View Full Version : Cooking

07-02-2005, 08:57
Who else likeds to cook?
I`ve got a little forum going to get a few people together exchanging recipies etc. here http://hamburger-deluxe.co.uk/phpBB/ If you like cooking come and take a look. Let me know what you think.

07-02-2005, 11:30
I'l check it out.
I like cooking. But it depends on when I have the time.
I certainly enjoy cookingand make sure I use vegetables and fruit everyday. I think you can eat much healthier meals when doing your own cooking.
Cooking is great as you can try out some great tasting recipes and discover so much.
Good idea you have had there with your forum.

07-02-2005, 12:19
I'l check it out.
I like cooking. But it depends on when I have the time.
I certainly enjoy cookingand make sure I use vegetables and fruit everyday. I think you can eat much healthier meals when doing your own cooking.
Cooking is great as you can try out some great tasting recipes and discover so much.
Good idea you have had there with your forum.

Well it`s only small, but with a bit of luck it will grow. You never can tell :D