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arcimedes 12-08-2014 07:33

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Stupid computer :mad: Logged in just now and decided to logon to banking. I got the sign in wrong ( it happens occasionally) tried to go through the resetting procedure, it wouldn't work (could logon via phone so not all bad).

Then the PC started talking to me; somehow I had pressed something on the keyboard (its wireless (the keyboard) and windows 8.1) Then typing on keyboard didn't work it was displaying different characters to what I typed.

Rebooted and everything back to normal and I could now reregister for online banking. Good start to the day :rolleyes:

dilli-theclaw 12-08-2014 11:38

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
I might be missing something here but I just heard back from he blue badge people who tell me that the picture I uploaded was 'scanned on its side' and I need to send them the original to rescan it. I'm not sure why they can just rotate the picture 90degres?

joglynne 12-08-2014 12:02

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by dilli-theclaw (Post 35721049)
I might be missing something here but I just heard back from he blue badge people who tell me that the picture I uploaded was 'scanned on its side' and I need to send them the original to rescan it. I'm not sure why they can just rotate the picture 90degres?

I would imagine the process is automated so maybe there is no room for initiative.

MalteseFalcon 12-08-2014 12:43

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Had my routine eye test this morning. Optician says there has been a significant change for the worse in my sight and gave me a letter to take to my GP as soon as I had finished there. Now got an appointment for tomorrow morning, to see if I am being referred to hospital for more tests or to have more blood taken or what.

Now worrying myself silly about tomorrow. Would rather lose hearing than sight.

peanut 12-08-2014 18:27

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by MarkC1984 (Post 35721061)
Had my routine eye test this morning. Optician says there has been a significant change for the worse in my sight and gave me a letter to take to my GP as soon as I had finished there. Now got an appointment for tomorrow morning, to see if I am being referred to hospital for more tests or to have more blood taken or what. Now worrying myself silly about tomorrow. Would rather lose hearing than sight.

Normally I would have thought they optician would refer you to the hospital directly rather than going through the GP. Still, good luck for tomorrow.

My moan, I didn't receive the best news from my Nephro consultant today. :(

dilli-theclaw 15-08-2014 11:07

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
I am more than mildly irritated to find that it seems that my community transport people have given my address to someone I would much rather not have it (re interfering old busy body from my blind group).
I am so not happy right now.....

MalteseFalcon 15-08-2014 11:42

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Make a complaint dilli. They aren't allowed to give out your address to other people without your permission. Complain and tell the busy body to get lost.

joglynne 15-08-2014 12:00

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by MarkC1984 (Post 35721849)
Make a complaint dilli. They aren't allowed to give out your address to other people without your permission. Complain and tell the busy body to get lost.

Spot on Mark. You have a right to your privacy and the busy body should be told to buzz off and annoy someone else.

weenie 15-08-2014 14:39

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by dilli-theclaw (Post 35721843)
I am more than mildly irritated to find that it seems that my community transport people have given my address to someone I would much rather not have it (re interfering old busy body from my blind group).
I am so not happy right now.....

I don't think they have the right to give your address out dilli but I could be wrong, I think if I was you I would request that they never do that again without your permission. I know when people have asked me for someone's mobile number or address I have said no but I will ask the person if that is okay after all I would not like my address or phone number given out plus it's only manners to respect someone's privacy.

heero_yuy 15-08-2014 14:59

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Vodafones web site, there's always something wrong with it and its painfully slow too. Took 3 attempts to top up my PAYG phone today, site bombed out with stupid errors. You'd have thought that the one part of the site that would work properly is the part that gives them momey. Idiots. :mad:

Gary L 15-08-2014 18:43

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Did you know that 1 in every 4 drivers is driving whilst sending text messages, and/or holding their phone to their ear and having a conversation.

and 3 in every 4 drivers annoy me to death.

