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LemmyP 22-11-2008 13:28

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
I had a problem with the internet. I rung them and it came up that there was a problem in my postcode. I went through to there desk and asked what the proble was. They said it had been sorted and went through a few things on my computer with me, told me to restart my modem etc... nothing worked! Then the guy blamed my computer saying it was a fault with that! Ok fine... I didn't think it was. I took my computer to a few other places and plugged it in and it worked fine!

In the end i waited for 24 hours and then tried it again on my conection at home and it was fine... It was obviously a problem with Virgin and not my computer... Morons!

Also when the system was first installed there was a problem with the TV. Nothing worked!! The TV picture was freezing and jolting and in the end the whole system died. I rung Virgin and was told that they could get an engineer out in 72 hours!! Great...

When he did turn up he found that the person who installed it had messed up and installed it completely wrong and had to rewire the system!!

mr,m 22-11-2008 15:43

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
I just upgraded to V+.My order was taken by some Indian person,makes a change!
The operator virtually forced me to keep my old box,despite me telling her I did'nt want it,as I only have 1 tv what use would it be,but she insisted I had to keep it and pay £5 a month rental on it.
Anyway I was not too pleased at that,when the installer arrived he promptly packed up my old box.I told him I had to keep it,he was as perplexed as I was and he rang on my behalf to clarify the position,I was told I don't have to keep it,so he took it with him.I rang Vm to make sure they knew I hadn't kept the old box,no problem.If the installer hadn't packed up my old box I wouldn't have said anything and would be paying £5 more than I need to! Just wonder how many people have a box they don't want,this whole upgrading to V+ and having to rent the old box needs serious clarification.

elaine.robinson3 03-12-2008 21:45

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience

Originally Posted by Chris W (Post 34216771)
This thread is for everyone to note their good/ bad experiences with Virgin Media's customer service department.

Please vote in the poll, and if you have an additional comments please feel free to leave them here!

To be so absolutely honest.............I NEVER EVER EVER had a problem with VIRGIN MEDIA......They are bloody fantastic and so are their customer service skills 120% EVERY TIME.......but having had no option when I moved house and had to accept to go to BEYOND CABLE - arrgghhh don't even get me started.!!!!
They give Virgin a really bad name & image....none of them esp. IT lot know what they are doing, if they don't know they don't CARE & you can hear it in their voice. Sir Richard Branson should be utterly disgusted & appalled at these people.
I am disabled and my computer is very important for me as a way of communicating and getting any work done.
It has now been approx. 4 weeks and I still have no access at my home to the Internet even after I was sent another Router and when I call the IT people they don't know what they are doing and there are no supervisors and when they do have a go at trying fix the problem........"No it must be your computer"......I don't think so.
So finally I find out that there is some kind of an upgrade going on, AND I am still waiting to be re-connected to the internet though...............I am now at the Local Library how disgusting that I should even have to come out in this weather just to get some work done....should I send Beyond Cable a bill for all my precious time that I have now had to spend in the library when I am meant to be paying for a service and no-one gives a toss!!!!!
I'll be going to the Media next I promise maybe that will get the ball rolling. I feel so sorry for Mr Branson having these types of really does bring Virgin down an awful lot. I have used them for years and not one complaint, I even fly with them and train it with them as they are just fantastic but after this effort well you can imagine..............Can someone please get this fixed as a few bad slack employees shouldn't ruin it for the rest of you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:(:td:

hoggie 03-12-2008 23:11

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
Well i have just had the best result from VM ever.
we where changing banks and my VM bill didn't get paid.
this dragged on for two months so i lost my net,tv and phone.
after talking to a VM employee, and sending them all the paper work
showing the trouble we were having all my service's where restored.
and was given two months free service as I had informed VM by letter and phone and they still cut me off, so the free two months was an apology from them for jumping the gun a bit and the first person i spoke to, not listening to my problems.

it happens once in a blue moon and after ten years this is the only time i have had trouble.
but it was sorted in the end and im happy with the result.

i missed the last forum photo competition:(
but all is well now:D

2OLD2THINK 04-12-2008 08:24

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
I started with Cable & Wireless, being a shareholder gave me access to information that enabled a 1st rate service, then it changed to NTL, things got progressively better for a few years until the offices here burnt down as I was passing on my way into work(was not I, honest).
Then things started to deteriorate on the customer service side, job losses and an inability to get anyone to answer the phone.
Virgin took control and although we were promised a service that would revolutionise the industry things just got worse with failed TV lines, failure on a weekly basis of Internet services as "Upgrading" took place.

Major problems accessing my email account for alterations on "self care" pre June of this year and was told it would be OK in July, still having difficulty after my password was changed by a nice bloke in India to help me.

However.... I must admit that things are getting much better, the phone is answered promptly and when you press the right number button there is no lenghty delay.
Several times over the past few weeks I have had problems that took over 15 minutes to get sorted, but holding my hands need for worry, everything was handled as one would expect. My problems arose due to the Internet line being routed through a set top box that was causing probs so they sent a Modem free for me to install. After reading the instructions I found that I was not able to do it so I phoned again and was sent another Modem this time with an engineer to fit it and test.

Very good service in the way of time stated for arrival was spot on, in fact appologised for being a few mins early, and I must say that having had 4 service personell on my premises over the last year I can honestly say that they upheld the Virgin Customer Service policy. NTL fitters in the early days were akin to rouge traders:).

I have now got reason to believe that "Things can only get better" as the song goes. Roll on the day when Virgin get the email side fully integrated so I can have full control.

ShadowTD 04-12-2008 11:54

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
I called up the moving team last night. I was concerned that I'd be entering in to another 12 month contract as the end of Jan is my annual 'review' of my entertainment. There's precious little chance of me defecting to BT or Sky but it's something I like to do every year. The moving team told me I would be starting a new 12 month contract. I asked about my biggest bugbear of no HD channels and how I'd been fibbed to. She told me in all honesty there was no plans for any additional HD channels but she had a look at my account and said there wasn't any additional discount she could offer me and what did I want to do? I said I'd think about it and be in touch tomorrow. At every point she was courteous and polite and didn't try to BS me (apart from being under the impression the V+ gave 'lots' of HD channels. I corrected her ;)). I'll be calling up tonight to move my services :)

ShadowTD 15-12-2008 10:56

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
Services moved perfectly and no complaints. They had reset my PIN (presumably because it was a new account) but a quick phone call sorted that inside an hour.

They even left my loft/cinema room point active (after a bit of cajoling) so I can move the V+ in there if needs be! :)

sk8er_boi6000 15-12-2008 12:18

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
Sadly, whilst my services have been excellent, their customer service is not really overly helpful in all honesty.

They won't allow me to put pin protection on all movies all of the time, or even disable On Demand Movies, they won't allow me to block all the calls that I want to on my phone, just quoting some crap about what is available on their exchange.

I have had several bills ran up thanks to that, mainly because of members of my family ordering movies without my permission, and I have no doubt that's the way that Virgin like it. Kinda frustrating really.

spiderplant 15-12-2008 15:04

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience

Originally Posted by sk8er_boi6000 (Post 34697197)
They won't allow me to put pin protection on all movies all of the time

Go to Settings, then Parental Control Settings, and set Rated Programmes to "Maximum". :)

smcaul 17-12-2008 13:55

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
Very mixed experiences with Virgin for me. Took out the BB and phone in the early summer as I wanted 20Mb service and was having poor service with my BT phone so moving to Virgin was an ideal solution. First install date gets cancelled without me being informed, being self employed that cost me a days pay! After much wrangling got my days wages repaid in full by Virgin as a "gesture of goodwill", then had problem with BB which took a bit of sorting but the CS agent I had dealing with it was excellent, well above the standard of even a good CS agent. Thanked him by writing to the Customer services MD.

