View Full Version : 100M Superhub IP Address

30-11-2011, 19:14
Had my superhub installed today, as part of my upgrade to 100Mb, and I noticed something interesting (relatively speaking of course).

Upon initial startup, the device rebooted a few times as it upgraded to the latest firmware, took about 5-10 minutes in all. All good and to be expected.

Once I logged into the device, I had a quick look at the superhub status, and noticed that I had an IP address in the 82.44.x.x range. The next thing I did was switch to modem mode as I will be using my own router.

After doing that, I went to thinkbroadband to create a new monitor as I now had a new IP address (my previous one was 94.169.x.x). Strangely, the site said that I already had a monitor for my IP address, which had now changed back to the 94.169 range!

I had thought that the change of MAC address would have meant I received a new IP address, but it seems my previous address had been assigned to my new MAC address (or the superhub had been given my 'old' MAC address).

Does this mean I now have a quasi-static IP address now or am I talking nonsense? :)

30-11-2011, 19:24
Once you went to modem mode the IP address of the router (or PC if no router) would be the same as previous pre-superhub settings.. as the lease is at least a few days as long as you use that mac again you should get the IP back.

30-11-2011, 19:46
Ah OK, I think that makes sense. In modem mode the DHCP server would have seen my own router (again) and so would have passed back the leased IP address. The 82.44.x.x address was assigned to the router inside the superhub?

Not as mysterious as I thought then :)


30-11-2011, 19:49
Yep, the superhub will only use it's internal lan mac for the connection when it's in router mode... in modem mode as far as the UBR is concerned the only thing to have changed for the lease is the modem which it ignores..