View Full Version : Back to my mac with Virgin

03-04-2009, 09:59

I'm trying to set back to my mac up with and airport extreme and a USB disk.

Can i ask, does anyone here use virgin and back to my mac sucessfully?

I'm on the 10meg package..



03-04-2009, 10:03
I've never used Back to my Mac. But I do use iChat to do support for my parents (recent Mac converts) and that uses the VNC protocol that BTMM uses and it works fine. Are you having any issues, or asking before you start?

03-04-2009, 10:09
Thanks for the reply.
I'm kinda having issues but am relativly new to mac's (Im a network admin for windows) so its probably something stupid i havnt checked.

Here's what i'm doing.

I got an airport extreme last night and added a USB disk to it.
I only have 1 mac (macbook)
I wanted to be able to access files on my USB hard disk connected to the Extreme over the internet.

I got the Extreme last night and the first thing i did was to upgrade to the latest firmware. I then setup the secure wireless network with no problems. After that I attached the USB drive and can read/write to it fine from the internal network.

I then entered my mobileme credentials in the airport to enable me to access the drive over the web.

I've come into work today with my macbook and tried to see the drive in finder. but cant.

Now here I have a proxy setup on the network and our internet is heavily filtered (I work at a School)

I'm thinking that i may not be able to access the drive because of the network here. So i'm going to try it at my parents house tonight and see if that makes a diference.

03-04-2009, 11:06
I remember school internet access... there was always a backdoor password to unblock everything :)

03-04-2009, 11:12
I remember school internet access... there was always a backdoor password to unblock everything :)

lol. Not on my network there isnt.

We had to scrap the unfiltered line due to the LEA..
So even the IT staff's internet gets filtered too now.

Although at least what we do on the computer isnt monitored like it is for staff and pupils. Every swear word gets picked up. It can be a nightmare!

03-04-2009, 11:33
Well I guess it differs in each area of the UK. Our internet access when I worked at the school was provided by the YHGfL (Yorkshire & Humber Grid for Learning) and they provided (through the LEA) various filters for different age ranges, with passwords, and IT Staff got the unfiltered password, due to certain sites only being available via that.

03-04-2009, 23:46
I would allow ICMP responses on the airport and see if you can ping it from work, it does seem possible to use different protocols though the man page (http://developer.apple.com/DOCUMENTATION/Darwin/Reference/ManPages/man8/ping.8.html) is not very forrthcoming on how to.