Last week I had a V+ box installed so I can get rid of Sky, sales agent has lied about the price of the package so will be happily taking them to the small claims court if they do not agree to honour the price he stated, tried to argue with a senior manager over this before the install but he only offered for the install to go ahead and I pay £xx or he would cancel install (even though I had paid for it!!) which to me is bullying and breach of contract!!! So will be chasing this up in the next couple of days.

Monday night I lost all On Demand services from the V+, called up CS yesterday at midday (off shore call ctr) and they had an engineer out by 4pm, he found the fault but could not fix it as it was a network team issue, but he called the network team who said they would be out 1st thing this morning, and they were. By 9.30am today all working again and no problems.

So really quite mixed experiences, some very poor service, but equally some very, very good service - all they need to do now is sort out the best practice that obviously exists in the business and roll it out to the rest of the problem areas!

Oh, and one thing that really winds me up is the off shore call ctr's that use twice as many words as are needed in a conversation because they are forever telling you "I am here to help with that" "let me help you with that" and telling you 3 or 4 times what they have already said. Always reminds me of how were taught to write reports, tell them what you are going to say, tell them, tell them what you have said. But the Off shore call ctr take this to the extreme!!!!

ruby0167 07-01-2009 00:37

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
I've been with Virgin and its many predessors for over 10 years for my tv and phone and about 7 or 8 for internet access. While not all of them were smooth going there was a period of about 2 years where I got to know every single Telewest TV engineer, how they liked their coffee and what biscuits they prefered. Sadly they never got to know what exactly was wrong with my TV (turn the signal up, turn it down, add this on the back, take this away - see you next Tuesday love). But that said I stuck with them because on the whole the customer service team were friendly, tried their best to sort things out and were understanding when it all got a bit much for me. I did have one rude technician, but after one phone call and an apology I never saw him again.
So things weren't perfect - life rarely is, but I honestly felt that on the whole they were trying and things worked out for the most part.
Then Virgin took over, and it was as if things were turned on their head. I got a mountain of junk mail through the door, all of it claiming to be the best thing since sliced bread and yet was sadly all carbs and no filling. A whole lotta talking but short on facts. And that really sums up my experience with Virgin. I've had 3 normal virgin boxes, I'm currently on my fourth V+ box, which is desperately balancing on its last leg and ready to fall This being any minute. Far from enriching my TV experience, it has served to be the stropy teenager sitting in the corner (making far too much noise) and in full control of the remote. The box doesn't respond when you push the buttons after 11pm, and yes I have changed the batteries, again and again and again. It only records when it feels like it (no recording clashes apparent, plenty of space on the hard drive), and when it does decide to record it will chop the begining or end of the programme off, or it will record the last few minutes and then carry on to record the programme after (or vice versa with the programme before), I've set the "extend recordings" to maximum, minimum and every combination in between. The box freezes, the picture freezes, the box resets itself at will - usually when recording something you've been looking forward to for a while. Oh and my box is numerically illiterate, delete a 45 minute programme and it will add 3 hours to space left on hard disk, then again sometimes it will subtract it!
This being my 4th V+ box with such problems I am sure the problem is not as "isolated" as the virgin support team want me to believe. And why exactly does it take "up to" 5 days to format my box? Why can't they do it then and there, especially when it would mean that I am not left waiting beyond that?

I have found the customer services department to be "nice but dim", friendly, apologetic on the whole, but about as much use as a chocolate teapot. The department that deals with you when you are threatening to leave are again polite and friendly, they do try to get things sorted, get very cross when things don't go to plan, but sadly you can never get through to the same person (even when you have their full name, department and extension), so you are forever going round and round in circles. The technical department are appauling. I am yet to speak to someone without a thick indian accent. Now i want to make this clear, i am not racist, but I object to spending so much time on the phone just trying to deciper what the other person is saying, feeling embarassed and stupid for not understanding them, and desperately trying not to sound angry when being patronised for fear of being interpretted as racist. This is made even for frustrating when said technician interupts you before you have said more than three words of explanation of what the problem is - sorry I made the call, I picked up the handset, dialled the number and therefore initated the dialogue, so i believe it only fair to have a fair chance to explan the need for said dialogue. Not good. Then you get some bogus, long, drawnout and confused technical explanation, when i explain that I have a first class honours in computing and am more than capable of understanding the basic concept of a network, suddenly the tone goes from appathy to anger, or is it panic that they have been caught out? I always make a point of being polite and patient with people who work in call centres, it's not their fault, they didn;t cause the problems and until I call aren't aware i have a problem. But some people really push this to the limit. Sadly most of Virgin's BB technical department have become expert at this.
I just want things fixed, I want Vrigin to be honest with me, have the decency to contact me when they change things (and not hide it in the small print of a huge amount of junk mail) and make every effort to fix it when things go wrong. When did it all get so complicated? I ask for x, y and z, you supply them to me and i will pay you an agreed price. Why do we need to go round and round? I'm sure my problem would have been sorted out months ago if people would stop the spin and be honest. That I could take, I could understand and work with.

Exorcist74 22-01-2009 11:19

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
I Like Virgin.
What I don't like is they Traffic Shaping & there £5 handling charge... enough said.
So I rang Virgin to ask for my 20mb to be lowered to 10mb, I spoke to a young lad called Paul (Swansea branch), I explained everything I wanted doing, but he told me it was impossible to do so, because I was still on the old Analogue system, so he arrange a time for a Engineer to call and install the new Virgin digital(tv) box, He was very polite and asked me if I would go over the information I gave him, Just to make sure everythin was in order.
Everything went as planed,

To PAUL (LLansamlet Swansea) Branch a big thank you:angel:

Davey 22-01-2009 13:20

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
I've had Phone, TV and Internet with Telecential/NTL/Virgin for bloody YEARS! I've been quite lucky with the service but when things have gone bad trying to get help is like trying to get blood out of a stone! And that seems to be most peoples issue, the customer service levels are a joke!

---------- Post added at 13:20 ---------- Previous post was at 13:18 ----------


Originally Posted by ruby0167 (Post 34710817)
I have found the customer services department to be "nice but dim", friendly, apologetic on the whole, but about as much use as a chocolate teapot. The department that deals with you when you are threatening to leave are again polite and friendly, they do try to get things sorted, get very cross when things don't go to plan, but sadly you can never get through to the same person (even when you have their full name, department and extension), so you are forever going round and round in circles. The technical department are appauling. I am yet to speak to someone without a thick indian accent. Now i want to make this clear, i am not racist, but I object to spending so much time on the phone just trying to deciper what the other person is saying, feeling embarassed and stupid for not understanding them, and desperately trying not to sound angry when being patronised for fear of being interpretted as racist. This is made even for frustrating when said technician interupts you before you have said more than three words of explanation of what the problem is - sorry I made the call, I picked up the handset, dialled the number and therefore initated the dialogue, so i believe it only fair to have a fair chance to explan the need for said dialogue. Not good. Then you get some bogus, long, drawnout and confused technical explanation, when i explain that I have a first class honours in computing and am more than capable of understanding the basic concept of a network, suddenly the tone goes from appathy to anger, or is it panic that they have been caught out? I always make a point of being polite and patient with people who work in call centres, it's not their fault, they didn;t cause the problems and until I call aren't aware i have a problem. But some people really push this to the limit. Sadly most of Virgin's BB technical department have become expert at this.
I just want things fixed, I want Vrigin to be honest with me, have the decency to contact me when they change things (and not hide it in the small print of a huge amount of junk mail) and make every effort to fix it when things go wrong. When did it all get so complicated? I ask for x, y and z, you supply them to me and i will pay you an agreed price. Why do we need to go round and round? I'm sure my problem would have been sorted out months ago if people would stop the spin and be honest. That I could take, I could understand and work with.

