TV show for CBS All Access. The co-creator confirmed the news on Twitter, yesterday. Co-creator and EP Alex Kurtzman will oversee the production, along with Fuller’s frequent collaborators, Gretchen Berg and Aaron Harberts.

Fuller, who originally boarded as showrunner in February, is staying on as an executive producer. He will remain involved in the creative side of the new Star Trek series. Here is more, from THR:

“We are extremely happy with the creative direction of Star Trek: Discovery and the strong foundation that Bryan Fuller has helped us create for the series,” producers CBS Television Studios said Wednesday in a statement. “Due to Bryan’s other projects, he is no longer able to oversee the day-to-day of Star Trek, but he remains an executive producer, and will continue to map out the story arc for the entire season. Alex Kurtzman, co-creator and executive producer, along with Fuller’s producing partners and longtime collaborators, Gretchen Berg and Aaron Harberts, will also continue to oversee the show with the existing writing and producing team. Bryan is a brilliant creative talent and passionate Star Trek fan, who has helped us chart an exciting course for the series. We are all committed to seeing this vision through and look forward to premiering Star Trek: Discovery this coming May 2017.”

The news comes as Fuller is busy prepping Starz’s high-profile reboot of Neil Gaiman’s American Gods as well as a revival of NBC’s Amazing Stories, the latter of which is an anthology. Fuller penned the first two scripts for Discovery and has scripted the larger arc for the series — which will see a woman captain the new ship, called Discovery. Insiders note that there had been some frustration on Fuller’s part with the speed with which Discovery was moving. CBS Television Studios has already begun marketing the series, which has yet to be cast, with panels at San Diego Comic-Con, a teaser at the upfronts and a Q&A with executives and Fuller at TCA.
Fuller will remain deeply involved in the creative story of Discovery, with showrunning duties divided between Kurtzman as well as Fuller’s frequent collaborators Berg and Harberts (Pushing Daisies).
Sources tell THR that the rest of the cast also will feature an openly gay actor as one of the male leads (which Fuller confirmed), a female admiral, a male Klingon captain, a male admiral, a male adviser and a British male doctor

General Maximus 20-12-2016 19:50

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
Sasha from The Walking Dead is cast as shows lead female character

General Maximus 20-01-2017 19:30

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
delayed again, this is not looking good:


“Production on Star Trek: Discovery begins next week,” CBS said in a statement. “We love the cast, the scripts and are excited about the world the producers have created. This is an ambitious project; we will be flexible on a launch date if it’s best for the show. We’ve said from the beginning it’s more important to do this right than to do it fast. There is also added flexibility presenting on CBS All Access, which isn’t beholden to seasonal premieres or launch windows.”

The network is not confirming a move from the scheduled May launch date, but notes there is more flexibility on timing given it is a streaming platform. Production was already scheduled to begin next week, so there is no delay on that front.

alanbjames 20-01-2017 20:06

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
I was asked to take command but refused due to other obligations lol

Stephen 20-01-2017 22:59

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
I did see this yesterday, indefinite delay. Not really the greatest news although they did also confirm the actor playing Sarek(Spock's Father) in the show.

techguyone 21-01-2017 08:50

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
In other news:


which will come first Axanar or Discovery
with the lawsuit settled will Axanar produce their 2 15 min episodes sooner than Discovery churns out an ep?

Terms of the settlement agreement include an agreement to allow Axanar Productions to continue showing PRELUDE TO AXANAR commercial-free on YouTube and to allow Axanar Productions to produce the AXANAR feature film as two fifteen-minute segments that can be distributed on YouTube (also without ads).

Chris 21-01-2017 09:51

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

Originally Posted by General Maximus (Post 35881399)
delayed again, this is not looking good:

They're trying to make out as if producing it for an on-demand service is an advantage, but it seems to me to be the opposite.

There is clearly no serious deadline, which is rarely a good idea in any project (unless you're inventing something totally new, and let's face it, they're not - the Trek universe is well understood, all they're doing is what every tv production company does every day of the week, devising characters and storylines to fit an established universe).

My bet is that CBS is hedging against the possibility that they won't get sufficient subscribers and has set a low budget, which would also tend to make things run more slowly.

For maximum impact/minimum outlay, they could have more simply spun something off in the 24th century where TNG and DS9 storylines have all been left hanging (Voyager was pretty well finished I think).

I have had a trial subscription to Netflix for the past couple of weeks and I've been delighted to find the remastered TNG is on there. I've been re-watching all my favourite episodes and remembering just how good that show was, especially once it hit its stride. Basically what I'm trying to say is, Discovery has a very tough act to follow, as it attempts to bring back the franchise in the way TNG did. It will need focus, commitment and hard work. It's hard to see evidence of that right now.