MalteseFalcon 19-08-2014 14:58

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Hire car places. Cannot believe that the deposit has gone up to £250 now. And we cannot do the times we want. Wanting to do Thursday to Saturday, 4pm each day. Place shuts at 1 on Saturday, which would leave no time on Saturday morning for what is wanted.

dilli-theclaw 20-08-2014 12:53

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
What's worse than having two casts again? Being put on the wheelchair patient transport system because my legs are 'too bad'

denphone 20-08-2014 13:16

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by dilli-theclaw (Post 35723187)
What's worse than having two casts again? Being put on the wheelchair patient transport system because my legs are 'too bad'

l am sorry to hear about your health travails dilli and l do hope things pick up for you soon.:ghugs:

dilli-theclaw 20-08-2014 13:22

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by denphone (Post 35723192)
l am sorry to hear about your health travails dilli and l do hope things pick up for you soon.:ghugs:

Thank you. I'm not so sure things are ever going to get better to be honest. Still, could be worse I guess.

joglynne 20-08-2014 13:39

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by dilli-theclaw (Post 35723187)
What's worse than having two casts again? Being put on the wheelchair patient transport system because my legs are 'too bad'

At least this way you can make use of your wheelchair and stay off your feet a lot easier. I know how much you value your independence but sometimes things do happen for the best sweetie. I can't give you a real one so here's a massive virtual .......

denphone 20-08-2014 13:49

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by dilli-theclaw (Post 35723195)
Thank you. I'm not so sure things are ever going to get better to be honest. Still, could be worse I guess.

Yes l look at things sometimes and l always think there are many worse off then me and thank my lucky stars that l am still alive and have such a caring and loving family.

weenie 20-08-2014 13:50

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by dilli-theclaw (Post 35723187)
What's worse than having two casts again? Being put on the wheelchair patient transport system because my legs are 'too bad'

Sorry to hear that dilli, sending you my love and best wishes :hugs:

weenie 20-08-2014 16:09

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Why do people need to ruin a good night. Last night my eldest son went to see The Killers with his girlfriend and some eejit thought it would be a great laugh to pee in a cup and throw it into the crowd and you have guessed it, some went onto my son's girlfriend but Steve said the lass next to his girlfriend got the worse of it. I just thought how disgusting why would anyone do that?

heero_yuy 20-08-2014 17:57

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by dilli-theclaw (Post 35723187)
What's worse than having two casts again? Being put on the wheelchair patient transport system because my legs are 'too bad'

Sorry to hear that you're in the wars again Dilli. Hope things improve for you. Meanwhile have a man hug from Heero. :hugs:

dilli-theclaw 20-08-2014 18:52

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Thank you all - I am going to play elite tonight to chill out I think :)

weenie 23-08-2014 11:46

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
I just hate it when my dog Keane is sick, woke up this morning to find the poor wee man had been sick all over the kitchen floor he seems better now thank goodness, what a horrible start to the day. Plus side kitchen floor cleaned and all mopped up with dettol kitchen floor cleaner.

papa smurf 23-08-2014 12:29

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by weenie (Post 35723746)
I just hate it when my dog Keane is sick, woke up this morning to find the poor wee man had been sick all over the kitchen floor he seems better now thank goodness, what a horrible start to the day. Plus side kitchen floor cleaned and all mopped up with dettol kitchen floor cleaner.

you'll have to stop him going out on the town on a Friday night ;)

weenie 23-08-2014 13:03

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 35723760)
you'll have to stop him going out on the town on a Friday night ;)


MadGamer 23-08-2014 22:13

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Not one to moan that much, but here goes. Being wound up by family members about this ice bucket challenge, which to be honest I think is rather silly. Who in their right mind really wants a bucket of ice cold water dumped on them, and filmed at the same time? I get that it's to raise awareness of ASL, but surely there's better ways to raise awareness or just donate? so that's now caused an arguement between me and my sister and brother in law, which I'm sure will all blow over by tomorrow, but it still irritates me.

Second of all Facebook. It causes so many arguements and issues, and is just used to personally attack people, it's now not used I feel for what it was really designed for, so I've deactivated my account for a bit and will be spending some time away from it. Oh well moan over.

denphone 24-08-2014 06:19

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by MadGamer (Post 35723842)
Not one to moan that much, but here goes. Being wound up by family members about this ice bucket challenge, which to be honest I think is rather silly. Who in their right mind really wants a bucket of ice cold water dumped on them, and filmed at the same time? I get that it's to raise awareness of ASL, but surely there's better ways to raise awareness or just donate? so that's now caused an arguement between me and my sister and brother in law, which I'm sure will all blow over by tomorrow, but it still irritates me.