Couldnt agree with you more!

VeNoM 26-01-2009 23:35

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
Generally OK

veteran 06-03-2009 09:57

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
it's a joke i hate speakin to em mite aswell ring poland or some ****.:mad: i recently put my bb speed up from 2mb to 20mb an vm told me i wouldn't need a new's runnin at 17.018mb an upload speeds 712kbps.but when i play xbox i could kill more people wid 2mb (callofduty )it dont make sense.could anyone help.:erm:

Angua 06-03-2009 10:16

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
Always heave a mental sigh of relief when a British accent is heard when the call to Virgin Technical help is answered (think I may have spoken to very helpful Paul in LLansamlet Swansea too) :D

Perhaps people would mind far less if the verbal diarrhoea was not also cranking up the cost of the call in the first place.

nutellajunkie 11-03-2009 17:34

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
Been with cable for over a decade now, from the days of £8 telly and phone (how I miss the 3.5p calls)

Now, with a delightful package at discount, I shant complain about that.

Unless its the Indian call centers! :( then its a trajic affair that VM will never end. And to be honest, its the only thing a majority of people will actually not be happy with. The rest, <fingers-crossed> is very reliable.

oh I just remembered.. If you dont pay by direct debit, you get charged £5.. With current sittuations, I prefer to pay bills by weekly standing order due to budgetting. I always pay, yet VM penilise me for thie method. See, back in the days, this was not the case.

So yes, excellent service, just VERY greedy!

kayc3660 31-03-2009 11:45

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
I have totally lost patience with so called customer services, when you email them with a problem you get an automated response which tells you that you will be answered with 48 hours. lol. I dont think so? I have emailed them 4 times now about a billing problem, each time resending the original email, still no answer, its been 11 days now. No point ringing cos I always end up with India and I have never resolved a query with them yet. Does anyone have the CEOs email. There really is no point in complaining to customer services about customer services..

xocemp 02-04-2009 00:12

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
Try going through to customer relations, I think its the "Thinking about leaving us" option :)

Geoff P 03-04-2009 11:34

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
I work for Virgin in Customer Services (Bellshill) and I only voted generally OK.

Some agents tell the customer want they want to hear instead of explaining the issues properly.

fireman328 03-04-2009 15:28

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience

Originally Posted by Geoff P (Post 34767829)
I work for Virgin in Customer Services (Bellshill) and I only voted generally OK.

Some agents tell the customer want they want to hear instead of explaining the issues properly.

That then is a case of training not being applied and bad management not knowing what is actually happening on the shop floor and rectifying it.

chrispy2000 05-04-2009 10:11

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
A few weeks ago I phoned CS about there email telling me "As one of our most loved customers:luv:, you’ll still get an additional discount on your services. From 1st May, this discount will reduce by £0.50 a month", and the charge for having a printed bill. I was told that nothing could be done about that, but I got £3.50 off my charge for not paying by direct debit.

It cheered me up a bit.:)

regdafish 05-04-2009 14:25

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience

After they recognised that my service was poor and crediting my account they then told me that the last engineer said that the job was completed successfully. I have also been advised that although the fault is with the box on the outside of the block of flats i live in, and they are aware the fault is not within the premises i must be available for the engineer or face a charge of 10 quid.

Good luck with that i announced as i hung up.

regdafish 06-04-2009 14:08

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
Lo and behold, they sent out the wrong engineer who then told me the last one told me a pack of lies, but rest assured he is sending out the right one within the next 24 hours.

-Gun- 24-04-2009 22:58

Oh a thread where I can vent my anger over an incompetent, disorganised and overall poorly run organisation. Sorry the word 'organisation' implies that there is some sort of organised activity at virgin media so I retract that!

For a week we have had periods where the cable TV has no picture or sound at the same time as the broadband connection not working, not just this house but several houses in the street!

Try as you might, it is impossible to get the script following monkey on the end of the phone to understand that there is a problem in the area and it is not the modem or the digital box but a fault elsewhere. Ring 151 and get a recorded message about engineering works in an area 20 or 30 miles away which has no effect on the area I'm in.

Ring 150 and eventually get to talk to someone with a poor accent, poor headset connection that crackles or worse both a poor accent and poor headset, just to be put through to faults which just happens to be the recorded message about that engineering work 20 or 30 miles away!

Eventually managed to arrange for an engineer to call and took time off work to ensure I was in, only to be left a message that there was in fact a fault in the area (Really!!!) and it had been fixed so the engineer that was to call round had been cancelled.

I check the TV and Broadband - It had not been fixed! It was still knackered, so now at boiling point a call to 150 to shout and scream until a supervisor after (supposedly) calling another department says that the engineer cannot be recalled but she would call me back this evening with a definite answer - 5 hours later still no call - what a shock! Virginmedia employ liars too! It was also very apparent that each department is using a different system as during one call I was told 3 versions of 'there is no reported problem, there is a problem and the problem has been fixed - and not even in that order. If you can't communicate within virgin media how the hell are you supposed to communicate with your customers?

But not to worry - my neighbours were also attacking the so called 'help' desks and eventually the services were restored. How long they remain is anybody's guess!

All this could have been resolved with the first call 5 days ago if only the trained monkeys at the help desk were able to think outside of the box and actually listen to what was being said.

Customer service is a joke! Why have 2 numbers when only one actually gets you anywhere. Why have separate help desks for TV, TV plus, broadband and telephone? They all have similar scripts, turn it off, turn it on, ping the modem, send a signal etc it's not rocket science! :mad:

Mally_B 29-04-2009 21:38

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
I've have had nothing but problems with the refurbished STB's they dump on you when they swap a Box. Calling the monkeys in La La Land is painful and i refuse to do it anymore so since my VOD is now offline I'm just going to switch to Sky instead. At least i will get some HD content when i do.

philmacavity 29-04-2009 21:54

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
Very helpful when you call to say you are going to leave but so far this year I've had 2 instances where I've asked them to send me something (a replacement V+ remote & a B/band router) & both times I had to make umpteen phone calls to chase the items up, the remote took nearly 4 weeks & the router 3 weeks, in both instances I was promised delivery in 5 to 7 working days at the point of ordering.
Ill give 'em 50/50.

MACH2 02-05-2009 21:33

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
Rang today about the proposed upgrade and nearly ended up with a new service and paying £20 (I think) more per month. The people in the Indian call centre are very polite but I don't think they understand very well. I won't repeat this experience. How do you speak to someone in the UK?

I've been an NTL/Virgin customer for more than 8 years and never had any trouble with my service.

Peter_ 02-05-2009 21:34

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience

Originally Posted by MACH2 (Post 34787344)
Rang today about the proposed upgrade and nearly ended up with a new service and paying £20 (I think) more per month. The people in the Indian call centre are very polite but I don't think they understand very well. I won't repeat this experience. How do you speak to someone in the UK?

I've been an NTL/Virgin customer for more than 8 years and never had any trouble with my service.

Ring after 0800 on Tuesday.

chrispy2000 07-05-2009 13:49

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience

Originally Posted by MACH2 (Post 34787344)
Rang today about the proposed upgrade and nearly ended up with a new service and paying £20 (I think) more per month. The people in the Indian call centre are very polite but I don't think they understand very well. I won't repeat this experience. How do you speak to someone in the UK?

