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Ignitionnet 24-06-2016 23:13

Re: Post-Brexit Thread
I am behind the UK getting the best deal we can - it's EFTA-EEA membership. Access to the single market, free movement, but not the biggest bugbear for me and some others, political union.

As I think I wrote before that's probably as far as we should've gone all along. Our joining the EU fully was a mistake, acknowledged by both UK and EU.

Gavin78 24-06-2016 23:27

Re: Post-Brexit Thread
Germany fears France, Austria, Finland, the Netherlands and Hungary may follow the UK and leave the EU, a government paper says.

The finance ministry strategy paper expresses concern that the UK's historic vote may trigger a Brexit domino effect across Europe, according to the German newspaper Die Welt.

It recommends that the EU enters into negotiations aimed at making the UK an "associated partner country" for the remaining 27 nations.

As it stands, the UK's exit may cause Germany's contribution to the EU's budget to rise by 3bn euros (£2.44bn) a year, the paper adds.

And there was me thinking if we left there was no deals at all from the EU leave was leave lol

Mick 25-06-2016 00:47

Re: Post-Brexit Thread
Saw this posted in an Anti-EU FB group... Sums up my mood for the day entirely...


A Prime Minister resigned. The £ plummeted. The FTSE 100 lost significant ground. But then the £ rallied past February levels, and the FTSE closed on a weekly high: 2.4% up on last Friday, its best performance in 4 months. President Obama decided we wouldn't be at the 'back of the queue' after all and that our 'special relationship' was still strong. The French President confirmed the Le Touquet agreement would stay in place. The President of the European Commission stated Brexit negations would be 'orderly' and stressed the UK would continue to be a 'close partner' of the EU. A big bank denied reports it would shift 2,000 staff overseas. The CBI, vehemently anti-Brexit during the referendum campaign, stated British business was resilient and would adapt. Several countries outside the EU stated they wished to begin bi-lateral trade talks with the UK immediately. If this was the predicted apocalypse, well, it was a very British one. It was all over by teatime. Not a bad first day of freedom.
By Warren Mitchell

RizzyKing 25-06-2016 02:25

Re: Post-Brexit Thread
Yep there is far more optimism out there then some would like to admit too many people just cannot accept remain lost and won't be happy with anything less then then the reality of the doom and gloom predicted.

Anypermitedroute 25-06-2016 06:20


Originally Posted by Arthurgray50@blu (Post 35845382)
Can someone please explain this.

I was told today, that the country that is most worried is Poland, and the polish people that are here already.

Now that we have voted to get out of Europe. Surely that IF Polish residents are here. It wont effect them ?

Well, people from both sides have been suggesting they, along with all other EU nationals (Ireland included) by the Vienna convention

However, again this may not be accurate

From a personal point of view, my girlfriend is Austrian, has worked everyday here for 6 years, never used NHS and paid in and adapted to British life, hell she even has a season ticket for cricket with me.

And suddenly she feels rather unwelcome and to be honest I can't give her a good answer as to guarantee she is safe to remain here.

If suddenly she is made to go I would of course follow her to Austria but the flip side is as soon to be non-eu my once freedom of movement and right to work (and even travel to see her family) may not be allowed in Austria and why should they if we do the same to them

Thanks UK, thanks a bunch

Russ 25-06-2016 07:50

Re: Post-Brexit Thread

Originally Posted by Mick (Post 35845402)
Saw this posted in an Anti-EU FB group... Sums up my mood for the day entirely...

:tu: Very good article that.

Another good point I read yesterday mentioned the fact that Remain voters were saying Leave supporters won it with a campaign of fear of what life would be like if we stay in the EU and as such the result was unfair. OK that's a pretty odd notion of 'unfair' as all political elections/referendums are fuelled by lies and BS however look at all the subsequent predictions of doom and gloom the Remainers have come out with over the past 24 hours....but of course, that's "different".

---------- Post added at 07:50 ---------- Previous post was at 07:42 ----------


Originally Posted by Anypermitedroute (Post 35845408)
Well, people from both sides have been suggesting they, along with all other EU nationals (Ireland included) by the Vienna convention

However, again this may not be accurate

From a personal point of view, my girlfriend is Austrian, has worked everyday here for 6 years, never used NHS and paid in and adapted to British life, hell she even has a season ticket for cricket with me.