Horizon 21-01-2017 19:11

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
... I've got the TNG boxsets on a shelf right above my tv, don't touch them at all now. Click Netflix, click TNG, click which ep, done and in HD. Easy and lazy...

You may be right about the new show. What a shame.

If everything is okay, script, cast, general direction of the show etc, why the delay? Something is amiss somewhere, perhaps the borg have assimilated the producers.:)

Stuart 22-01-2017 15:01

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

Originally Posted by Chris (Post 35881430)

For maximum impact/minimum outlay, they could have more simply spun something off in the 24th century where TNG and DS9 storylines have all been left hanging (Voyager was pretty well finished I think).

I have had a trial subscription to Netflix for the past couple of weeks and I've been delighted to find the remastered TNG is on there. I've been re-watching all my favourite episodes and remembering just how good that show was, especially once it hit its stride. Basically what I'm trying to say is, Discovery has a very tough act to follow, as it attempts to bring back the franchise in the way TNG did. It will need focus, commitment and hard work. It's hard to see evidence of that right now.

I think it would have made things easier continuity wise as well. If you watch Enterprise then Star Trek (i.e. following the actual chronology), it actually looks like Starfleet's technology took a massive step backwards, because the special effects were so much better on Enterprise. I'm not even thinking of the exterior shots, the on set console displays were far better.

Discovery has a tough act to follow. They have a good consulting producer Nicholas Meyer (who directed The Wrath of Kahn and the Undiscovered Country and is one of two people credited with keeping the franchise alive after the relative failure of The Motion Picture). If he is still as good a writer as he was during those two films, and if he is directly involved, I think it will do well. It seems to have a good team behind it.

I think TNG was always going to be a difficult series to follow (although DS9 did a good job). Although it had some very bad episodes (the first half of season one and a lot of season 7 for instance), it had some of the best episodes I've seen in any TV series. I think one of the things I liked about TNG is that in some of the best stories, the actual setting was almost irrelevant, which meant that some of the best episodes almost weren't sci fi.

Chris 22-01-2017 15:27

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

Originally Posted by Stuart (Post 35881633)
I think it would have made things easier continuity wise as well. If you watch Enterprise then Star Trek (i.e. following the actual chronology), it actually looks like Starfleet's technology took a massive step backwards, because the special effects were so much better on Enterprise. I'm not even thinking of the exterior shots, the on set console displays were far better.

Discovery has a tough act to follow. They have a good consulting producer Nicholas Meyer (who directed The Wrath of Kahn and the Undiscovered Country and is one of two people credited with keeping the franchise alive after the relative failure of The Motion Picture). If he is still as good a writer as he was during those two films, and if he is directly involved, I think it will do well. It seems to have a good team behind it.

I think TNG was always going to be a difficult series to follow (although DS9 did a good job). Although it had some very bad episodes (the first half of season one and a lot of season 7 for instance), it had some of the best episodes I've seen in any TV series. I think one of the things I liked about TNG is that in some of the best stories, the actual setting was almost irrelevant, which meant that some of the best episodes almost weren't sci fi.

The best sci fi often is barely sci fi. One of the genre's key strengths is that it allows common issues to be explored from radically different angles. Star Trek TNG managed to explore society's attitude towards same sex relationships on prime time US TV as far back as 1991 (The Host, Season 4 e23) by switching a male character* into a female body part way through the episode and then discussing Dr Crusher's conflicted emotions, as she had already developed an attraction to him (latterly her).

TOS postulated a future in which Russians and Americans could serve in the same uniform, right at the height of the Cold War, and, famously, a future in which ethnically different characters could even kiss, much less fall in love, at a time when racial segregation had only just lost its basis in US law.

I'm not certain Nick Meyer will have much direct involvement in this new series. Making someone a consulting producer is usually a means of preventing copyright disputes. Ignoring the Motionless Picture for a moment (as most people do), everything that was any good about the original film franchise originated with him (though he famously disagreed with the idea of bringing Spock back from the dead). Discovery will almost certainly reference his ideas directly at various points, as it is set fairly close in the continuity to the end of the original film run, and may well pick up ideas he had but which didn't find their way into the films. If his name is on the credits for Discovery, then they easily get his buy-in for any of that.

For comparison ... Gene Roddenberry had a producer credit on TNG, but reputedly he spent most of his time writing memos to the real show producers slagging the project off.

* A Trill, except not in quite the same way they were later portrayed in DS9.

