View Full Version : modems

01-07-2009, 20:53
what are their uses?
if i have my router plugged into my set top box,
then wireless signals sent from my router to all the pc's/consoles on my network, do i have any need for a modem?

01-07-2009, 20:59
Yes. The modem translates the RF signals that the cable network uses into the Ethernet signals the Router uses.

Edit: Misread the post. However, the modem used in the STBs is unreliable for high speeds. You don't really need a modem if you don't want the speeds, but they are more reliable and faster.

01-07-2009, 21:01
Yes you do need a modem.

In your case, the stand alone modem can handle better speeds than the set top box.
These were fine when broadband started but are not as good as a stand alone modem.

As for modems and routers......

The router acts as a sort of messenger routing all your data accross your network.

A modem is necessary to get all that data translated from your computer into a format that can go down into the world and be sent all over the Internet.
The cable modem connects you to your service provider and establishes a connection allowing you to send and receive over the Internet.

On ADSL packages you often will find you can buy built in modem/routers which have both parts together.

More info here:



01-07-2009, 21:05
using the set top box for the broadband is not used anymore in yorkshire anyway also a seperate signal has to be sent to the set top box to activate the modem inside so if its not done it wont work and if the set top box fails you have no broadband either