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joglynne 01-08-2009 21:25

Re: CF: Clickers Corner

Originally Posted by lauzjp (Post 34845353)
thanks Jo! :D

I do try, though I'm really quite impatient. I haven't got an automatic eye, or I just can't translate what I think would make a good photo into what ends up through the camera lense! Practice practice practice I guess? :shrug:

I know what you mean.

When I see something that interests me I sometimes shoot 20+ pictures, just moving slightly to the left and right then at varying heights. Sometimes the first quick shot can't be bettered but usually, for me, it's the last couple of shots that are the best. It's as if I subconsciously get to know the subject better when I have spent more time concentrating on it so that the last few shots I make are almost on auto pilot and capture something I hadn't seen originally.

Originally Posted by Thomas T (Post 34845359)
I've got a samsung 8megapixel thing but I couldn't tell you the make. Most of the time though I use the camera on my phone.

:D I hate the phone and fought against the pressure to have a mobile phone bothering me when I was out, but when they started building in cameras I gave in and got one. At least having a built in camera in your phone means you can take photos where ever you are.

Now if someone could teach me how to send a picture I have taken on my phone to a contact I would be really grateful. Tried to do it on several occasions and ended up coming home each time and sending the photos by email. :dunce:

Jon T 01-08-2009 21:36

Re: CF: Clickers Corner
I've got a Fuji Finepix S6500FD and a Panasonic Lumix DMC-LS85.

Giving very serious thought to getting an SLR, probably a Canon.

Angua 02-08-2009 08:03

Re: CF: Clickers Corner
Hubby has a Nikon D80 which I have borrowed in the past to take shots for the competitions he also has a hefty Sigma 50-500 lens which is great for close ups and distance shots but he is now after a macro lens for real close up shots. Daughter now has the use of his old Nikon F40 and she puts us all to shame with her natural eye for a great shot (costs a fortune in film & developing though). :D

Delta Whiskey 02-08-2009 08:12

Re: CF: Clickers Corner

Originally Posted by Angua (Post 34845528)
Hubby has a Nikon D80 which I have borrowed in the past to take shots for the competitions he also has a hefty Sigma 50-500 lens which is great for close ups and distance shots but he is now after a macro lens for real close up shots. Daughter now has the use of his old Nikon F40 and she puts us all to shame with her natural eye for a great shot (costs a fortune in film & developing though). :D

I'm looking at buying a macro lens for my D90, a friend has lent me a Tamron 90mm macro lens to have a play with (guess who spent the first few minutes wondering why he couldn't zoom). Previous to that I was using a set of close up filters I bought off e-bay for £16, they are OK for occasional use but the quality is less than stellar.

lauzjp 02-08-2009 15:23

Re: CF: Clickers Corner

Originally Posted by joglynne (Post 34845379)
I know what you mean.

When I see something that interests me I sometimes shoot 20+ pictures, just moving slightly to the left and right then at varying heights. Sometimes the first quick shot can't be bettered but usually, for me, it's the last couple of shots that are the best. It's as if I subconsciously get to know the subject better when I have spent more time concentrating on it so that the last few shots I make are almost on auto pilot and capture something I hadn't seen originally.

AAAAAAH! So I should try to take lots of photos and then just see what looks 'good'? Cool. :dunce: I honestly never thought to do that, :LOL: I need to experiment more methinks. Thanks Jo! :tu:

joglynne 02-08-2009 15:56

Re: CF: Clickers Corner

Originally Posted by lauzjp (Post 34845751)
AAAAAAH! So I should try to take lots of photos and then just see what looks 'good'? Cool. :dunce: I honestly never thought to do that, :LOL: I need to experiment more methinks. Thanks Jo! :tu:

That's what I love about digital cameras, not having to worry about the cost of developing multiple shots of the same subject.

I used to hate going to pick up my photos from the Chemists. All that money spent and out of 20 shots at least 10 would just be fit for the bin as I could never could get the hang of getting the whole of a persons head with in the frame. I used to have packets and packets of duff photos which I kept on the grounds that I had paid good money for them and maybe, by some miracle, they would get better with the passing of time.

I had quite an extensive collection of thumb shots at one point and as a joke I mounted them in a large frame and attempted to pass them off as a piece of modern art . Funnily enough no one bought it. :D

alferret 02-08-2009 16:37

Re: CF: Clickers Corner
Currently use a Fuji 5800, pretty limited but great for macro's.
Also use a point n click Fuji A350.

I would like a Sony A350 which is\would be the top end of any DSLR budget I may get (birthday soon)

Used to have a Nikon F40 & a Minolta dynax 5000i in my pre digital days.
I did have albums full of shots I had taken but my stupid dumb ex decided they would look better at the tip so she got rid of them all.

lauzjp 03-08-2009 12:45

Re: CF: Clickers Corner

Originally Posted by joglynne (Post 34845763)
I used to have packets and packets of duff photos which I kept on the grounds that I had paid good money for them and maybe, by some miracle, they would get better with the passing of time.

I had quite an extensive collection of thumb shots at one point and as a joke I mounted them in a large frame and attempted to pass them off as a piece of modern art . Funnily enough no one bought it. :D

aw, :LOL: thanks Jo, very reassuring that I can get better with practice! :tu:

Raistlin 03-08-2009 13:30

Re: CF: Clickers Corner
My collection includes an Olympus OM1, a Minolta Dynax, a Sony Cybershot, and the camera on my iPhone.