Stephen 24-01-2017 10:12

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

Originally Posted by Stuart (Post 35881633)
I think it would have made things easier continuity wise as well. If you watch Enterprise then Star Trek (i.e. following the actual chronology), it actually looks like Starfleet's technology took a massive step backwards, because the special effects were so much better on Enterprise. I'm not even thinking of the exterior shots, the on set console displays were far better.

Discovery has a tough act to follow. They have a good consulting producer Nicholas Meyer (who directed The Wrath of Kahn and the Undiscovered Country and is one of two people credited with keeping the franchise alive after the relative failure of The Motion Picture). If he is still as good a writer as he was during those two films, and if he is directly involved, I think it will do well. It seems to have a good team behind it.

I think TNG was always going to be a difficult series to follow (although DS9 did a good job). Although it had some very bad episodes (the first half of season one and a lot of season 7 for instance), it had some of the best episodes I've seen in any TV series. I think one of the things I liked about TNG is that in some of the best stories, the actual setting was almost irrelevant, which meant that some of the best episodes almost weren't sci fi.

I think the plan with this though was to make the sets and tech match as close as possible to the original series so it fits in without looking really out of place. Some of Enterprise worked in that was as the ship resembeled a modern submarine internally in respect to corridors and doors.

BenMcr 24-01-2017 11:06

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
Interestingly if you read the some of the Enterprise books that have been released since the series ended, they've tried to explain the disparity in the technology (specifically those covering the Romulan War), and why Enterprise feels 'newer' than the Original Series.

I know it's a 'retcon' but it's no different than what Enterprise did for the Klingons, which I thought was a reasonable solution.

Stuart 24-01-2017 22:10

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed Enterprise, and was sad at both the fact it was axed and the way it ended (I felt that the last scene in which Riker and Troi were watching the events on a Holodeck cheapened the series).

That said, I did enjoy the explanation of why the Klingons are how they are. Enterprise actually handled the differences quite well, but it always was going to be a problem, with Enterprise being made 40 years after Star Trek, but set a few years before.

Stephen 25-01-2017 11:46

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
I thought the TNG link was a great addition and really helped tie the series in to the rest of the Trek universe, so that it did actually feel like part of it.

I know they did try to make the tech look basic but it didn't properly work due to modern tools and materials.

Paul 25-01-2017 19:46

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

Originally Posted by Stuart (Post 35882026)
...I felt that the last scene in which Riker and Troi were watching the events on a Holodeck cheapened the series.

That said, I did enjoy the explanation of why the Klingons are how they are.

Enterprise wasnt great, I lost interest, and have apparently fogotten most of it, as I dont remember either of these items any more.

General Maximus 25-01-2017 20:04

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
the thing which I loved about Enterprise was the number of 2 and 3 parters they did in order to make the most of the opportunity to explore and explain major story lines which have been established in Trek culture such as the Klingons, Section 37 and the initial relationship they had with the Vulcans. I thought it was genius and I hope they do the same in the new series.

cimt 25-01-2017 20:26

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
That was excellent but unfortunately it was too late. It was one of the best aspects of the final season and it was a shame they didn't get chance to expand more on it.

richard s 28-01-2017 20:38

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)
Any Star Trek can't wait... Voyger still the best ever in my personal opinion.

denphone 28-01-2017 20:59

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

Originally Posted by richard s (Post 35882794)
Any Star Trek can't wait... Voyger still the best ever in my personal opinion.

Yes l thought that was a excellent series but my favourite personally was DS9.

General Maximus 28-01-2017 22:11

Re: Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

Originally Posted by richard s (Post 35882794)
Any Star Trek can't wait... Voyger still the best ever in my personal opinion.

completely agree. They weren't my favourite crew but it was my favourite series because it was something new with fresh and unexplored space & species as well as being modern with new technology in the series and the last technology and special effects for production of the series.

I watched a documentary on something a couple of weeks ago (I think it was something to do with the awards season) and one of the people speaking said we have got to the stage in technology where we can create anything we imagine. We don't want everything green screen but I think it is fantastic for us sci-fi fans that it has got to the point where all the worlds, species, ships and anything else writers and creators imagine can now be made real. I loved Voyager because they were able to create everything on a larger scale (e.g. the Borg universe) and make it real and believable. I am rewatching TNG atm and you can't help but notice how small scale everything was filmed and they had one set for the Borg cube with paintings for the background.

The perfect example and what epitomises everything I have just said is Rogue One. It was the absolute perfect balance in every regard and was able to create everything with spectacular effect (e.g. the devastation on Jedha)

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