And suddenly she feels rather unwelcome and to be honest I can't give her a good answer as to guarantee she is safe to remain here.

If suddenly she is made to go I would of course follow her to Austria but the flip side is as soon to be non-eu my once freedom of movement and right to work (and even travel to see her family) may not be allowed in Austria and why should they if we do the same to them

Thanks UK, thanks a bunch

I was viewing this angle with interest and was worried the result may fuel some racist and xenophobic attitudes and so far I'm glad to see that doesn't appear to be the case. On Radio 5 yesterday there were reports that due to so many EU nationals living, working and settled in the UK (and of course vice versa) it would be a logistic and administrative nightmare to simply withdraw their rights to be wherever they are so it appears some provisions and compromises will be offered.

Obviously for yourself that's hardly the certainty you need but I can't see a blanket "get out and go home" rule being applied.

RBMark 25-06-2016 07:54

Re: Post-Brexit Thread
There won't be a blanket get out and go home rule applied, because we the people of Britian won't allow it. This is still the amazingly tolerant vibrant country it always was.

We will just be able to have control over our own laws now,

Russ 25-06-2016 08:11

Re: Post-Brexit Thread

Originally Posted by RBMark (Post 35845413)
There won't be a blanket get out and go home rule applied, because we the people of Britian won't allow it. This is still the amazingly tolerant vibrant country it always was.

Absolutely, and may that never ever change.

I put the following on Facebook earlier in response to so many people posting things saying we don't have the right to be called Great anymore..

I don't see why this can't be an opportunity to show how Great we can be. Being all negative and defeatist is what removing the Great would be and yes the doom and gloom of Friday would be just that but if we're going to do this why not show the world how resilient we can be? Let's use this to fire up a patriotic British resurgence. I'm all for that as long as it's done *properly* and by that I mean celebrating GB and NOT hating or being hostile to anything foreign. Let's be proud of our country but the kind of pride that's colour blind and respects all other nations. Although I do respect the country I'm not a fan of Americanisms but the love they (generally) have for all things American is the sort of national pride we ought to have for Great Britain.

Again I only support an inclusive British pride, no racism or xenophobia should ever be cultivated or tolerated. Britain First, NF, BNP, EDL etc can all go to hell. We don't want the sort of GB they promote.

Let's have a truly great Great Britain rising from this!

Pierre 25-06-2016 08:11

Re: Should the UK invoke Article 50?

Originally Posted by martyh (Post 35845381)
Yes they do

We do not need to be a member of the single market to have access ,look it up

Paying tariffs to trade with the EU, is not being in the single market

Anypermitedroute 25-06-2016 08:22


Originally Posted by Russ (Post 35845411)
:tu: Very good article that.

Another good point I read yesterday mentioned the fact that Remain voters were saying Leave supporters won it with a campaign of fear of what life would be like if we stay in the EU and as such the result was unfair. OK that's a pretty odd notion of 'unfair' as all political elections/referendums are fuelled by lies and BS however look at all the subsequent predictions of doom and gloom the Remainers have come out with over the past 24 hours....but of course, that's "different".

---------- Post added at 07:50 ---------- Previous post was at 07:42 ----------

From when you and I last met you'll know I have a related issue (albeit my situation not regarding the EU) so I was viewing this angle with interest and was worried the result may fuel some racist and xenophobic attitudes and so far I'm glad to see that doesn't appear to be the case. On Radio 5 yesterday there were reports that due to so many EU nationals living, working and settled in the UK (and of course vice versa) it would be a logistic and administrative nightmare to simply withdraw their rights to be wherever they are so it appears some provisions and compromises will be offered.

Obviously for yourself that's hardly the certainty you need but I can't see a blanket "get out and go home" rule being applied.