The iPhone's fine for what I call 'happy snapper' type shots, but it's not good for serious photography. The Sony takes a great picture, but you really don't get the control that you get with an SLR.

I like the results that I get with the Minolta and the Olympus, I just can't be bothered messing around with film any more - especially as all the places locally that you can get it developed seem to do such a poor job of it.

Ideally I'd like a decent digital SLR, but as usual money is the biggest problem here. I love taking photographs, just can't seem to feel inspired working in film any more :(

Halcyon 03-08-2009 15:34

Re: CF: Clickers Corner
At the moment it is a Sony W100 compact camera.
I intend on getting a DSLR hopfully around Christmas time as having seen some great airplane closeups I would like to start taking good photos of planes as well asmany other things of course.
The zoom is the main limiter on my small camera and also not being able to change shutter speeds or vary the focussing.
So if anyone can reccomend any models, go ahead.
I take it Nikon and Canon are the main ones to look for.

Delta Whiskey 03-08-2009 16:21

Re: CF: Clickers Corner

Originally Posted by Halcyon (Post 34846395)
So if anyone can reccomend any models, go ahead.
I take it Nikon and Canon are the main ones to look for.

As you say the main two are Nikon and Canon although Sony and Olympus are options as well. I can speak for Nikon cameras, I have a D90 and I've used a D40, D80, D200 and D300.

The entry level Nikon is the new D3000 which is due out at the end of August with a RRP of £500 (with a 18-55mm VR lens), if you have a bit more to spend then the D90 with 18-105mm zoom lens is around £800.

If you have even more money to spend then you can buy the D300s (£1500 body only), D700 (£1800 body only) and the D3x (£5000 body only).

joglynne 03-08-2009 16:22

Re: CF: Clickers Corner
I think I am going to dip my toe into the DSLR pool but I am a bit loath to spend a load of money on something so complicated I never end up using it. I have been talking with a friend and he has suggested I have a look at the 2nd hand market. He has recommended Wildings as he has used them in the past. Has anyone else used this firm as a second recommendation would be reassuring.

If I go this route I will be looking for a something that is one step up from my point and click models. If I were to buy new I quite fancy the Olympus E-420 Digital SLR which I have found it at around £200 to £230 from sellers I don't know and at £299 from Jessops who I have at least heard of.

What I would value your input on is...If I was to spend around £250ish on a second hand camera something on the lines of the Olympus is there an alternative camera that you would recommend I look out for?

Add...probably a sill question but would my old lenses from my Olympus OM10 fit one of the new DSLR camers?

Halcyon 03-08-2009 16:44

Re: CF: Clickers Corner
I can't really go for anything over £800 so the £1000+ range of camera's are untouchable for me.
I'm thinking £500-£800. Depends how much I want to put on credit card or save up lol.

I've read that DSLR's tend to have different sized sensors but I guess at my prce point I shouldnt really worry about that?
From a quick browse the other day I seem to quite like the Nikon range.

Once I buy a DSLR, do I need to buy addional lenses or are the packaged ones not bad?
Also, are all lenses compatible?
A little like motherboards, I don't want a motherboard that won't take the new CPU.

Sorry for all the questions. I appreciate your help.
I was actually looking at the D80 the other day but maybe is it worth waiting for this new D3000?

Delta Whiskey 03-08-2009 16:48

Re: CF: Clickers Corner

Originally Posted by joglynne (Post 34846442)
I think I am going to dip my toe into the DSLR pool but I am a bit loath to spend a load of money on something so complicated I never end up using it. I have been talking with a friend and he has suggested I have a look at the 2nd hand market. He has recommended Wildings as he has used them in the past. Has anyone else used this firm as a second recommendation would be reassuring.

If I go this route I will be looking for a something that is one step up from my point and click models. If I were to buy new I quite fancy the Olympus E-420 Digital SLR which I have found it at around £200 to £230 from sellers I don't know and at £299 from Jessops who I have at least heard of.

What I would value your input on is...If I was to spend around £250ish on a second hand camera something on the lines of the Olympus is there an alternative camera that you would recommend I look out for?

Add...probably a sill question but would my old lenses from my Olympus OM10 fit one of the new DSLR camers?

All modern DSLR's have a Program mode where the camera does everything for you, once you've got the hang of that you can try the other settings:
Aperture - you set the f stop the camera does the rest (useful to get rid of distracting background by limiting the Depth of field - DOF - f5.6 has less DOF than f22 for instance).
Shutter - You set the shutter speed the camera does the rest (useful to capture fast moving objects).
Manual - You set shutter and f stop.

You normally see these called the PASM set. You will also have Scene modes where the camera is set up for landscape, night time etc.

I would rather buy new over second-hand, you never know what sort of use the camera has had, modern cameras are really small computers and expensive to repair.

The Olympus E-420 has had good reviews (What Digital Camera give it 86%).
I don't think it will take the OM10 lenses as it uses the new Four Thirds mount. The Sony A200 might be worth a look (What Digital Camera give it 89%), Amazon have it for £284 -

Sir John Luke 03-08-2009 17:09

Re: CF: Clickers Corner

Originally Posted by joglynne (Post 34846442)
I think I am going to dip my toe into the DSLR pool but I am a bit loath to spend a load of money on something so complicated I never end up using it. I have been talking with a friend and he has suggested I have a look at the 2nd hand market.

How about



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