Second of all Facebook. It causes so many arguements and issues, and is just used to personally attack people, it's now not used I feel for what it was really designed for, so I've deactivated my account for a bit and will be spending some time away from it. Oh well moan over.

Yes l find it amazing how many times on Facebook how many people go away from the subject involved and start bickering and arguing about something else.:rolleyes:

Just keep calm MG and just stay resolute about them mentioning the ice cold water challenge to you and just simply say no.

heero_yuy 24-08-2014 10:00

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Next door have been feeding a seagull, bleeding idiots, now it's got a chick and they're both hanging about and the chick keeps making those stupid piping noises. I'm squirting them with water to try and get them to keep away.

I wonder how they'll feel when the seagull attacks their small child to steal its food as it will inevitably do so.

MalteseFalcon 24-08-2014 11:01

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by heero_yuy (Post 35723878)
Next door have been feeding a seagull, bleeding idiots, now it's got a chick and they're both hanging about and the chick keeps making those stupid piping noises. I'm squirting them with water to try and get them to keep away.

I wonder how they'll feel when the seagull attacks their small child to steal its food as it will inevitably do so.

Probably blame everyone else.

heero_yuy 24-08-2014 11:07

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by MarkC1984 (Post 35723893)
Probably blame everyone else.

They're not the sharpest tools in the box.

rhyds 29-08-2014 12:43

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Just had a spam text from KwikFit. It seems that my giving my mobile number to them two years ago when I popped in to have my aircon regassed (in case I decided to pop out while they did it) means they can now send me ***** about needing a service and offering a discount (Which of course will be quickly recouped from "essential" work)

denphone 29-08-2014 19:12

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
We have had three power cuts in our area in the last three hours and there has been no information at all.:(

dilli-theclaw 30-08-2014 11:32

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by dilli-theclaw (Post 35723187)
What's worse than having two casts again? Being put on the wheelchair patient transport system because my legs are 'too bad'

my legs continue to get worse - but on the other hand the wheelchair visit was a great successes :)

MalteseFalcon 30-08-2014 11:59

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
At least something to be cheerful about. My moan is people who don't watch where they are going. Been battling for last fortnight now with plantar fasciitis and WAS getting better. Until today when a stupid kid decided to push a trolley because he was told no to sweets. Running right over my foot. No apology or anything from him or his mum.

Qtx 30-08-2014 12:15

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by rhyds (Post 35725055)
Just had a spam text from KwikFit. It seems that my giving my mobile number to them two years ago when I popped in to have my aircon regassed (in case I decided to pop out while they did it) means they can now send me ***** about needing a service and offering a discount (Which of course will be quickly recouped from "essential" work)

Had my mobile phone number for around 15 years and until last year had no spam sms messages at all. Had one for Vision express last year and a few weeks ago one from Coral, which i'm chasing all the way through until I find out who supplied my details. So careful signing up for things and if I don't feel a company actually needs my number, I always give them two digits mixed up like an intentional typo. Thats on top of double checking there is no stray/hidden box's that need to be ticked to avoid them passing your details on.

Hopefully have some nice details to pass on to the ICO soon :)

MalteseFalcon 30-08-2014 13:54

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
I just use my mobile number so the landline stays remarkably quiet.

ThunderPants73 30-08-2014 16:07

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by rhyds (Post 35725055)
Just had a spam text from KwikFit. It seems that my giving my mobile number to them two years ago when I popped in to have my aircon regassed (in case I decided to pop out while they did it) means they can now send me ***** about needing a service and offering a discount (Which of course will be quickly recouped from "essential" work)

Just blacklist the number.

rhyds 30-08-2014 18:12

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by ThunderPants73 (Post 35725319)
Just blacklist the number.

