View Full Version : Is this a good book?

02-10-2005, 18:16

I want to learn more about the middle east so i am not a total idiot and Can understand what is going on in the world (considering Middle east is in the news all the time). Is this a good book?

I need something accessible as i have a lot of other calls on me time (uni being one!)

02-10-2005, 19:11

I want to learn more about the middle east so i am not a total idiot and Can understand what is going on in the world (considering Middle east is in the news all the time). Is this a good book?

I need something accessible as i have a lot of other calls on me time (uni being one!)I wouldn't know mate but possibly a good place to start. My general advice would be not to rely on a single text - this is one ideologically loaded subject!

02-10-2005, 19:16
I agree with what with Andyl says... the situation varies completely depending on who you listen to and their beliefs - even if the are neutral.

I have read the "Dummy" books before. They do tend to be really good. Not only are the informative, but they tend to be really funny as well. It should give you a good grounding into the situation for you to refine as well.

Wikipedia tends to be good as well for research. Articles that aren't written impartially, tend to be reported for amendment, although some do slip through.

02-10-2005, 19:20

I want to learn more about the middle east so i am not a total idiot and Can understand what is going on in the world (considering Middle east is in the news all the time). Is this a good book?

I need something accessible as i have a lot of other calls on me time (uni being one!)

I find Wikipedia is good for stuff like this, as it is usually possible to get a fairly objective overview, plus lots of links to the more in depth issues & background, if you want.

<edit> as I see punky thinks too - I agree some newer articles may be prone to bias ;)

02-10-2005, 23:03
I want to learn more about the middle east so i am not a total idiot and Can understand what is going on in the world (considering Middle east is in the news all the time). Is this a good book?
The 'Dummies' series are a good starter on most subjects I've checked out.

Maybe not enough depth, but certainly a broad enough coverage so you'll have a better idea what to make of other sources - e.g. Wikipedia, online news etc.

They're usually not hugely expensive, so if you're keen enough to make a start getting up to speed on something, then they're one way to go.

02-10-2005, 23:57

I want to learn more about the middle east so i am not a total idiot and Can understand what is going on in the world (considering Middle east is in the news all the time). Is this a good book?

I need something accessible as i have a lot of other calls on me time (uni being one!)

The BBC have a great section on their news site which is a country guide, which does offer a lot of good information about historical facts, but in an easy to swallow chunk..and of course it's all part of the licence fee you pay as a student! (You do have a license don't you?)

If so, click here....


03-10-2005, 19:18
Every author has an agenda - a bias. To this end, there's no such thing as a good book - best to read several and reach your own conclusions.

03-10-2005, 23:15
I'd take issue with that. A good journalist (not that there are many left these days) is able to present both sides of a story in a complete unbiased way to allow the reader/listener/viewer to make up their own minds. On the whole the BBC are still reasonable to this end, but not many more.

The other way of getting the story is to listen to biased stories from both sides, then make your own mind up.