View Full Version : Help Noob Here :)

21-02-2010, 19:14
Yh So I used to have 20 mb and i got a upgrade all done on the 16 th to the
50 mb , all the speeds check out i get 49.06 download 1.20 upload

yet when it gets to 5pm i seem to lag on online games both fifa and mw2 , on fifa 10 it seems to stop every few secs , on mw2 dos'nt show me lagging on my screen but when i watch kill cam of them killing me shows me jumping all over the place.

it gets to about 11pm then starts to go bak to normal and between 5pm and 11 pm when trying to do a speed test every now and then says error when testing Latency , On PingTest.Net Im Getting ...

Packet Loss 0 %
Ping 36Ms
Jitter 34ms

21-02-2010, 20:50
Peak time. Everybody's trying to do the same as you and VM's upstream infrastructure can't hack it.

21-02-2010, 20:56
In short, every one is hammering it.

22-02-2010, 05:36
Man im another mug letting them get away with it

peak times ping is over 80 and jitter about 50-50 and few packets lost

reckon they sort it out if i give them a call or should i just give up because vm has over sold in my area ?

22-02-2010, 11:35
As my old guvner used to say,if you cant take a joke you should not have joined !

22-02-2010, 15:42
Peak time my friend! I have the same trouble! We all do :(