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papa smurf 01-01-2021 11:47

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by Carth (Post 36064502)
New Year, New Thread, same negative posters :p:

Same whinging drivel, wonder if they need their own mardy arse complainer thread.

jfman 01-01-2021 11:53

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by OLD BOY (Post 36064506)
I started the thread because the transitional agreement has now come to an end, so we are finally free from the dictats of the EU. An occasion well worth celebrating, in my book.

Happy Independence Day!

And happy independence day to you too Old Boy.

I look forward to the great levelling up that the Tories have promised us. Now with full powers, no Brussels bureaucracy we can forge ahead and fix the many problems in our country.

There's no European bogey man to hide behind and politicians need to step up and deliver.

Hugh 01-01-2021 11:55

Re: Britain outside the EU


Spain has reached a deal with the UK to maintain free movement to and from Gibraltar once the UK formally leaves the EU on Friday.

To avoid a hard border, Gibraltar will join the EU's Schengen zone and follow other EU rules, while remaining a British Overseas Territory.

The deal was announced by Spanish Foreign Minister Arancha González Laya, just hours before the UK exits the EU.

1andrew1 01-01-2021 12:06

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by papa smurf (Post 36064507)
Same whinging drivel, wonder if they need their own mardy arse complainer thread.

It already exists. It's called the US election thread. ;)

heero_yuy 01-01-2021 12:15

Re: Britain outside the EU
The flood of illegals across the channel will not reduce but at least it'll be easier to chuck the buggers out.

Chris 01-01-2021 12:33

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by jfman (Post 36064508)
And happy independence day to you too Old Boy.

I look forward to the great levelling up that the Tories have promised us. Now with full powers, no Brussels bureaucracy we can forge ahead and fix the many problems in our country.

There's no European bogey man to hide behind and politicians need to step up and deliver.

In all seriousness this is one of the key benefits of Brexit for me. Everything passed in Westminster (and Holyrood for that matter) is now on the initiative of our own politicians and not the result of a directive from a foreign bureaucracy.

Our general elections will matter in a way more profound than any in a generation.

nashville 01-01-2021 12:43

Re: Britain outside the EU
I say Good Luck to Brexit and I wish the four nations would get together and make it a success, for the United Kingsdom , but Nicola will do her best to upset the apple cart I expect,
Happy New Year to you all,

jonbxx 01-01-2021 12:47

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by heero_yuy (Post 36064512)
The flood of illegals across the channel will not reduce but at least it'll be easier to chuck the buggers out.

It’s the opposite I am afraid. We’re no longer included in the Dublin Agreement;


After this year, the UK will not be able to use the Dublin Regulation to return asylum seekers who travel from EU member states

Maggy 01-01-2021 12:49

Re: Britain outside the EU
Yes but there's no blaming the EU for all that goes wrong now. We have sovereignty and there's only one place we can direct our dissatisfaction at. I hope Boris and co are ready?

Hugh 01-01-2021 13:00

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by Chris (Post 36064514)
In all seriousness this is one of the key benefits of Brexit for me. Everything passed in Westminster (and Holyrood for that matter) is now on the initiative of our own politicians and not the result of a directive from a foreign bureaucracy.

Our general elections will matter in a way more profound than any in a generation.

Unless, of course, they are like Clause 29 in the TCA, which gives the Executive the power to change existing laws without oversight by Parliament...

Executive Democracy rather than Parliamentary Democracy.

TheDaddy 01-01-2021 13:06

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by 1andrew1 (Post 36064495)
Well, Mark Francois of the European Research Group says

Shouldn't we have been doing this research beforehand to inform our negotiations? This suggests to me that Phil Hammond's assertion "we are buying a notional right to diverge, which we will not use, at a very high economic price” may turn out to be correct. Before anyone mentions free ports - we've been able to do those within the EU and tried, but the economics don't add up.

Ugh uber cretin Mark Francois has resurfaced now those "allegations" have gone away

denphone 01-01-2021 13:09

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by Maggy (Post 36064523)
Yes but there's no blaming the EU for all that goes wrong now. We have sovereignty and there's only one place we can direct our dissatisfaction at. I hope Boris and co are ready?

Exactly as they own all the consequences now be them good or bad as they cannot blame the boogeyman anymore as the buck stops with them and them only.

gba93 01-01-2021 13:11

Re: Britain outside the EU

Originally Posted by denphone (Post 36064532)
Exactly as they own all the consequences now be them good or bad as they cannot blame the boogeyman anymore as the buck stops with them and them only.

Which is exactly how it should be (and should always have been).

Damien 01-01-2021 13:12

Re: Britain outside the EU
I just hope things move on and am glad there is a deal.

Paul 01-01-2021 13:23

Re: Britain outside the EU
Here’s an amusing quirk of the new system:


From 1 January you might also need a GB sticker - but it depends on what sort of number plate is on your car.

If it has an EU logo next to the registration number, you will need a sticker.

Plates with GB and a Union flag on them will not require a sticker in most EU countries.
So what if your plates have neither, like mine

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