Can't be arsed with that (the number was hidden anyway). I simply contacted them via twitter and have removed my details from their database.

weenie 31-08-2014 15:23

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Obstructive people who seem too take great joy in causing deliberate difficulties and delays. Roll on the 10th September the final deadline for them to give an answer or they are going to be issued a ROR letter. Why would anyone risk that :confused: Very Foolish person IMO

heero_yuy 31-08-2014 15:28

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by weenie (Post 35725540)
Obstructive people who seem too take great joy in causing deliberate difficulties and delays. Roll on the 10th September the final deadline for them to give an answer or they are going to be issued a ROR letter. Why would anyone risk that :confused: Very Foolish person IMO

I'm glad we're on good terms with our neighbours. Mind you when his nibs next door gets too enthusiastic with the secateurs I've had words. :D

weenie 31-08-2014 15:34

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Heero I have never had any problems with any of my neighbours in the 25 years of being a householder that is until I moved here 7 years ago (being the 10th owner in 20 years but we did not know that at the time) we got on till she claimed my land last year in December that is when the you know what hit the fan. Sadly now we are stuck till the dispute is over as we cannot sell NIGHTMARE. I think it speaks volumes what sort of person they are when their own insurer has confirmed to mine that they are being difficult and if she continues to be they will be left with no choice but to issue a ROR letter to her.

MalteseFalcon 31-08-2014 16:10

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
What is an ROR letter?

weenie 31-08-2014 16:25

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by MarkC1984 (Post 35725562)
What is an ROR letter?

Reservation of rights.

SnoopZ 31-08-2014 16:33

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by weenie (Post 35725567)
Reservation of rights.

Would that affect your claim? as i just googled it and it has left me confused.

weenie 31-08-2014 16:46

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by SnoopZ (Post 35725569)
Would that affect your claim? as i just googled it and it has left me confused.

No as it is my neighbours insurance that are issuing their client with the ROR letter it will only strengthen my claim as her own insurance loss adjuster has stated she is is in the wrong and works need to be done, so therefore if she does not take action they will issue a ROR letter. As the loss adjuster from her own insurance has stated that the planted trees cause concern. He goes on to say the proximity to the foundations and brick walls gives great cause for concern in relation to the integrity of the building, now and in the future action is required by removing the trees. My neighbour is refusing to move them therefore causing concern to her own insurance by failing to take action and their advice.

SnoopZ 31-08-2014 16:59

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by weenie (Post 35725575)
No as it is my neighbours insurance that are issuing their client with the ROR letter it will only strengthen my claim as her own insurance loss adjuster has stated she is is in the wrong and works need to be done, so therefore if she does not take action they will issue a ROR letter. As the loss adjuster from her own insurance has stated that the planted trees cause concern. He goes on to say the proximity to the foundations and brick walls gives great cause for concern in relation to the integrity of the building, now and in the future action is required by removing the trees. My neighbour is refusing to move them therefore causing concern to her own insurance by failing to take action and their advice.

It sounds like your neighbour is clueless.

Unfortunately when you come to sell you have to legally tell the new owners of all these problems which really sucks, with any luck your neighbour will move away.

weenie 31-08-2014 17:04

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by SnoopZ (Post 35725580)
It sounds like your neighbour is clueless.

Unfortunately when you come to sell you have to legally tell the new owners of all these problems which really sucks, with any luck your neighbour will move away.

I know :( and we can wish & hope that they move.

Hom3r 31-08-2014 18:39

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Back to work tomorrow after a 2 week holiday.

Qtx 02-09-2014 16:47

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Can't get a song out of my head and worried i'm actually starting to like it. Taylor Swift - Shake it off

heero_yuy 02-09-2014 17:03

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Looks like our rat-run has claimed another victim: White Audi just got seriously T-Boned up the road. Serves them right.

Qtx 02-09-2014 17:19

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Waited in all day for a delivery which looks like it won't turn up now, even though it said it was out for delivery at 06:55 this morning.

weenie 02-09-2014 20:57

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by Qtx (Post 35726087)
Waited in all day for a delivery which looks like it won't turn up now, even though it said it was out for delivery at 06:55 this morning.

Hope you've got your delivery as there is nothing more annoying than waiting in all day just for a no show :(

Gary L 02-09-2014 21:46

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by Qtx (Post 35726070)
Can't get a song out of my head and worried i'm actually starting to like it. Taylor Swift - Shake it off

My niece says to tell you. stuff that one and try Ariana Grande - Break Free

denphone 03-09-2014 05:35

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by Qtx (Post 35726087)
Waited in all day for a delivery which looks like it won't turn up now, even though it said it was out for delivery at 06:55 this morning.