I've been an NTL/Virgin customer for more than 8 years and never had any trouble with my service.

I had the same problem today. I just wanted some information and they knew nothing except the sales pitch.
In the end I dialed 150 and chose the thinking of leaving and got through to a UK call center and he was vary helpful.

KnightRider 13-05-2009 23:31

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
Interesting the pole figures are almost identical from the best service to the worst service. What does this tell us?

Virgin media is a 'Hit 'n' Miss' company or just plain average!

nutellajunkie 14-05-2009 10:18

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
i find it amusing that people think its all bransons fault or he has anything to do with services. Isnt he just pumping in the cash and making profit lol

Still, ive had cable 12 years, not really had many major complaints, apart from I always redial when I hear an accented voice, uugh!

MrRanner 16-05-2009 19:51

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
Before I start with an explanation into our situation, can I first of all say that I bear no malice to any Virgin Media Employee, as I’m sure they get screwed over just as much as the rest of us.

I got Virgin Broadband in July of 2008 when I’d moved into a new flat. The cabling was all installed so all I needed was the modem box. I was also sent a wireless router that wouldn’t work with a Mac and an excessive amount of CAT5. The box weighed about 4kg, for the sake of a 400g modem. At the time, I’d taken the 20Mb service as this seemed to promise the fastest available speed in my area, and living less than a mile from the main Virgin Media control room thing I thought I’d get some of this, and at present I get about 15Mb. This isn’t a massive problem, but is the first in a series of lies.

Since then I’ve not had a consistent connection for more than 6 weeks at a time. I’ve been told that the fault is with our line, the area, our switch box outside the flat and repeated software upgrades. I’ve had three direct debits set up, and all three have been set up for the wrong day of the month and then cancelled, without notification of the suspension being sent through to me, so I don’t know I’ve missed payments.

On one occasion, my partner had to take the day off work to be in for an engineer to come round to fix the line after the service had been down for two weeks. After missing their morning slot, they came round mid afternoon, then phoned me (at work) to say that they couldn’t find a parking space outside the flat, so wouldn’t do the work. An hour later (after calling tech support and being passed around department to department) I ended up in a row with the local engineering manger, who ended up sending out two engineers at 7pm – meaning that no-one needed to be in until after work anyway.

Today, in the latest round of problems, my partner called tech support because the internet was down again. The guy on the phone (Jim), was quite helpful, but informed us that the line had a fault on it and it would take 2 hours or so to resolve. As we were both trying to get work done, we both went to our respective offices. 8 hours later, we came back, having been assured that the line would have been fixed after two hours. It wasn’t. So again my partner phoned tech support, where she was informed that the line was fixed, but the operator needed my password to turn on the line. My partner said “I think the password is ******” to which we got the reply “If you’re not sure, I cannot proceed”. My partner asked to speak to a supervisor, but was spoken over with the operator saying “I just need to tell you one thing…” and generally not wanting to put the supervisor through. Eventually, in frustration, my partner hung up and waited for me to get home.

I called at 5:05 this evening and finally had my call answered at 5:09 by an operator. I informed him of my problem (ie. no internet), and was immediately informed by him that “there was an outage in my area”. This was odd, as between us (my partner and I), we’d been given three different reasons to why the service was down. When I challenged him on this, and questioned why two people from Virgin Media had lied to me, I was put on hold for five minutes (enough time to make a cup of tea and a slice of toast), and was informed on his return that the fault was with the line. I asked what he needed to get this sorted and what information or passwords he needed, and was told he’d have to check what the situation with the fix would be, but that there was no need for passwords as the technical support team DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THIS INFORMATION. I was then put on hold for a further 9 minutes, at which point he came back on the line and told me that I needed to unplug the modem. Having done this, I was put on hold for a further 5 minutes, before the operator came back on line to ask me (repeatedly over the next 6 minutes) to plug in and unplug the modem. He then put me on hold (again), for a further 5 minutes before eventually asking that I check if the internet was working. It was. At this point I asked to speak to his supervisor, who must be a very busy man as it took him 8 minutes to reach the phone.

I questioned why it had taken over an hours worth of phone conversation to solve the problem, and why we had been lied to. His only reply was that he “would be filing a complaint against those involved” then put me on hold for another 5 minutes whilst he checked my account. He said that I should get in touch with customer services as technical support could not offer any financial compensation for poor service.

I’m now passed the point of anger, and slipped into resentment of ever taking this appalling “service” out. I’m disappointed that virgin care so little about their customers they can’t be bothered to find out what problems are so just lie to them instead, assuming that most people will simply accept the first piece of information that is handed to them.

If you are reading this from the position of someone who is looking at getting a Virgin Media service, I would recommend doing the following instead: get two plastic cups and thread a piece of string through them, stretch the string out until it is taught and you can hear noises being transmitted down the line; now, take some scissors and cut the string, take £30 out of your wallet and set fire to it; now do a wee in your cup, and hey presto! Virgin Media quality service without the hassle of a massive phone bill!

Baldric999 18-05-2009 19:01

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience

Originally Posted by nutellajunkie (Post 34794898)
Still, ive had cable 12 years, not really had many major complaints, apart from I always redial when I hear an accented voice, uugh!

Excatly same for me. Never ewally had a problem and only ever rang to upgrade/change a package and always ring 150 and make sure I get the UK call centre.

Ziggy250 01-06-2009 14:53

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
not answered poll, mainly because UK based call centres are great and very helpful, the ones oversea's (India) are a waste of time.

rogerdraig 01-06-2009 16:01

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
had extremely good service of them and horrendously bad service of them

main problems oi have had are having to deal with people reading from a list as i see it of how to fix things who just don't want to do anything when they get to the end and nothing has worked

on the other hand i have had some one phone to check everything is ok with a fix and to go out of thier way to ensure an friends eldrerly grandfather got what he needed fixed (happened to be his phone which was why i was doing the phoning) when others would have just quoted data protection ( i reckon none of them actually know what that is lol ) .

Peter_ 01-06-2009 20:27

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience

Originally Posted by rogermevans (Post 34805789)
when others would have just quoted data protection ( i reckon none of them actually know what that is lol ) .

They have to follow Virgin policy with regards to the Data Protection Act, to not follow policy is to get yourself in deep doo doo.

Russ 01-06-2009 20:35

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
This is one of the reasons I won't use Indian callcentres - data protection is a hot potato in the UK but I have no idea how seriously they take it over there. Yes they might be told it's serious and failure to adhere would get them in trouble but do they take DPA seriously or even consider it a major issue? I have no idea.

Peter_ 01-06-2009 20:39

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience

Originally Posted by Russ B (Post 34805936)
This is one of the reasons I won't use Indian callcentres - data protection is a hot potato in the UK but I have no idea how seriously they take it over there. Yes they might be told it's serious and failure to adhere would get them in trouble but do they take DPA seriously or even consider it a major issue? I have no idea.

I cannot help now comparing the offshore centres to the one in Mumbai Calling

rogerdraig 01-06-2009 22:39

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience

Originally Posted by Moldova (Post 34805934)
They have to follow Virgin policy with regards to the Data Protection Act, to not follow policy is to get yourself in deep doo doo.

then virgin doesn't understand it then ;)

though its funny only seems to matter when i cut services do they make a fuss about me running my parents accounts never comes up when i add stuff to their account ;)

Electric Hermit 12-06-2009 22:35

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
If the Virgin Media website counts as part of their "Customer Service" then it has to be a big thumbs down. I thought the BT site was bad, but Virgin is running them a close second. Half the links are broken, including main navigation links. To my certain knowledge, they have been broken for at least 24 hours.

