View Full Version : Health and Safety(tools in a workplace)

13-01-2004, 18:29
I have trigger finger at the moment due to holding a file by the blade with no handle on it.What i need to know.......is it illegal to hold a file by the blade for any amount of time like 8 hours a day.
I have been of work with this as i can't close my hand and when i do get it closed the small finger stays locked.I have search the net on trigger finger and it says a small lump on the tendon causes the finger to lock up.
Just need to know would holding this file for 8 hours cause this?and is it illegal.Has any body else had this probem?
I had the nurse over to look at my job and she was not happy with the files.
I am going for industrial injury,do i have a case?
My boss said to the nurse it's always been like this, files with no handles and i was not to no that holding a file for that amount of time was going to damage my hand :confused:

Any help in this matter would be great.............Thanks :)

17-01-2004, 21:03
If it can be proven thats what caused it you have a decent case.