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Chris 26-02-2012 10:13

Re: Will you buy The Sun on Sunday?

Originally Posted by yesman (Post 35388328)
The NOTW under another name



You poor deluded guy Robin

Nope ... analyst opinion seems to be that it's just a seventh-day printing for the Sun rather than a re-branded NOTW. The content of today's paper is consistent with the Sun rather than the News of the Screws - BBC's Nick Higham calls it "recognisably the Sun, rather than the News of the World: an upbeat family paper with no sleaze, no kiss'n'tells".

Also, Dominic Moghan is editing it, so it is unlikely to develop a different editorial direction from the Sun on Monday to Saturday if the same person is in charge of the whole show.

denphone 26-02-2012 10:13

Re: Will you buy The Sun on Sunday?

Originally Posted by heero_yuy (Post 35388437)
I'm happy with my copy at 50p. Basically the Sun on Saturday but with page three a bit more covered than normal.

Those who say it's just NOTW under a different cover have got it wrong on this outing.

The main feature being about Amanda Holden almost dying during caesarian childbirth could have been in any of the tabloid Sundays.

Gets out tin hat and prepares for incoming.... :D


martyh 26-02-2012 10:21

Re: Will you buy The Sun on Sunday?

Originally Posted by Chris (Post 35388440)
Nope ... analyst opinion seems to be that it's just a seventh-day printing for the Sun rather than a re-branded NOTW. The content of today's paper is consistent with the Sun rather than the News of the Screws - BBC's Nick Higham calls it "recognisably the Sun, rather than the News of the World: an upbeat family paper with no sleaze, no kiss'n'tells".

Also, Dominic Moghan is editing it, so it is unlikely to develop a different editorial direction from the Sun on Monday to Saturday if the same person is in charge of the whole show.

How much do you think it will evolve over the next few months into something similar to the NOTW?.

Chris 26-02-2012 13:00

Re: Will you buy The Sun on Sunday?
I don't think it will. The aim will have been to get the tone the way they wanted it from the outset. If they had wanted to re-launch the NOTW they could have done so from day one.

richard1960 26-02-2012 13:08

Re: Will you buy The Sun on Sunday?
A Shame really because as much as i disliked what the NOTW did on the phone hacking front they also did some very good pieces of journalism such as the Pakistan cricket spot fixing one if it had not been for the NOTW would anybody else have done that i wonder maybe or maybe not.

Whist not liking the sun we do need another investagative journal at the weekend i feel.

Sirius 26-02-2012 13:09

Re: Will you buy The Sun on Sunday?
Well i am happy to confirm i have not given any money towards News international and there sleazeball of a comic. I prefer andrex ;)

marko 26-02-2012 14:10

Re: Will you buy The Sun on Sunday?

Originally Posted by Sirius (Post 35388530)
Well i am happy to confirm i have not given any money towards News international and there sleazeball of a comic. I prefer andrex ;)

How deeply original. Oh, and hurtful too. *Yawn*. I'm quite certain the small army of honest, dedicated and law-abiding professionals who piled in yesterday to produce the new edition at a moment's notice will be cut to the quick by your enormously insightful input and cease publication forthwith.

No matter. Haters hate. End of.

Sirius 26-02-2012 14:46

Re: Will you buy The Sun on Sunday?

Originally Posted by marko (Post 35388577)
How deeply original. Oh, and hurtful too. *Yawn*. I'm quite certain the small army of honest, dedicated and law-abiding professionals who piled in yesterday to produce the new edition at a moment's notice will be cut to the quick by your enormously insightful input and cease publication forthwith.

No matter. Haters hate. End of.

There's always one.

If they had been so dedicated they would not have broken the law but some of them decided to break the law.

They would not be in the position there in now if they had been dedicated enough to report on those within there ranks that were breaking the law therefor standing up for the innocent people they say they support. Anyone who works for a company that hacked in to the phones of innocent people should understand why some of us will not trust them for a very very long time. when they have won back the trust of there readership then i might look at there paper but until that day every time i see them produce an exclusive i will wonder how they got the information in the first place.

---------- Post added at 14:46 ---------- Previous post was at 14:41 ----------


Originally Posted by marko (Post 35388577)
who piled in yesterday to produce the new edition at a moment's notice


Oh come on they have been planning it for weeks.

martyh 26-02-2012 14:48

Re: Will you buy The Sun on Sunday?

Originally Posted by Sirius (Post 35388606)
There's always one.

If they had been so dedicated they would have broken the law but some of them decided to break the law.