On the complaints/feedback page - which is clearly designed to deter anyone from emailing them - there is a link for reporting broken links. You guessed it! It's broken!


samuraisword 13-06-2009 10:14

Samurai Swords
I guess u should not loose hope on that better find a solution keep trying. ;)

Xan 17-06-2009 22:33

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
should change the poll a little to offshore customer service and Uk customer service

Peter_ 17-06-2009 22:38

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience

Originally Posted by Xan (Post 34816340)
should change the poll a little to offshore customer service and Uk customer service

The is a poll for that somewhere on here.

Dkuk 23-06-2009 00:06

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
I voted awful, simply because it is.

Without sounding racist (which I'm not), I find that a customer service that has customer service agents that you can't understand and they can't understand you is absolutely pathetic and I ring Virgin Customer service as a last resort for this very reason.

After being with them now (which is only due to the fact they offer the fastest speed for my area) for nearly 8 years I think, I can safely say that I have never had a service agent who I could understand and I have to spell nearly all words I say with "Alpha, Lima" for A and L and so on... this is something you shouldnt have to do.
I don't have a speech problem, I speak clear and at a steady pace and I have now learned that as soon as you get through to someone, ask for a supervisor or manager straight away, this way you can get your problem sorted quicker.

chow 13-07-2009 12:36

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
Have had a fair bit of dealings with customer support recently, my experiance has been the off shore centres are generally awful, in contrast ive found that the uk based centres (ive dealt mainly with the staff at the Sheffield centre) are superb and if it wasnt for the great service and the resoulutions of my problems by the Sheffield staff i would no longer be a virgin customer, well done Sheffield , in fact what i do now if i need to contact virgin is i go directly to the "are you thinking of leaving virgin dept" as you know whatever your problem they will sort it out speedily, in stark contrast to the off shore people

lethalman 16-07-2009 13:30

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
yes hats of to them i got Answered fast, soon as i rang got thro fast on 150 ,she's a nice person scottish i'm sure she works for sky tv in the evenings yes agree on improving even watchdog since reporting them on bad service are now doing allot better no easting call centres. all thay mite just been a good mood for today.

benpire 22-07-2009 23:35

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
OMG! i just rang up CS. spoke to an indian man who didnt have a clue what i was on about.
"how much would it be to upgrade to 50mb broadband from VIP, and can i have one of your Freedom laptops?"
"oh, ok, errm, can you tell me when my contracts up?"
"the 21st sir"
"right, thats yesterday"
"oh right, so i could move to SKY"
"thats up to you sir, is that all?"
"errm, yes"

all i wanted was faster internet lmao!

Peter_ 22-07-2009 23:37

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience

Originally Posted by benpire (Post 34839183)
OMG! i just rang up CS. spoke to an indian man who didnt have a clue what i was on about.
"how much would it be to upgrade to 50mb broadband from VIP, and can i have one of your Freedom laptops?"
"oh, ok, errm, can you tell me when my contracts up?"
"the 21st sir"
"right, thats yesterday"
"oh right, so i could move to SKY"
"thats up to you sir, is that all?"
"errm, yes"

all i wanted was faster internet lmao!

Try ringing tomorrow from 0800 for a better response.

lethalman 23-07-2009 09:29

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
i will say ive had verry bad time getting in to talk i was talking to ppl from inda china and stuff no afence but i dont understand want thare saying in reply to me ,i have to say the same thing over and over. since watch dog it has aprvod or has it just i mite of been lucky talking to a nice person.

---------- Post added at 09:29 ---------- Previous post was at 09:26 ----------

yeah just looks i was lucky when i last phoned up .im saying ive talked to this wamon at sky one i phoned up maybe she left but shes a verry helpful person.yes ive had tones ware i cart understand want thare saying so i have to repeat my words over and over to them. its not fair.

RatMan 23-07-2009 12:19

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
The only time i have had problems its the off shore help that lets virgin down i have found a fix for that though i phone up and ask for the disconnetion service when i get put through they ask why and i get talking to very very good male and female staff who bend over backwards to help and have always helped in sorting my problem even to the state of making my call a conference call so there are 2 staff and me and always get the poblms sorted.
I say welldone to all UK staff and ty for a great service from the uk.

NO ONE 05-08-2009 21:19

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience

Originally Posted by Electric Hermit;
If the Virgin Media website counts as part of their "Customer Service" then it has to be a big thumbs down. I thought the BT site was bad, but Virgin is running them a close second. Half the links are broken, including main navigation links. To my certain knowledge, they have been broken for at least 24 hours.

On the complaints/feedback page - which is clearly designed to deter anyone from emailing them - there is a link for reporting broken links. You guessed it! It's broken!


VM Are poor
02 is Trash
Bt is a hit and Miss

Sky AND Orange are vary good

xocemp 05-08-2009 21:28

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
Never had a problem with VM or o2.

NO ONE 05-08-2009 22:14

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience

Originally Posted by xocemp;
Never had a problem with VM or o2.

you Lucky

Toby Jugg 08-08-2009 10:40

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
I have found the UK staff little better than the asian staff. Yes they understand you better, but they still don't do what they say they will, and issues (mainly billing) just go on and on until you give up.
CS saying they will do xxx to resolve the problem generated by the system
then when it isn't, next CS saying there is no notes regarding that but ....
Then when it still isn't, next CS saying we can't do that
Then some CS saying 'that's the systems

These may be faults with the systems, as often claimed, but its long past time when the systems issues should have been resolved, and given the years these issues have been going on, the staff should be able to effeciently resolve them, not make them worse.
Sadly Not the case.

---------- Post added at 09:40 ---------- Previous post was at 09:33 ----------


Originally Posted by NO ONE (Post 34848417)
VM Are poor
02 is Trash
Bt is a hit and Miss

Sky AND Orange are vary good

Vigin Media CS are really poor
BT is just as bad,
O2 little better
3 must run out of Nigeria or Somalia

T-mobile - generally very, very good
Orange - good
Sky - do exactly what they say - excellent
Virgin Mobile CS quite good

irishguymcr 08-08-2009 20:27

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
My experience is that as a long term VM customer I am so fed up speaking to idiots off shore that I have no confidence in these people anymore and if VM can't sort this out they are going to end up losing a lot of customers. There are enough call centres in the UK and Ireland which offer fantastic services and I don't see the point in farming services out to India anymore where customers get no form of service anymore.

I worked in the past for an outsourcing company in Ireland where we supported the likes of Microsoft, Dell, HP and many other companies and we were constantly measured on our results by the companies we supported and in the five years I was there we never lost one contract due to a very high customer experience.

I have been told in the past that VM are not happy with the Indian call centres but were under contract with them due to NTL having signed a contract with them, well I hope their contract finishes soon and if not VM should break it due to the total lack of customer service and care that we as customers get from offshore.

It is time that we as customers and companies started supporting employment in the UK call centres, both internal and outsourced, instead of giving all the work to offshore call centres.

What is the point of VM winning awards for Broadband and having the best VOD service and even now introducing HD TV when their customers are becoming more and more unhappy about contacting them. All VM are doing is making it harder for the retentions teams to keep customers and stopping them leaving for SKY and other companies.

m419 10-08-2009 15:59

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
If I was to leave Virgin Media for being less than happy with the service, Sky is definately not on my mind, I think Sky are crap, a complete waste of money and complete waste of time, poor customer service,dumb ass channels and poor broadband!

