View Full Version : Reverse DNS change?

12-05-2010, 15:11
For the past YEARS my ip was an 82.* and the rDNS has ended in .ntl.com, but this morning, the modem rebooted itself, and I now have a 62.255.* ip and the rDNS now ends in virginmedia.com.

Does anyone know if this is likely to be a permanent change, as I'd need to open a support ticket with my website host and make some changes to a config file on my webhost if it is.

12-05-2010, 16:30
I believe that all ntl.com (and for that matter telewest) rDNS's will eventually be phased out

12-05-2010, 16:32
Does anyone know if this is likely to be a permanent change?

Yes it will be.

12-05-2010, 17:08
I had a virginmedia.com ip but after my account had its MAC address lost 2 weeks ago when it eventually came back online i was back on NTL ip.

However today i'm back on to the Virginmedia one which needed me to reboot the modem to get internet.