Who was supposed to be delivering it?.

Qtx 03-09-2014 10:41

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by weenie (Post 35726141)
Hope you've got your delivery as there is nothing more annoying than waiting in all day just for a no show :(

It turned up at 18:30, so only an hour later than when I posted. That's a long day for them if it's the same driver who took the van at just before 7am!

Den, it was down as Amazon logistics so wasn't sure which delivery company it would be but seems they do deliver up until 9pm. Had lots of trouble with Yodel before, where they just wouldn't bother to turn up then update their systems to say there was no answer. Was fearing it was them again this time.

Good news is new toys are here though :D

Gary L 03-09-2014 10:43

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by Qtx (Post 35726221)
Good news is new toys are here though :D

Let us know if it feels real.

Qtx 03-09-2014 10:50

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by Gary L (Post 35726155)
My niece says to tell you. stuff that one and try Ariana Grande - Break Free

Tried it but it's doing nothing for me. It's the same as a zillion other tunes!

As much as I dislike linking to official videos where the corporate hands get some pennies for the click, the Taylor video is different too.

---------- Post added at 10:50 ---------- Previous post was at 10:46 ----------


Originally Posted by Gary L (Post 35726222)
Let us know if it feels real.

Double 4TB's feels great!

MalteseFalcon 03-09-2014 13:55

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Losing half an hour of my life. Had an initial telephone interview at half 12 today for a warehouse position. Nowhere in the advert or when I made the initial application that they needed someone with experience of being in a managerial or supervisory role. So interview on phone was going well, we were just about to fix a time and day for me to attend an interview in person when they ask how many months/years experience I had as a supervisor or manager. When I said none, they couldn't make their excuses quickly enough and hung up on me.

What annoys me most about this is that I know I could have done the job even without having the experience. I mean, how do new managers ever get promoted? And supervisors for that matter. Makes me so cross.

GrimUpNorth 03-09-2014 14:18

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
My sister :mad:.



heero_yuy 05-09-2014 19:00

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Been doing a pre MOT inspection of the Metro GTi 16v. Found a few simple to fix things but the big ticket item is the rear subframe mounts are badly corroded. I poked them with a screwdriver and now there's some holes. Frame also looks a bit dodgy :(

I need to replace the rear flexible brake hoses, going to upgrade to fully braided all round to pick up the braking, which also needs the frame to be dropped so I think I'll remove the frame completely to allow for refurbishment and to get better access for my MIG welder onto the mounting areas for putting in some new metal.

Least I can do the work and before somebody says scrap the car, one of this model went for over £3K on ebay recently and it wasn't mint. They're so rare now that the value is only going one way: up. :)

Hom3r 07-09-2014 20:01

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Well I was eating some toast and as I was eating I noticed something very hard as I was eating, then I found out it was my tooth (cap) had come out. :( Trip to the dentist, I'd rather rather watch Jedward & Justin Bieber in concert until the end of time.

---------- Post added at 20:01 ---------- Previous post was at 19:49 ----------

Strictly has started :(

Even though the old git bruce ain't doing it, WTF is he doing starting it?

MalteseFalcon 07-09-2014 22:13

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Probably to do a handover to the new hosting team. It won't be the same without him on the show.

denphone 08-09-2014 06:33

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by MarkC1984 (Post 35727276)
Probably to do a handover to the new hosting team. It won't be the same without him on the show.

Sadly l will have to watch it as its one of my partners favourites programmes.:bigcry::bigcry:

SnoopZ 08-09-2014 08:02

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by denphone (Post 35727306)
Sadly l will have to watch it as its one of my partners favourites programmes.:bigcry::bigcry:

You need a man cave!

denphone 08-09-2014 08:57

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by SnoopZ (Post 35727308)
You need a man cave!

Do you know any for hire?.;):D

MalteseFalcon 08-09-2014 10:11

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Why not put up with it and sit there blatantly ogling the very sexy female pro dancers and Pixie Lott? OH will soon stop watching it with you around.

denphone 08-09-2014 13:45

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by MarkC1984 (Post 35727334)
Why not put up with it and sit there blatantly ogling the very sexy female pro dancers and Pixie Lott? OH will soon stop watching it with you around.

l have gone past the stage of ogling very sexy female pro dancers and Pixie Lott as l am a bit long in the tooth now Mark.