I'd rather speak to someone in india than the thicko's over here like the T-Mobile call centre, I have never spoke to someone so retarded in all my life! I phoned up to find out how much it costs to call freephone numbers from pay monthly phones because the website doesn't give an actual price either, it took this woman 15 minutes to find out, she was brambling on and asking irrelevent questions and in the end she gave me wrong info! She said it would cost 10p per minute when in fact it came to 40p per minute and the 20 minute call cost me £8 on top of my monthly bill,

T-Mobile UK call centre is just retarded, hope they do outsource to the philipines!!!

lawe 10-08-2009 19:07

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
I have nothing but praise for the people at VM!

OK, sometimes the line quality to India is not the best but on every occasion I have had to speak to them, this includes today, they have been polite, helpful and are willing to please.
I did have some billing issues a couple of months back, but this was sorted out way quicker than I thought it would be.

Now if you ask me about Three Mobile....:mad:

m419 10-08-2009 21:08

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
Really, i've found 3 to be one of the best networks out of all of them, Virgin is good too.

By the way for those who had issues with network coverage on 3, there network is going to be completed by 2010, also the 2G coverage is provided by orange so if you ever go out of 3G range, you will still be able to make and recieve calls and text as well as surf the net and send and recieve pictures.

To be honest if you want decent mobile broadband and want to make and recieve video calls and use mobile tv as well as streaming such as You Tube, then the best 3G network is 3. O2 rolls in as the worst as there 3G network only covers around 60% of the population which is bad, 3's 3G network covers 92% and they are going to cover approx 98% by 2010 which means nearly 100% coverage.

I also heard that 3 might bid for T-Mobile which will be good as then the two 3G networks can be merged giving the UK higher 3G coverage as well as there own 2G network, that way they won't have to pay orange for the use of there network saving us money!

Russ 10-08-2009 21:15

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
Back on-topic to Virgin Media please.

one2escape 14-08-2009 09:54

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
I voted for 50 / 50 if you hit a Uk based call centre you are sorted you hit an Indian one your not.

AtW 17-08-2009 13:04

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
Can't get through to technical support on 0845 454 1111 - after choosing all options it says they have problems in the end and hang up, that's going on for 24 hours while my expensive 50 Mbits connection is down!!!

telepest 17-08-2009 13:55

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
Have you tried 150? after all its free!

AtW 17-08-2009 13:56

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
I don't have Virgin Media phone, only broadband - it's shocking really technical support line is experiencing technical problems, only you get told this right at the end of selection LOL

Turkey Machine 18-08-2009 23:06

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience

Originally Posted by AtW (Post 34855950)
I don't have Virgin Media phone, only broadband - it's shocking really technical support line is experiencing technical problems, only you get told this right at the end of selection LOL

You think that's bad, try talking to somebody at Orange about mobile problems. Selection after selection after selection then told "thank you for calling Orange. Goodbye!"

I dealt with a fantastic CS rep this Monday gone (17th) and he sorted out my bill then. I thanked him for it and asked to speak with his supervisor since he'd done a great job of sorting me and my bill out without hassle unlike some companies I know *SKY*

Sannas 21-08-2009 13:41

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
Prior to today I would have said that speaking to VM technical support was next to useless I found in the past that speaking with these guys was a waste of time as soon as you went slightly technical above please reboot the modem and download a file they really didnt appear to have any knowledge of how these systems work. Yes yes I understand that the first person you speak to is going to be a level 1 cs support person but surely basic knowledge of fibre/switching/network should be applicable at this level.

However that said this was prior to today I actually had an experience of talking to a level 1 support engineer to find OMG shock horror she understood everything I was talking about and actually investigated the situation in a correct manor, explained to me what was going on and also explained that it had been raised to the next level and a national fault had been raised. I came off the phone feeling satisfied that I had been listened too and also strangley happy with our conversation even though my issue hadnt been resolved and will be once they fix it. So a big thumbs up to whoever that woman was at VM she new her job and the first person I spoke to at VM that knew what contention ratio, dark fibre, system bottlenecking and several other things to boot were ;)

mikegreen 01-09-2009 12:29

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience

Originally Posted by MrRanner (Post 34796611)
If you are reading this from the position of someone who is looking at getting a Virgin Media service, I would recommend doing the following instead: get two plastic cups and thread a piece of string through them, stretch the string out until it is taught and you can hear noises being transmitted down the line; now, take some scissors and cut the string, take £30 out of your wallet and set fire to it; now do a wee in your cup, and hey presto! Virgin Media quality service without the hassle of a massive phone bill!


kbd 18-09-2009 02:21

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
I've never had a reason to complain when I've gotten through to one of the UK based guys - who are technically decent and have a good manner also (considering dealing with the public can be a serious pain in the back side).

I've found about 1-in-4 of the guys in India are ok. The biggest problem they always have is their inflexibility in troubleshooting an issue - always wanting to go through a specific set of questions. However, that is a cultural and training issue that we could discuss for hours !!

Often we might burn 10 minutes going through the basics just to find out there is a known fault in my area. Even when I've explained to them there is a known fault and I'm asking for an update, they still insist on going through the basics before they even check for known faults.

They can send a man to the moon, but VM can't set up a system that alerts it's technicians to a known fault before they burn 10 minutes asking the customer pointless questions.

Maybe the answer is that 10-minutes of Indian Engineers time is cheaper than investing in decent information technology, but they've obviously not factored in how ****ed off the customer gets...... (or maybe they have considering we're all whining and still with VM !!)

---------- Post added at 01:21 ---------- Previous post was at 01:15 ----------


Originally Posted by Sannas (Post 34858396)
Prior to today I would have said that speaking to
explained that it had been raised to the next level and a national fault had been raised.

Sannas, I came to these boards hoping for some information about this fault that you describe - is there a thread here about it ?

Just thought I would add a heads up - when I enquired about a refund the Engineer said to me that I would be authorised to get one as the outage was over 24 hours.

I asked him if he was telling this to all customers - and he said yes.

I then asked him - if that was the case - why he hadn't told me about the refund until I asked him.... he couldn't explain that one !!!

.. but try asking for a refund on your bill if you can, often the biggest way these kind of issues get sorted (in the long term) is when money gets involved, and the management debate whose budget is going to get cross-charged for the costs incurred.

adzii_nufc 18-09-2009 04:10

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
Well Virgin Media In My Eyes are Close If not the worst For Customer Service, Never in my life have i spoke to a Scottish Indian, Never Have I Had Listening Problems. Absolutely Pathetic

I have SKY in my home and I can get through fine to them

Virgin Media...well truth be told you only get good service when your ordering PPV's or Upgrading your service, Other than that its just complete *******s

Seraphina 15-10-2009 14:27

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
Here is My experience of Virgin Media customer service. My family are gamers. When we had problems with high pings we called them. Now bear this in mind please my husband is a microsoft systems engineer and has been for 25 years. After calling customer support and being on hold for 40 mins He was put through to Tech support and spoke to someone called Nicola, who and I quote her on this "Sir you are a retard and talk nonsense" But afyer checking the virgin community foroums we saw that hundreds even thousands of people were having the same problem as we were. Still they refused to accept there was a problem. And kept denying that the use traffic shaping., Which afetr a conversation with Neil Berkett, my husband found out that this is in place. We have now left virgin media and thankfully have had no more problems...Wuite frankly VM staff are rude, incompetent, and nasty, unles you want to give virgin yrt more money for crap services of course.

---------- Post added at 13:27 ---------- Previous post was at 13:24 ----------


Originally Posted by mikegreen (Post 34864940)

I love it,. totally sums up Virgin media Good on you my friend for saying it

Kymmy 15-10-2009 14:31

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience

Originally Posted by Seraphina (Post 34890876)
Now bear this in mind please my husband is a microsoft systems engineer and has been for 25 years.