That's the problem, both side have been saying they won't but no one is certain and as you can appreciate with recent events I can't rely on "goodwill" because frankly no one know for certain

Whilst I have to respect the democratic process I am bloody furious

So far I had people I vaguely know use the classic "if you don't like it why don't you just leave with them"
Well my my 5 year goal was go and live I Austria, and with their vote yesterday they just gone and made that harder

Russ 25-06-2016 08:34

Re: Post-Brexit Thread

Originally Posted by Anypermitedroute (Post 35845416)
That's the problem, both side have been saying they won't but no one is certain and as you can appreciate with recent events I can't rely on "goodwill" because frankly no one know for certain

Whilst I have to respect the democratic process I am bloody furious

So far I had people I vaguely know use the classic "if you don't like it why don't you just leave with them"
Well my my 5 year goal was go and live I Austria, and with their vote yesterday they just gone and made that harder

No absolutely, you and many others in your situation have every right to be angry at this, even more so as I very much doubt a concrete plan will be announced any time soon.

Damien 25-06-2016 08:35

Re: Post-Brexit Thread

Originally Posted by Russ (Post 35845414)
Absolutely, and may that never ever change.

I put the following on Facebook earlier in response to so many people posting things saying we don't have the right to be called Great anymore..

I don't see why this can't be an opportunity to show how Great we can be. Being all negative and defeatist is what removing the Great would be and yes the doom and gloom of Friday would be just that but if we're going to do this why not show the world how resilient we can be? Let's use this to fire up a patriotic British resurgence. I'm all for that as long as it's done *properly* and by that I mean celebrating GB and NOT hating or being hostile to anything foreign. Let's be proud of our country but the kind of pride that's colour blind and respects all other nations. Although I do respect the country I'm not a fan of Americanisms but the love they (generally) have for all things American is the sort of national pride we ought to have for Great Britain.

Again I only support an inclusive British pride, no racism or xenophobia should ever be cultivated or tolerated. Britain First, NF, BNP, EDL etc can all go to hell. We don't want the sort of GB they promote.

Let's have a truly great Great Britain rising from this!

But Leave have won. We're now discussing what we should actually do. Which is why the discussion is about what that would involve. Yes it's a 'great' country but we can't keep discussing that isn't of the practicalities of what we do.

This morning there is more talk of a Norway deal this morning.

Big Brian 25-06-2016 08:36

Re: Should the UK invoke Article 50?

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 35845158)
its a two year process [i believe] so i see no point in delaying invoking article 50 why put off until tomorrow what you can do today ,i think a delay gives the opportunity for undemocratic and unethical practices to be invoked ,cameron said[promised] he would do it he should do it or go now.

Next week I believe there is a summit to discuss the timetable for the divorce from the EU. Article 50 should not be invoked until we find out about that first.

Damien 25-06-2016 08:40

Re: Post-Brexit Thread

Originally Posted by Anypermitedroute (Post 35845416)
So far I had people I vaguely know use the classic "if you don't like it why don't you just leave with them"
Well my my 5 year goal was go and live I Austria, and with their vote yesterday they just gone and made that harder

Any reason for Austria? I was in Vienna a few months ago, seems a nice city to live in.

You could go before we actually leave? The one thing I am pretty sure of is that EU citizens already here and British people in the EU would be able to stay. :)

---------- Post added at 08:40 ---------- Previous post was at 08:38 ----------


Originally Posted by Big Brian (Post 35845419)
Next week I believe there is a summit to discuss the timetable for the divorce from the EU. Article 50 should not be invoked until we find out about that first.

Article 50 should be stalled at least until we have a new PM.

martyh 25-06-2016 08:48

Re: Post-Brexit Thread

Originally Posted by Damien (Post 35845394)
They have access to it in terms of being able to trade with it but not being in it. Being inside is different. It means everyone can operate within a common system, regulatory framework, employment market and so on.

Exactly ,we do not want to be in it ,we just voted to get out of all that crap .It is enough to be able to trade on mutually agreed terms with countries instead of being told how/when and where we can trade .
The biggest issue we are going to have to face is that you youngsters(;)) don't know anything other than being in the EU ,you have always had the EU telling you what to do and you don't know any different.It may come as a shock but what will most likely happen is that if it proves too expensive to buy stuff in from EU countries because they took the hump with us for leaving then companies will simply start making the stuff ourselves just like we used to .We could become a manufacturing nation once again instead of being a nation of bankers and salesmen

---------- Post added at 08:48 ---------- Previous post was at 08:46 ----------


Originally Posted by Pierre (Post 35845415)
Paying tariffs to trade with the EU, is not being in the single market

Nobody said we wanted to be in the single market ,you said to have access to it we would have to maintain free movement which simply is not true .

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