Cobbydaler 08-09-2014 15:50

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by denphone (Post 35727318)
Do you know any for hire?.;):D

I have one that's vacant at the moment as I'm over here :D

And on that note my current gripe is only getting 2.5 hours sleep since Saturday morning. I just can't get my sleep pattern back going west to east. :(

denphone 09-09-2014 09:38

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Our Virgin phone line has not been working for at least 48 hours and they say on their service status page that it is working when it is quite clearly not working.:(

MalteseFalcon 09-09-2014 12:21

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
It did that to my phone once den, we had to insist they come out and have a look. Turned out that despite it showing no fault on their system some bright engineer had managed to pull out about 24 phone lines when doing some maintenance work in the green cabinet. Took them 30 minutes to put the wires back in and it worked again.

heero_yuy 09-09-2014 13:29

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Some fraudulent scammer has tried to use my Visa debit bank card details in a grocery store in Las Vegas! :erm:

Fortunatly it was declined but now the fraud team at the bank has cancelled the card and is going to send out a new one. (4 days!) Buggered up some purchases from Amazon as those got declined too so I'll need to re-order once the new card details are through.

Good thing I have some cash in my wallet to tide me over the gap, the OH would have subbed me if not. Annoyingly I'll have to register the new card all over the place and have a new PIN and probably have to get a new verifed by Visa password.

You tend to forget how convenient it is for retailers to hold your card details. :(

rhyds 09-09-2014 14:41

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by heero_yuy (Post 35726761)
Been doing a pre MOT inspection of the Metro GTi 16v. Found a few simple to fix things but the big ticket item is the rear subframe mounts are badly corroded. I poked them with a screwdriver and now there's some holes. Frame also looks a bit dodgy :(

I need to replace the rear flexible brake hoses, going to upgrade to fully braided all round to pick up the braking, which also needs the frame to be dropped so I think I'll remove the frame completely to allow for refurbishment and to get better access for my MIG welder onto the mounting areas for putting in some new metal.

Least I can do the work and before somebody says scrap the car, one of this model went for over £3K on ebay recently and it wasn't mint. They're so rare now that the value is only going one way: up. :)

FWIW I'd avoid braded hoses. I put a set of goodridge ones on my 45 and both fronts failed. I much rather decent OEM spec rubber hoses for road use now.

Does your GTi have the vented front discs? I always found the solid disc/drum setup on my 1.1s pretty good, especially after nipping the rear brake adjusters up.

---------- Post added at 14:41 ---------- Previous post was at 14:36 ----------

As for today's moan, Orange/EE want 10 working days (also known as two weeks) to generate my Galaxy S3's phone unlock code. Now I know I could play about and root the phone and unlock it myself, but I'd rather not brick the phone until I've worked out my plan for replacing it.

heero_yuy 09-09-2014 15:02

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by rhyds (Post 35727703)
FWIW I'd avoid braded hoses. I put a set of goodridge ones on my 45 and both fronts failed. I much rather decent OEM spec rubber hoses for road use now.

Mmm. Something to think about. Modders reckon they tighten up the brake feel and take some slop out of the action. I'll go see what the peeps think on the forum.


Does your GTi have the vented front discs? I always found the solid disc/drum setup on my 1.1s pretty good, especially after nipping the rear brake adjusters up.
Fronts are fully vented with sliding calipers and very positive. Rear drums are basically like the old mini: Leading / trailing shoe. Last couple of MOTs I've struggled with them to get enough brake action to keep the tester happy, I wonder if the criteria has been changed? Though the handbrake does hold on a 1 in 6 hill (backwards!) as I discovered recently.

Mind you the last thing you want when anchoring up hard is for the rear braking to be too agressive.

rhyds 09-09-2014 15:16

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Sounds like my old metros. I'd start by stripping and checking the shoes/mechanisms both sides, before cleaning and greasing everything and then setting the brake adjusters carefully (I borrowed my dad's old mini brake adjusting spanner from 1970-odd...). It might be an idea to dig out a new fitting kit (springs etc) as the old ones might be getting a bit tired by now.