25 years... WOW!!! That's even before the Microsoft release of NT3.1 which had the very first certified engineers...(no-one realy bothered before then as MS wasn't networked unless of course you used it as a client for netware) Oh wait 1993 was only 16 years ago... WOOPS!!!

And NB himself pointed him towards hear and not their own official forums ;)

Sir John Luke 15-10-2009 14:40

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience

Originally Posted by Kymmy (Post 34890884)
25 years... WOW!!! That's even before the Microsoft release of NT3.1 which had the very first certified engineers...(no-one realy bothered before then as MS wasn't networked unless of course you used it as a client for netware) Oh wait 1993 was only 16 years ago... WOOPS!!!

And NB himself pointed him towards hear and not their own official forums ;)

1) Microsoft have been around longer than 25 years - who said anything about 'certified' engineers.
2) Neil Berkett (allegedly) admitted traffic shaping was in place - I think you misread what was posted. I do, however, have serious doubts that it was NB himself - more likely someone in the CEO's office.

Seraphina 15-10-2009 14:43

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience

Originally Posted by Kymmy (Post 34890884)
25 years... WOW!!! That's even before the Microsoft release of NT3.1 which had the very first certified engineers...(no-one realy bothered before then as MS wasn't networked unless of course you used it as a client for netware) Oh wait 1993 was only 16 years ago... WOOPS!!!

And NB himself pointed him towards hear and not their own official forums ;)

I know for a fact how long my husband has worked in the computer industry. becasue I AM MARRIED TO HIM. and as for the CEO of virgin. he released us from our contact with no more charges.

ADMIN EDIT (Russ) - Watch your tone please.

netman 04-11-2009 23:07

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
I have been a Virgin Media customer for four days now. I am going to cancel my contract tomorrow. I have tryed to phone an all four evenings now and have held for 30 to 35 mins at a time and never got through. All I want from them, is to be able to use the moden through a hub or inteligent switch so that I can run four computers on the NET. I have read on the WEB that this is not possible and a router will be required. I can not even get hold of someone at customer support to get one sorted out or get advice. I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF THEM. The service is utter C**p. Steer clear of them, all of you.

MOOCHY 05-11-2009 10:00

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
I've been on the V+ with 50mb broadband since August, before that I had the standard set top box with 20mb broadband

Absolutely terrific service, upgrade went to perfection, installation engineer was very proffesional and I've never had any need to contact their technical team.

All in all a top package

tdadyslexia 06-11-2009 13:12

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience

Originally Posted by netman (Post 34903937)
I have been a Virgin Media customer for four days now. I am going to cancel my contract tomorrow. I have tryed to phone an all four evenings now and have held for 30 to 35 mins at a time and never got through. All I want from them, is to be able to use the moden through a hub or inteligent switch so that I can run four computers on the NET. I have read on the WEB that this is not possible and a router will be required. I can not even get hold of someone at customer support to get one sorted out or get advice. I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF THEM. The service is utter C**p. Steer clear of them, all of you.

It is not NTL's responsibility for the extra computers you want to connect to the network, you need to go and purchase a Router, plus the cat5e cables as well, to connect the extra computers to the network.

jimboo 06-11-2009 14:06

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
Well, i recently lost my job and i asked if my broadband payment could be made a little easier on my pocket. I am currently paying £25.00 per month.

I rang customer services once, £6.00 later my mobile credit had been exhausted! Endless e-mails , all asking me to ring them (no chance) Then , a phone call !! alas , offering me a "free" telephone line. They could not and would not however discuss lowering my bill.

I finally e-mailed Virgin stating that i could get this service from other providers and that i thought they would ring me if, i cancelled my direct debit. Whaddya know? phone rings today, and they will reduce my broadband L payment to £20.00. Some sort of result i suppose.

snowey 06-11-2009 17:17

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience

Originally Posted by tdadyslexia (Post 34905040)
It is not NTL's responsibility for the extra computers you want to connect to the network, you need to go and purchase a Router, plus the cat5e cables as well, to connect the extra computers to the network.

I agree,

zing_deleted 06-11-2009 17:20

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
I got a mate of mine 10 meg for £10 a month no phone line ;)

jimboo 06-11-2009 18:13

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience

Originally Posted by zing (Post 34905182)
I got a mate of mine 10 meg for £10 a month no phone line ;)

cough , splutter!! how?

dawouda167 08-11-2009 11:45

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
sky tv::: you can wait ages for someone(human)to answer your call but once your through excellent service virginmedia:::::can get through straight away no probs and its human sky tv::::massive selection of channels plus HD tv great range,pleasant friendly engineers,great service,no threatening letters for missed payments,just reduced service,excellent all round service virginmedia::::::::total crap in my opinion cant wait to cancel and go over to sky completely with multiroom and sky HD::

Raistlin 08-11-2009 11:47

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
So Virgin sent you a threatening letter because you missed a payment, and that's their fault?

Surely if you hadn't missed the payment you wouldn't have received the letter?

Also, if you've got Virgin at the moment how do you know that Sky won't send you a threatening letter?

dawouda167 08-11-2009 11:55

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
sorry rob m but ive missed just one payment and ive missed a couple from sky ,but sky was a bit more civil and i didnt recieve a threating letter from them.i never have!!!!

Rik 08-11-2009 12:05

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
Ring at 9 in the morning and you will get good customer service. (Wales & Scotland)
Ring at 9 in the evening and it will more than likely bad customer service (India)

Thats from my own personal experience before i get ambushed ;)

Apart from the Indian Call Centre's Virgin Media are FIRST CLASS :)
Flawless services for years now :)

zing_deleted 08-11-2009 12:10

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience

Originally Posted by jimboo (Post 34905211)
cough , splutter!! how?

called retentions said it used to cost £10 I can not afford £20 so I am leaving they said ok you can have it for 12 months new contract £10 per month and you can upgrade from 2 meg to 10 meg free online.

He couldnt do it online for some reason so a very good egg who posts here sorted his account out got him a tech visit for other probs and got him his upgrade to 10 meg. He is a happy bunny

Riverdene 01-12-2009 09:36

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
Had a fault with my Broadband. Tried all the obvious like cables, switching off power etc without success. Tried to contact Virgin service by phone - waited 30 minutes without success. Next time cut off. Time after that cut off. Fourth time waited 40 minutes without success. Then had a bright idea - phone the option that I wanted to leave Virgin. Got through straight away ! ! ! Explained to the young lady that I had a fault and unless it was fixed I would leave Virgin. Surprise, surprise, within ten minutes an engineer rang back and asked for my mac number. He agreed that I was not receiving a signal and booked in an engineer to sort ot the problem. The following day my broadband was up and runnning again. Phoned Virgin to tell them all was OK after waiting 20 minutes to get through. I spoke with a lady in India who I could barely understand to cancel the engineer coming. To sum up Virgin Broadband is excellent but their service scores -1000 out of 1000. It's by far the worst I have ever experienced not to mention 5 hours of my time.

daveetwo 04-12-2009 13:21

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
Eurosport often seem to suddenly change programs without telling customers so,Given that its almost impossible to find a way to talk to eurosport themselves, i called virgin.
All i suggested was whether someone could call Eurosport and try to encourage them to at least tell customers whats going to happen to a cancelled program.
The Virgin reply was they could do nothing because they had no number for eurosport nor ever spoke to them.
Virgin simply bought packages and didnt speak to them.
Seems a wierd way to negotiate what i though were complex contracts.

