View Full Version : pulse or tone

06-05-2012, 08:58

I have a virgin media land line with a conventional phone in use, however been on the internet and looking to purchase one of the many retro old fashioned dial phones from e bay
These phones have been converted and bought up to date to work on BT lines and state that the line needs to be PULSE dialing otherwise the bells won't ring and not tone dialing
Does anyone know if the virgin land line is PULSE or TONE and will these converted retro dial phones work on a virgin land line
The phones are not push button but use the old fashioned dial method used in the 60;s and 70's

06-05-2012, 09:24
A quick Google search (http://lmgtfy.com/?q=virgin+media+pulse+dialling)reveals they do support pulse dialling for backwards compatibility but who’s to say how long they continue to support it.
DTMF tones are needed to user many services and these would not be available on a pulse dialling phone i.e. when you dial 1471 and it say press 3 to return the call. You would not be able to.

06-05-2012, 10:39
However, be aware that the "Automatic Answer Machines" (Press 1 for.. Press 2 for.. etc) will NOT work with Pulse dialing. So if you have a fault, you won't be able to report it on VM!

06-05-2012, 10:48
Well most call centres transfer you to a openerator by default if you don't make a sellection after a short timeout period, I think it's for this very reason.