I can't remember if metros had a brake biasing/compensator system set up, but I doubt you'll cause rear brake overkill with the drums.

heero_yuy 09-09-2014 17:14

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by rhyds (Post 35727714)
Sounds like my old metros. I'd start by stripping and checking the shoes/mechanisms both sides, before cleaning and greasing everything and then setting the brake adjusters carefully (I borrowed my dad's old mini brake adjusting spanner from 1970-odd...). It might be an idea to dig out a new fitting kit (springs etc) as the old ones might be getting a bit tired by now.

Greetings to a fellow Metro/R100 owner. :)

I usually strip down the drum assembles each year and do the necessary. I had the garage do it last time just to get the ticket plus I was fed up with it failing on that one item despite everything looking perfect. They put in a new set of shoes but not really convinced.


I can't remember if metros had a brake biasing/compensator system set up
There are rear compensator valves plus the handbrake has a equiliser unit.


but I doubt you'll cause rear brake overkill with the drums.
Yep can't imagine the setup being too ferocious as it is. :D

MalteseFalcon 09-09-2014 17:28

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
So swapping a TiVo box for another because every time I change channel it freezes was meant to solve the issue? Bull. Now got to call Virgin tomorrow, and see if I can sort it out once and for all.

heero_yuy 09-09-2014 17:35

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by MarkC1984 (Post 35727738)
So swapping a TiVo box for another because every time I change channel it freezes was meant to solve the issue? Bull. Now got to call Virgin tomorrow, and see if I can sort it out once and for all.

You could reprogram it with a large axe. :D

weenie 09-09-2014 18:47

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Bird poo on windows.

MalteseFalcon 09-09-2014 21:15

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by heero_yuy (Post 35727740)
You could reprogram it with a large axe. :D

Might well do that. Virgin keep saying they cannot see any problem. As I have nothing recording from half ten tonight I might do a reboot see if that helps things.

dilli-theclaw 10-09-2014 15:50

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Well - after I sprung another leak last night (and against my better judgement) the boss called the foot clinic this morning. Net result ANOTHER day in hospital and another cast.

denphone 10-09-2014 15:52

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
l am sorry to hear that you have had to go to hospital again dilli and l do hope things improve for you as soon as possible.

joglynne 10-09-2014 15:54

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by dilli-theclaw (Post 35727952)
Well - after I sprung another leak last night (and against my better judgement) the boss called the foot clinic this morning. Net result ANOTHER day in hospital and another cast.

Please pass on a rep to Natalie from me.

weenie 10-09-2014 17:37

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by dilli-theclaw (Post 35727952)
Well - after I sprung another leak last night (and against my better judgement) the boss called the foot clinic this morning. Net result ANOTHER day in hospital and another cast.

Sorry to hear that dilli.

SnoopZ 10-09-2014 17:44

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
My moan is i had a viewing of my house expected today but the only person to turn up was the estate agent!

ThunderPants73 10-09-2014 18:21

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Travel sickness. What is it with me and automatic cars?

weenie 10-09-2014 18:25

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by ThunderPants73 (Post 35728000)
Travel sickness. What is it with me and automatic cars?

Automatic travel sickness by the sound of things :(

SnoopZ 10-09-2014 19:14

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by ThunderPants73 (Post 35728000)
Travel sickness. What is it with me and automatic cars?

My girlfriends son has terrible travel sickness and he tried loads of pills and they never worked making the car very messy! In the end she found some pills that always worked called Unda Cocculus Indicus 9Ch Gr and after taking 4 of them he is fine while in a car, although it helps to close his eyes.

Tinky 10-09-2014 19:57

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Why does conveyancing take soooooo long? :(

alferret 11-09-2014 06:12

Brought some components from ebuyer only to find the motherboard and CPU are not compatible unless the motherboard has a BIOS update, ebuyer agreed to a free return so packaged items which were picked up last Friday by YODEL. Seems that yodel have lost my parcel and ebuyer are refusing to do anything about it until they receive it, how the hell can ebuyer tell me to wait until they receive it after they told me in an email that it's been lost!!!
To say I'm angry is an understatement.
If I had known they used yodel prior to Friday I would have paid to send it via royal mail than take a free return from the UK's biggest cowboy training company. What bunch of useless idiots uses another bunch of useless idiots for their return service? Answers on as postcard and just make sure you don't send it via yodel because your entry will never get to me!