They would not be in the position there in now if they had been dedicated enough to report on those within there ranks that were breaking the law therefor standing up for the innocent people they say they support. Anyone who works for a company that hacked in to the phones of innocent people should understand why some of us will not trust them for a very very long time. when they have won back the trust of there readership then i might look at there paper but until that day every time i see them produce a exclusive i will wonder how they got the information in the first place.

The other way of looking at things is the fact they felt the need to hack peoples phones shows a distinct lack of investigative aptitude within the company/s ,which is realy the only reason serious readers would want to buy newspapers these days as any other daily news feeds make the papers out of date as soon as they go to print

Tim Deegan 26-02-2012 20:43

Re: Will you buy The Sun on Sunday?

Originally Posted by Chris (Post 35388527)
I don't think it will. The aim will have been to get the tone the way they wanted it from the outset. If they had wanted to re-launch the NOTW they could have done so from day one.

That would have been business suicide if they had.

Chris 26-02-2012 20:53

Re: Will you buy The Sun on Sunday?

Originally Posted by Tim Deegan (Post 35388849)
That would have been business suicide if they had.

Quite. I don't see there's any way back. Having filled the Sunday void with another edition of the Sun, the Sun's own reputation is firmly on the line if it is perceived as heading back into NOTW territory.

Tim Deegan 26-02-2012 21:32

Re: Will you buy The Sun on Sunday?

Originally Posted by Chris (Post 35388855)
Quite. I don't see there's any way back. Having filled the Sunday void with another edition of the Sun, the Sun's own reputation is firmly on the line if it is perceived as heading back into NOTW territory.

Only time will tell.

Personally I think the Sun's own reputation is bad enough.

marko 26-02-2012 21:55

Re: Will you buy The Sun on Sunday?

Originally Posted by Sirius (Post 35388606)
There's always one.

If they had been so dedicated they would not have broken the law but some of them decided to break the law.

They would not be in the position there in now if they had been dedicated enough to report on those within there ranks that were breaking the law therefor standing up for the innocent people they say they support. Anyone who works for a company that hacked in to the phones of innocent people should understand why some of us will not trust them for a very very long time. when they have won back the trust of there readership then i might look at there paper but until that day every time i see them produce an exclusive i will wonder how they got the information in the first place.

---------- Post added at 14:46 ---------- Previous post was at 14:41 ----------


Oh come on they have been planning it for weeks.

Yes, indeed, there IS always one who actually knows what he's talking about, rather than just guessing.

First off, you say these people broke the law. You've got proof of that, have you? Only it's been widely reported that so far, at least, none of the arrested Sun employees have been charged with anything. In fact, it is generally accepted (as their company has pointed out) that people in this country are perceived as innocent until proven guilty - so much so that these staff members' suspensions were subsequently lifted. So perhaps you'd like to retract your accusation pending future developments? I wonder.

You then suggest that colleagues of those under suspicion should have reported their (alleged) illegal activities. For that to happen, you're assuming these colleagues would have been aware that such questionable activities were taking place. Let's just say I have absolutely no reason to believe that was the case. Let's face it, anyone up to illegal stuff was hardly likely to broadcast it around the office. So, again, you've pointed the finger at an entire raft of people who are entirely innocent, honest, and law-abiding. Nice one.

On the plus side, I take your point completely about the lack of public trust and having to win that back. That's a given in the wake of the allegations that have been reported and is likely to take a very long time.

However regarding the "weeks" of planning thing, you're again well wide of the mark. Yes, there may have been some preparation work on the project, but staffing and pulling the edition together would indeed have been "at a moment's notice" since the proprietor only gave the go-ahead last Sunday. So, again, I'm afraid your ridicule is unfounded.

Whatever you think of News International, News Corp or The Sun, I hope you'll agree it is only fair to portray the situation accurately. Suffice to say, if a tabloid reported events the way you did in your post, it would justifiably expect to find itself before the Leveson Inquiry, or worse.


Peter_ 26-02-2012 22:06

Re: Will you buy The Sun on Sunday?

Originally Posted by marko (Post 35388901)

However regarding the "weeks" of planning thing, you're again well wide of the mark. Yes, there may have been some preparation work on the project, but staffing and pulling the edition together would indeed have been "at a moment's notice" since the proprietor only gave the go-ahead last Sunday. So, again, I'm afraid your ridicule is unfounded.

Well if you believe that then you will believe anything, they do say the is one born every minute and a certain mr murdoch will be happy that you are so easily taken in.:rolleyes:

Hugh 26-02-2012 22:12

Re: Will you buy The Sun on Sunday?
He may have only have given the go-ahead a week ago, but like all major projects, everything had to be in place for him to say "Go"....

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