View Full Version : ntl: Just Left

30-09-2006, 12:23
Just updating you lot with my case, the guy said the connection is probably weak, so he said he's going to boost the connection at the cab.

He said to give him a call back at around 6pm to tell him if the problem is still happening (Getting below 1Mbps) then they will change the wires coming to our house (He says they may be old)

Anyway im not to sure what he means by boost but hopefully it'll do something.

30-09-2006, 13:13
Boost = Tech term for hit the bugger with a hammer, and if still don't work hit it harder with a bigger hammer :D

Bill C
30-09-2006, 13:26
Just updating you lot with my case, the guy said the connection is probably weak, so he said he's going to boost the connection at the cab.

He said to give him a call back at around 6pm to tell him if the problem is still happening (Getting below 1Mbps) then they will change the wires coming to our house (He says they may be old)

Anyway im not to sure what he means by boost but hopefully it'll do something.

what he means is he has increased the amount of signal entering your house from the cabinet. Often Miss stated as boasting your signal.

30-09-2006, 13:28
But there are about 9 ntl cabs in total on my street, how does he know which one i am on?

30-09-2006, 13:56
Good grief... 9 Cabs? How big is your street? :erm:

I suspect, it will be recorded on your account which cab your in.

Bill C
30-09-2006, 14:12
But there are about 9 ntl cabs in total on my street, how does he know which one i am on?

It should have been on his cognito laptop. Cab and mux details.

30-09-2006, 14:27
My street is the same size as all the others that come of the main street, all those streets have 1 cab, yet mine has loads :S

Most are at the end of the road, then one half way through, then 2 at the other sides end of the street ...

Also, how long till i see a difference from this boost? He left at 12.30 and i notice no difference?

Graham M
30-09-2006, 14:45
Should be instant.

30-09-2006, 14:47

Do i need to reboot modem? or computer?

Graham M
30-09-2006, 15:28
You could try rebooting your Modem, rebooting your PC would have no affect as the problem is/was on NTLs network as you say

07-10-2006, 14:10
Just thought i'd say, it made no difference at all - **** speeds as per usual.

But i know the problem, ntl have identified it and are *STILL* working on it after 3 months ...