Digital Fanatic 05-12-2009 17:56

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience

Originally Posted by daveetwo (Post 34920914)
Eurosport often seem to suddenly change programs without telling customers so,Given that its almost impossible to find a way to talk to eurosport themselves, i called virgin.
All i suggested was whether someone could call Eurosport and try to encourage them to at least tell customers whats going to happen to a cancelled program.
The Virgin reply was they could do nothing because they had no number for eurosport nor ever spoke to them.
Virgin simply bought packages and didnt speak to them.
Seems a wierd way to negotiate what i though were complex contracts.

CSR's won't have numbers for Eurosport, but the business obviously does. We are not responsible for the output of the channels with regards to late changes etc. I would suggest contacting Eurosport via their webpage.

Click Me!

HTH :)

daveetwo 05-12-2009 22:34

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience

Originally Posted by Digital Fanatic (Post 34921654)
CSR's won't have numb ers for Eurosport, but the business obviously does. We are not responsible for the output of the channels with regards to late changes etc. I would suggest contacting Eurosport via their webpage.

Click Me!

HTH :)

I did realise that virgin have no control over the situation and made that clear in the first thing i said to them. Just dissappointed that there was no way virgin could at least let eurosport know that thier service was not as good as it could be.
Eurosport dont reply to customers who email them or try to contact them.
(By the way, being told that NO ONE at virgin ever talked to eurosport, even during contract negotiations, was taking me for a fool)
ps.The only contact points on the link are not for customers by the look of it. Careers, press, advertising, program licencing are the options.

sniperdude 06-12-2009 00:58

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
hit and miss

mundakudi 08-02-2010 15:13

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
I am using Virgin 10 Mbps link and I have never had any problem.

I will recommend it to all friends and everyone.


Bigbelly 28-02-2010 18:54

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
New smart cards - what a joke

despite chasing ours for over three weeks after we were told we should have it , Virgin eventiually decide to send another

4 or 5 days later it arrives ~ installed ~ get the Congrats screen, then after 24 hours or so - cant record, Cant get V+ services, losing channels - cant stop / fwd or rewind -- and now down to basic freebie channels

Infact I get more on my freeview box in the spare bedroom.

OH - and a second card arrived 3 days later -- same thing

Now I apprecite that things go wrong, but why is there such a long wait for an engineer to visit to resolve it ? Could it be that Virgin are having so many problems that the engineers are over stretched ?

I am seriously thinking if I need the hastle and especially at the price, because it's not just the cost of teh Virgin, but the fortune on the phone to call them, and now having time off to let the engineer in ~ I can see why people use the streaming versions on the net

I dont measure a company by what they provide, but how they resolve issues when they go wrong and on a scale of 1 to 10, I give Virgin minus 8
One p***ed off punter !

Digital Fanatic 28-02-2010 19:03

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience

Originally Posted by Bigbelly (Post 34972324)
New smart cards - what a joke

despite chasing ours for over three weeks after we were told we should have it , Virgin eventiually decide to send another

4 or 5 days later it arrives ~ installed ~ get the Congrats screen, then after 24 hours or so - cant record, Cant get V+ services, losing channels - cant stop / fwd or rewind -- and now down to basic freebie channels

Infact I get more on my freeview box in the spare bedroom.

OH - and a second card arrived 3 days later -- same thing

Now I apprecite that things go wrong, but why is there such a long wait for an engineer to visit to resolve it ? Could it be that Virgin are having so many problems that the engineers are over stretched ?

I am seriously thinking if I need the hastle and especially at the price, because it's not just the cost of teh Virgin, but the fortune on the phone to call them, and now having time off to let the engineer in ~ I can see why people use the streaming versions on the net

I dont measure a company by what they provide, but how they resolve issues when they go wrong and on a scale of 1 to 10, I give Virgin minus 8
One p***ed off punter !

Sorry to hear you are having problems, the majority of customers have had no issues in regards to the card swap. You may have a faulty chip reader in the box that only came to light once the card was removed?

Hope it gets sorted soon for you. :)

:welcome: to the forum BTW

RickySonic 11-03-2010 09:20

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience

Originally Posted by tdadyslexia (Post 34427006)
Hi All

First time on here and all becouse of Virgin.

I am only a Virgin Media Broadband customer now, and it looks like I won't be for much longer.

I get india when phoning Technical Support for my Broadband the line reception is rubbish, and on one of the calls to try and solve a problem they disconnected me. :doh:

I will not be phoning up again, it is the worst Customer Support Centre that I know of, and to top it off they don't speak English or understand English. :dunce:

If I need Technical Support again I may end up leaving them by canceling my subscription - yes it's that bad. :mad:

My connection Cuts off daily, Virgin Media have stopt me from using the proxy server, watt an NTL Technical Support gived me back in 2003, to help stop this problem from going on. :no:

It is a known problem, well don Virgin Media. :grind: :afire: :mad:

---------- Post added at 09:20 ---------- Previous post was at 09:20 ----------

Look this thread is from 2007 and VM are still as crap as they were then.

I hate this company with a vengeance.

The two worst companies I have had the displeasure to deal with are without question Three Mobile – man they are seriously crap and VM – really poor service all round, with a technical support system which basically doesn’t work at all.

I would rate VM as being worse than the NHS – I know; but it is.

How the VM CEO keeps his job is a mystery to me!

daveetwo 11-03-2010 10:16

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience

Originally Posted by RickySonic (Post 34978171)

---------- Post added at 09:20 ---------- Previous post was at 09:20 ----------

Look this thread is from 2007 and VM are still as crap as they were then.

I hate this company with a vengeance.

The two worst companies I have had the displeasure to deal with are without question Three Mobile – man they are seriously crap and VM – really poor service all round, with a technical support system which basically doesn’t work at all.

I would rate VM as being worse than the NHS – I know; but it is.

How the VM CEO keeps his job is a mystery to me!

There is another way for customer support rather than the phone.
For another week or so virgin media has news support group.
Its soon to be replaced by a help and support forum here:
At a certain date the staff manning the newsgroups are moving to the help forums.

Digital Fanatic 11-03-2010 11:05

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience

Originally Posted by daveetwo (Post 34978204)
There is another way for customer support rather than the phone.
For another week or so virgin media has news support group.
Its soon to be replaced by a help and support forum here:
At a certain date the staff manning the newsgroups are moving to the help forums.

22nd March is the official date for Support on the forum :)

RickySonic 11-03-2010 13:17

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience

Originally Posted by daveetwo (Post 34978204)
There is another way for customer support rather than the phone.
For another week or so virgin media has news support group.
Its soon to be replaced by a help and support forum here:
At a certain date the staff manning the newsgroups are moving to the help forums.

Cool - I'll give it a go. Thanks.

FractalFragger 02-04-2010 11:51

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
well im a staff member and tbh the card swap has been nothing but hassle all we get is unactivated cards and lost in post WTF is going like sort it out!!!

Hiroki 02-04-2010 17:19

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
Customer services at Virgin are as much use as a chocolate fire guard, if they are not lying to you then they are telling you the wrong information and calling back up later to correct their mistakes.

I took the step a while ago of recording every conversation with Virgin Media as I was so sick of the lies, obviously I inform them of this before we start and most of them are happy to be recorded and give me things like their name and such for my own records but every now and then you get asked to redial and try again.

I admit that I can't play the calls back to anyone on the Virgin side even if they lied to me but at least I have names to trace their lies when contacting the complaints section. Even then though if you do complain and get contacted by someone from the head office they turn out to be the biggest liars under the sun.

They have some major problems at the company :rolleyes:

brendar7639 10-06-2010 03:15

Re: Virgin Media Customer Service- Your Personal Experience
What's up everyone, I'm new to the forum and just wanted to say hey. Hopefully I posted this in the right section!

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