Uncle Peter 11-09-2014 16:17

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Lazy-arse project managers. Like I don't already have enough to do without having to pick up the tab for what they couldn't be bothered facing up to.

weenie 11-09-2014 16:58

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Feel like a right :dunce: tonight with Drew's maths homework (algebra) but think I've fooled him by saying I'm busy making dinner and just to wait till Dad gets home :D as I really have not got a clue as how to do it :( but not telling Drew that.

MalteseFalcon 11-09-2014 18:50

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Don't worry, I sucked at algebra as well. Didn't help that my maths teach was one of those who put notes on the board, said do the exercises on pages x to x and get on quietly. If you didn't understand then tough. I failed first time round with an E in maths GCSE.

weenie 11-09-2014 19:08

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Sadly that is the way some teachers were and maybe still are. Steven my eldest understood maths from a young age, whereas Drew has always struggled with maths. Drew's strong point is English where as Steven's was maths. Mine were I had no strong points as I hated school.

alferret 12-09-2014 06:56

Some people take to numbers, math quite easily others find a different niche.
Whilst I was very good at general maths I totally sucked at algebra, and any other type of maths that involved "pretend" equations, logarithm, cosigns and tangents.
32 years after leaving school I'm a CNC programmer/operator which involves quite a lot of math of various types as well as working it out in 5 planes. Who'd have guessed that's where I would find my niche.

MalteseFalcon 12-09-2014 10:13

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
I'm good at arithmetic and other sorts of maths. But algebra is not my strong suit. I retook it at college alongside a GNVQ and got a D second time around.

heero_yuy 12-09-2014 11:17

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
My maths and physics is pretty strong. ( A-Level ) It's my English that was appaling (3 tries to scrape an O-Level) but I attribute that to bad teaching methods and teachers: Endless essays and spelling tests that were an excuse to get the red pen out and make you feel small.

weenie 12-09-2014 14:36

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
I have been attending the doctors recently and now I have got word in that I need to go for a colonoscopy :Yikes: I am dreading it TBH. I know I will be lightly sedated but it is still a daunting thought getting one. I must admit I am not looking forward to the day before either and taking the moviprep, don't think I'll be leaving the house that day LOL

peanut 12-09-2014 14:40

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by weenie (Post 35728418)
I have been attending the doctors recently and now I have got word in that I need to go for a colonoscopy :Yikes: I am dreading it TBH. I know I will be lightly sedated but it is still a daunting thought getting one. I must admit I am not looking forward to the day before either and taking the moviprep, don't think I'll be leaving the house that day LOL

The prep and nil by mouth in the morning is far worse than the procedure. I'd rather have the oscopy going up rather than down. Usually the sedation is a little more than light too, hopefully you won't remember much of the procedure.

weenie 12-09-2014 14:49

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
Hope you are right peanut, I've to take the 1st moviprep at 5pm made up with a ltr of water at 5pm over 1-2 hrs then the 2nd at 8pm and again over two hrs with the additional 500ml of water on both. The bland diet the day before does not bother me as not really eating at the moment anyway. At least I'm the morning appointment. Roll on the 10th of October.

dilli-theclaw 12-09-2014 14:50

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8
I hope you get on ok :)

joglynne 12-09-2014 14:56

Re: Moans and Pet Hates part 8

Originally Posted by weenie (Post 35728418)
I have been attending the doctors recently and now I have got word in that I need to go for a colonoscopy :Yikes: I am dreading it TBH. I know I will be lightly sedated but it is still a daunting thought getting one. I must admit I am not looking forward to the day before either and taking the moviprep, don't think I'll be leaving the house that day LOL

I have to have one every year and have to agree with peanut that the prep is worse than the actual procedure.

I have found that by going over to a liquid diet for the day before I take the moviprep makes it more comfortable to bear. Think of it as a duvet day and spoil yourself with a good book and a hot water bottle.

As for the colonoscopy, well I can't tell you it is a pleasant experience but it doesn't last long and the sedation does work well. I can usually remember what went on but not the actual discomfort side.

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